

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Isaiah 2:5-22 and Exodus 11.  Both of these scripture references are about serious judgments being carried out against those whose rebellion towards God has reached its limits with the Lord -- so disaster is not just decreed, but carried out.  The Almighty has allowed their extreme arrogance, greed, idolatry and sorcery to go on for so long so it would fill the cup of judgment against them -- then His wrath gets poured out. I recall getting Isaiah chapters 2-3 just before Katrina hit New Orleans and the southern coast of the U.S.  Actually, I had received a prophetic word that a great disaster was going to hit the U.S. a few months prior to that as well, but this passage explained why that area of the U.S. was hit -- areas seeped in witchcraft are always prime for disaster.  However, this time I received a dream to help me discern who exactly this word is for, but I'll get to that in a moment. In addition to extreme arro...

Irresponsible Tyrants, Who Disregard God's Law

Greetings in the Lord~ A few days ago I got the urge to read Psalm 69 and that got my attention.  Psalm 69 is a psalm of a person urgently crying out to God, desperate to get His attention and seeking relief from overwhelming foes and a terribly unjust situation.  As I read it, I discerned it was about what was going on in Canada, and after some research, found out that the leader of the trucker convoy had been arrested the night before.  I prayed that psalm on her behalf, and for anyone else who had been unduly arrested in the fascist crackdown on their freedom and right to protest.  It's sickening and hard to watch, but I also know that by the Lord having me read and pray psalm 69 on their behalves, He means business.  For that psalm petitions the Lord for some serious reprisals to come to the wicked who are unjustly persecuting the righteous.   The psalmist asks the Lord to bring desolation to their homes, and to make their wealth and luxury become a tra...

White Horse and Rider Will Be Overthrown

Greetings in the Lord~ There are some scripture passages that are hard for me to write about, even to understand at times; then, there are passages that just make me nervous to write about.  That's usually because I have already experienced the significance and impact of those verses and it gives me an inkling (a sinking feeling) of what's to come.  (But, if you've read anything from me over the years, you know that I do not shy away from such prophetic words, no matter what.)  Today's prophetic word comes from such a passage. In 2010, I had a vivid dream of a statue of a white horse and rider.   I would have to go back and re-read my journals for more details, but the big picture was that this horse was galloping fiercely and the rider was obviously a warrior of some sort.  The Lord led me to read Revelation 6 for understanding of the dream.  Obviously, my dream meant that there was an 'antichrist' figure (there have been many throughout history) bein...

How Can Two Walk Together Unless They Are In Agreement?

Greetings in the Lord~ For the past 3 days the Lord has been directing me to read Amos 3.  Now I know when things happen in 3's, its time to slow up and pay attention.  So today I again re-read the chapter and really took time to meditate on its verses, waiting for more discernment as to what the Lord was saying in His Word.   For starters, verses 1-2 jumped out to me: I could hear the Spirit's voice speaking as if He was talking to the United States: "From among all the families on the earth, I have been intimate with you alone.  That is why I must punish you for all your sins." I've said for many years that in all my travels I've come to realize that the United States was the anomaly on the earth in the modern era.  She had been blessed beyond measure; founded on God's principals by Christians that loved Him and trusted that the new land He sent them to would be not only be a shelter from persecution, but that they would indeed flourish and shine with Hi...

What's So Important About a Mask Mandate?

Greetings in the Lord, The other day we were discussing the mask mandates that are being re-issued in our state due to the relatively high number of covid cases and the introduction of the new variant being found in our state.  Some agreed with the mandates citing "health and safety" of the general public.  Yes, that is the temptation that is banging on our door -- do we forego our right to self-choice and the personal freedoms that come with that, or will we suspend and erase those rights and freedoms supposedly for the greater good?   It's interesting to note, that a similar question is being asked in the instance of abortion as well.  Many have believed the supposition of "my body, my choice" for such a long time that I wonder if people even really understand the legal justification given for it (even if that justification is debatable).  If we are indeed "free to choose" because we are the legal steward for our own bodies, then it does stand to rea...

Shocking Things to Come

Greetings in the Lord~ For months now, American prophetic voices have been giving words of warning and admonishment to judges, politicians and heads of state that have engaged in corrupt practices, whether it be wide scope fraud in elections, passing greedy legislation/judgments that would benefit themselves, and using schemes and intimidation and outright lying to get and to hold onto power.  And, those who have been reading or listening to these prophetic words of justice have been (impatiently?) waiting to see something come to pass: "when will God fulfill His words?"  It is hard to wait, and to know that scoffers still mock even though some things HAVE been coming to pass and will CONTINUE to come to pass until all of the words of the Lord have been fulfilled.  So, on that note, I will share today's prophetic word from 1 Samuel 3:11. Then the Lord said to Samuel, "I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel. I am going to carry out all My threats against Eli and ...

