What's So Important About a Mask Mandate?

Greetings in the Lord,

The other day we were discussing the mask mandates that are being re-issued in our state due to the relatively high number of covid cases and the introduction of the new variant being found in our state.  Some agreed with the mandates citing "health and safety" of the general public.  Yes, that is the temptation that is banging on our door -- do we forego our right to self-choice and the personal freedoms that come with that, or will we suspend and erase those rights and freedoms supposedly for the greater good?  

It's interesting to note, that a similar question is being asked in the instance of abortion as well.  Many have believed the supposition of "my body, my choice" for such a long time that I wonder if people even really understand the legal justification given for it (even if that justification is debatable).  If we are indeed "free to choose" because we are the legal steward for our own bodies, then it does stand to reason that mask mandates would NOT be legally justified for the same reason.  SO, that's why it doesn't surprise me that both issues are hot legal topics at present and so far have been ruled mostly in agreement to the way our Constitution has guaranteed rights and freedoms.  But, it seems that we are in store for some serious legal challenges towards these rights.  And unless we really understand the spiritual deceptions at work, we may miss the fullness of understanding of what true freedom is and why it is essential to safeguard it at all costs.  I did say, "spiritual deceptions," because while this looks like a straightforward, "health and safety" and "greater good" type of argument and how those worthy issues interplay with freedoms and personal rights, there is a sleight of hand spiritual manipulation going on here that maybe few can discern or recognize.  

To understand better, one needs to reference Galatians chapter four.  In this chapter, Paul is concerned with the Galatians and their apparent desire to return to the "principles of this world" and of using their own efforts to reach righteousness in God, rather than putting their faith and trust in the completed work of Jesus Christ, who purchased their salvation with His blood and redeemed them from slaves to sons of God.  As a Christian nation, this idea of spiritual freedom arises from this concept Paul discusses, and it was the notion of how our forefather's constructed the Constitution and the rights and freedoms guaranteed therein.  In a nutshell, it is the juxtaposition of living under elementary natural laws and carnal works of the flesh, i.e religion and laws, versus living with the trust and faith in a God who created us as equals among ourselves, and as free agents in as we submit ourselves to His Sovereignty.  Simply put, true faith in Jesus gives freedom and truth whereas the devil desires to control and deceive.  

As a nation, we were birthed from the desire to escape the controlling power of the combined Church and State, with all their religious pomp and circumstance that cloaked the true demonic spirit at work--a political spirit that desired to be worshiped while controlling its people and wealth and creating a works mentality towards God.  'Be good, follow the rules and you will go to heaven,' more or less, but of course, that system ends up being like a mouse in a wheel that does not lead to God.  Even more, as Paul tries to illustrate to us, to succumb to this system you will be a slave to it, and those on the higher ranks of this system will persecute those who have faith and trust in Christ and that understand that we were created to be free and equal in the eyes of God.  In fact, all those who put their trust and worship in the things of this world will persecute those who are free in Christ and understand the true benefits of putting their faith in Jesus.  

But some may say, "Ah, where is the 'health and safety' and 'greater good' part of the discussion?  Obviously, when you are talking about a virus with a 96.6% survival rate, the greater good is already accounted for; it's the less than 4% that need to be addressed.  No, the real issues are about societal control, dictating the economy, and reinforcing power over the masses.  And that, has nothing to do with 'health and safety' either.  It is a very simple instance of using a pandemic to exert and maintain control by using fear and intimidation and propaganda, and that is a classic political/religious spirit at work.  

Now, much, much more could be written about all this, but suffice to say that today's prophetic word is talking about the great clash and persecution that will arise and is happening from those that are "slaves" to the elementary and carnal principles of this world and who are being deceived by or are adherents to a political/religious spirit, versus those that are true "sons" of God, that hold to the freedoms the Lord has created us in us and put their faith in God as Creator and Master of all things who, by our faith in Him, has set us free.  

Having said that, I know that most people would not put our current events of mask mandates, lock downs, Constitutional challenges and so on in such a light or viewpoint, but that is the spiritual lens from which I am speaking.  Much of true prophecy comes from that perspective anyway, which is why scoffers and mockers and doubters cannot comprehend or properly understand true prophecy and end up saying things that testify to their corrupt spiritual conditions.  Oh well.  

So today we pray that the Lord will continue to open the eyes of His people to recognize the true deceptions at hand, and to give them the courage to confront, throw down and speak against those efforts which are based on the elementary principles of this world while calling out the true demonic agendas of those seeking to oppress the free sons of God.  We pray that all those who put their trust in Jesus Christ will find their place on the wall to stand firm and withstand the coming persecutions in complete peace and trust in God our Rock, who sustains, protects and provides all things according to His perfect purpose. In Jesus' name, Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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