How Can Two Walk Together Unless They Are In Agreement?

Greetings in the Lord~

For the past 3 days the Lord has been directing me to read Amos 3.  Now I know when things happen in 3's, its time to slow up and pay attention.  So today I again re-read the chapter and really took time to meditate on its verses, waiting for more discernment as to what the Lord was saying in His Word.  

For starters, verses 1-2 jumped out to me: I could hear the Spirit's voice speaking as if He was talking to the United States:

"From among all the families on the earth, I have been intimate with you alone.  That is why I must punish you for all your sins."

I've said for many years that in all my travels I've come to realize that the United States was the anomaly on the earth in the modern era.  She had been blessed beyond measure; founded on God's principals by Christians that loved Him and trusted that the new land He sent them to would be not only be a shelter from persecution, but that they would indeed flourish and shine with His glory to the ends of the earth.  And so it was and has been for many, many years.  But the prophet now talks of the Lord's discipline.  Why?

Well, in verse 10 the Lord says directly: "My people have forgotten how to do right.  Their fortresses are filled with wealth taken by theft and violence."  We see this on the news - entire retail chains are shutting their doors and leaving cities that have been plagued by roving bands of shoplifters, looters, and mass thievery on a scale that we've not seen before.  But I discern there is more to this.  In fact, people are doing these things because there is a false and destructive narrative being pushed by our liberal elites, both in politics and also in several different industries.  These common criminals feel emboldened and justified in committing their crimes because godless liars and greedy scoundrels ruling the country have perpetuated a godless agenda and strayed far from the will of God for their personal gain.  Those evil "rulers" encourage such wicked behavior calling it "justice" and "equality," while we know that a thief is just a thief and nothing excuses their behavior.  But, many of those ruling elites as well as common thieves do not acknowledge the Lord as the One true God and may even worship false gods and idols outright, so they hardly give a thought to their ways anymore.  At any rate, the whole book of Amos is basically directing its commentary and rebukes from the Lord to these ruling elites.  They have sinned so long they have "forgotten" how to do right.  But there is more to consider in chapter 3.

In verses 3- 6, the prophet asks a bunch of rhetorical questions, such as:

"How can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?"

"Does a young lion growl in its den without first catching its prey?"

"Does a trap spring shut when there's nothing to catch?"

At first read, one might think that the prophet is just linking actions together, implying that if one happens then it is logical that this is why, like when green shoots appear on a tree, we can know it is spring.  BUT, he doesn't use those types of examples; instead, he uses negative imagery like a trap ensnaring after a victim has fallen for the bait, or an alarm blast sounding when there is a threat of danger.  He is saying that great, pervasive sin can only occur on the land when many are in agreement to it, as we discussed above.  Also, he is saying that when you see certain unusual activities happen that you can be sure that a corrupt scheme has been carried out, like when thousands of election ballots arrive in the dead of night for one candidate to overturn the election.  Those obvious instances are a SIGN of corruption.  Like when an international pedophile who is linked to global elites in politics, business, entertainment, etc. is found dead in his jail cell and the video footage of his cell goes missing, along with all of his computer storage files at his house.  Yes, it is a SIGN of corruption that fools no one.  The prophet is saying all these things and then asks, 

"Does disaster come to a city unless the Lord has planned it?"  

So, while the wicked think that they have gotten away with the greatest heist in history, a takeover of power through illegitimate means and every other form of wickedness their hearts desire, the Lord declares beforehand through His prophets that He is making judgment sure.  There absolutely will be punishment on the wicked for their corruption; THE ELITES OF THE LAND HAVE ROBBED AND VIOLATED THEIR DEFENSELESS COUNTRYMEN FOR PERSONAL GAIN AND PLEASURE, so the Lord will render them defenseless on the day of their disaster.   

It's interesting to note that 3 summers ago I gave a word about the Lord raising up "old time prophets" here in the U.S. and lo and behold, YouTube is full of them now, speaking out against the Biden administration and all of the other vile nonsense happening these days.  That is more than a fulfillment of that word, it is Amos 3, verses 3-8 being played out again for all to hear.  

"The Sovereign Lord has spoken -- so who can refuse to proclaim His message?"

It's like: "In case you won't acknowledge the obvious corruption happening on the land, I'm gonna spell it out to you from the heart of the Lord directly, and denounce your actions to your face and tell you that judgment is at hand."   

Then we move onto verse 9:

"Announce this to the leaders of Philistia and to the great ones of Egypt: 'Take your seats now on the hills around Samaria, and witness the chaos and oppression in Israel.'"  

Yup, that is happening as well -- the enemies of the United States, even the whole earth is being invited to watch this administration flounder in their ineptitude and be covered with disgrace for their "great steal."  Every nation on earth knows what scandalous activity took place in our country at the election time and beforehand with the fake media.  No one is fooled.  In fact, some of these enemy nations may have even assisted in the treachery, who knows, but at the very least they could have given advice about how to pull it off.  But now, they are all invited to watch and mock and heckle and scorn and despise the nation that for years had rubbed their moral superiority in the noses of their enemies -- it's kind of sweet justice in a way, I'd say.  Yes, this is part of the discipline the Lord has in store for His rebellious children of the United States that have forgotten to do right.  There's no doubt the Biden administration is poised for some unheard of disgrace, along with those who helped out in their sphere of influence.  I've shared this word in various ways several times this year, and we have seen parts of it come to pass already: corrupt governors, TV news people, politicians, Big Tech CEOs, and actors all removed, stepped down or entangled in legal proceedings -- reaping the corruption their hands and mouths have sown, and especially for the venom and lies they spewed against Trump.  Like it or not, God will protect and vindicate His anointed ones who do His bidding.

The rest of Amos chapter 3 talks about the Lord allowing an enemy to come and plunder and lay low the high places of the land and "destroy the beautiful homes of the wealthy -- their winter mansions and their summer houses, too -- all their palaces filled with ivory."  Well, it is hard to know how things like that will be carried out in today's world, as back in Amos' day it was the Assyrian army that came and sent Israel into exile, fulfilling the word of the Lord.  However, suffice to say that 2022 will be filled with much "turmoil" and exposure and removals from positions of power as hidden networks and alliances and secret sins are brought up from obscurity for those to be held accountable for their wickedness.  

Praise be to God who sees all things and rules justly; Who disciplines those He loves and brings correction to the wayward.  He truly is a God that loves the United States too much to let her continue on a path of self-destruction and shame.  God is good and His punishments are perfect.  Let His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.          



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