A Treasure of Common Sense

  Greetings in the Lord, Today's prophetic word comes from Proverbs 2, which basically talks about the benefits of pursuing, seeking and living according to God's Word, i.e. His wisdom.  And we find out right off the bat that one cannot be truly wise unless they have reverence for the Lord and His Word; scripture calls that fear of the Lord.  So it is not enough to just know what God's Word says, but to respect it enough to elevate it above your own logic, reasoning, or any other conventional knowledge.  In my own life, I interpret this as, "God says what He means and means what He says."  Therefore, I take it as my job to seek out what God says, what He means by saying it, and respecting that He will stand by, apply and enforce His words according to His will.  Yet He is not a capricious God, but rather, His Words are a deep well of true knowledge, a multi-faceted, living Spirit that stands for all-time.  He knows the end from the beginning, and as Cr...

God is Sovereign Over All Health, Wealth and Liberty

  Greetings in the Lord, It's been a little while since I've written so I will combine some words given for this month together, especially since they seem to follow a similar trajectory. The first word comes from Exodus 8-10, which is about the plagues sent against Egypt for the rebellion of Pharaoh.  We all know the story, because of Pharaoh's hardened heart, he would not let the Israelite slaves leave Egypt to worship God in the desert.  But the interesting thing to note about the ten plagues sent against Egypt is that each of them had slightly different objectives.  Some of the plagues were sent only against the Egyptians, thus it differentiated between the Israelites and Egyptians.  Some of the plagues required the people to respond or react to the decree in faith, thus showing that they believed God when He said He was going to do something.  For example, the Egyptians were told to get their servants and animals out of the open field to protect them f...

Unseen Road Ahead, Use the Light of Christ to Proceed

  Greetings in the Lord~ For the past couple of weeks I've been led to read from the book of Amos.  First of all, that prophet is interesting to me, as he was just a regular dude working in the fields when God called him to speak to the northern tribes of Israel.  Who knows why God called Amos, this regular dude, maybe because someone in an official Jewish/religious capacity would have been turned away from the get go, as the northern tribes at that time were idol worshipers for the most part.  It's also interesting how many prophetic voices we have speaking in this day and age that are also just "regular people," called by God to speak out in their sphere of influence or on social media, or what have you.  It's almost like God is intentionally using these regular folks because there is a large portion of the United States that does not or would not listen to anyone who came to them in an official religious capacity, just like in Amos' day.  And these regul...

Speaking Through a Foreign Tongue

Greetings in the Lord~ Today in prayer the Holy Spirit began to tell me: "In September, things will start to change -- stronger and more fierce winds will begin to blow on Biden, beyond his ability to handle it."   Then I saw a vision of Biden speaking at a podium and strong gales of wind swept in and nearly blew him over!  He was desperately clinging on to the podium trying to finish his speech, but each gust of wind combined with the next to increase the force against him.  Finally, he reached a point where he could not speak and just held on like a cartoon character as his body waved horizontally like a wind-torn flag at the top of pole.  It wasn't long after that he was blown away, tumbling and reeling out of control back to Delaware.  Interestingly, the winds blew from the left to the right; I'm not sure if that has significance but it seems so.   As I prayed to understand more, I discerned that as violent events and trying circumstances (even mor...

Decreed From Above -- Magic Veils Torn Off

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Ezekiel 13 and it talks about God decreeing judgment against false prophets that have risen up in the land and have been misleading the people with their lies.  Naturally, reading verses like that always make me take a moment of self-reflection and repent before the Lord, as any conscientious prophetic speaker would do, but I did not feel as though this word had anything to do with the actual prophetic voices coming from within the prophetic community.  No,these "false prophets" are the liberal voices in the mainstream media, White House, Congress and Big Tech / Hollywood who keep trying to whitewash the evil agenda they push.  They keep saying 'all is well', when it is clearly not; and work overtime to discourage the righteous in the land while they encourage the wicked by promising "life" and "peace."  They do not work to 'rebuild the walls' of the nation, but are happy to let it become w...

Teaching Time Trials Begin Soon

 Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Exodus 17 and Acts 17, and I will keep it short and with coded meaning.  In a nutshell, these passages talk about how the burgeoning Israelite community and Church came under persecution from enemies.  In Exodus, these were the descendants of Amalek.  They attacked Israel in the desert at Rephidim, after they had just fought with Moses about not having any water to drink.  In fact, they allowed their complaining to go so far as to doubt his leadership and the Sovereign will of God.  Not good.  They had to go through this ordeal, however, including the attack of the Amalekites, as they were learning to depend and call on God for both protection and provision.  And, the Amalekites became cursed for all time because of their cruel and opportunistic behavior in attacking Israel when they were tired and thirsty.   In Acts 17, we read about Paul and Silas in Greece.  While in the sophisticat...

Et Tu, Brutus?

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Hosea 7 and it discusses more about the corruption with our current presidential administration, but specifically it includes and highlights the evil of those supporting this president and Democrat party these days.  Verses 2-7 are very interesting; first, it specifically points to those who have participated in any evil to put and keep the "king"/Democrats in power: the liars in the mainstream media, Democrat legistators, judges, intelligence community, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, etc.  "Its people don't realize that I am watching them.  Their sinful deeds are all around them, and I see them all.  The people entertain the king with their wickedness, and the princes laugh at their lies.  They are all adulterers, always aflame with lust."  Hosea 7:2-4   Obviously, this passage talks about how deceitful the whole Democrat-supporting community is/has been in their efforts to have them attain power.  And n...

A Crown for David

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from 1 Chronicles 20, and while it is a fairly short chapter, it packs quite a punch.  In the first part we read about Joab, David's right hand man, defeating the city of Rabbah and beheading their king.  He does this without David, as he is back in Jerusalem, but Joab returns with the Ammonite king's crown and places this heavy and ornate piece on David's head.  Then, because Rabbah was the capital city of Ammon, all of Ammon became subject to David and were put into forced labor.  This is a major victory for Joab on David's behalf, as signified by the placing of the Ammonite crown on David's head.  It is an important trophy piece and symbolizes the increase of power, wealth, land and authority from Ammon (enemies of Israel) back to Israel, and specifically, to David.  Likewise, we will begin to see a transition of power in the United States, from the Democrats back to the true leadership of Donald J. Trump,...

Let the Tour of Shame Continue

Greetings in the Lord~ There is a book in the Old Testament called "Nahum."  It is small, only 3 chapters, and it almost never gets used in church readings as it is mainly a decree of the Lord regarding the swift and violent end of Nineveh.  Oh, it expresses encouraging words to those who trust in and love the Lord, but those short refrains can be found in less volatile and dramatic Scriptures almost word for word.  Consequently, this little book gets overlooked...but it is one of my favorites!  You see, before Babylon came on the scene in the ancient world, there was the fierce and formidable Assyrians, with Nineveh as its capital.  This city was built by none other than the Great Hunter himself, Nimrod; the one who was known for his overweening pride, dominance, and contempt for God.  From this corruptible mindset, the city was sown and over the centuries became known for their excessive cruelty, violence, witchcraft and love of riches.  With great o...

Are We There Yet? Yep, Pretty Close

Greetings in the Lord~ Since the last word I posted (May 2021), more truth has leaked through the flimsy wall that has been erected to hold back truth in the U.S. by Big Tech, the mainstream media and current Democratic administration.  This time it was about the Fauci and his emails that detail his knowledge and support of the happenings going on in the research labs of Wuhan, the source of the Covid-19 virus.  That's some juicy truth, for sure!  No wonder he's flipped flopped so many times, it's hard to tow the party line when it keeps changing all the time.  Anyway, who knew the prophetic word would come to pass so soon.  You know, when you release a prophetic word, you just never know how soon things will come to pass or exactly the manner it will unfold.  I guess that is the faith aspect of prophesying God's words.  Oh sure, there are times when the Scripture He puts on your heart will include a time frame: "three days," "a little more than a year...

Waters Will Sweep Away the Dam Wall

Greetings in the Lord~ Over the past year, it had been prophesied that there would be a "reset" of sorts in the prophetic community and it seems to have finally taken root.  But I have to laugh, much of the "reset" was merely getting the prophetic community at large up to speed with those of us who were already prophesying the difficult words of judgment or controversial governmental prophetic words that usually got us sidelined and thrown out of that circle before.  These words are not the popular, feel-good, "encouraging" prophetic words that itching ears wanted to hear.  In fact, there was a whole man-made etiquette within the prophetic community that ultimately kept them from really being influential within our society or even truthful with God's words -- and it almost never dealt with repentance!  Most of it was pure sugar for the soul.  And I am not even exaggerating when I say that even the plethora of secular and political "truth-tellers...

Stand Aside, We'll Take It From Here

Greetings in the Lord, Last night I had an interesting dream that I will share today.  In my dream, I saw Biden leading a video conference meeting with many world leaders.  They were distracted and bored and were speaking to people off-screen because Biden made no sense when he spoke.  Finally, Putin interrupted him and said disgustedly, "I'm sick of this -- you are no leader!  You are an illegitimate leader that stole an election but you are completely incapable of leading!"   A few loud chuckles came from the other leaders as they were looking side to side with smirks on their faces.  "We know very well about these kind of elections," Putin joked, and more laughter rose up.  Then he went on to basically say that he was not going to follow his lead or decision-making on anything and asked to all the other leaders: "How many others feel the way I do?"   One by one all the other world leaders raised their hands -- a complete consensus.  T...