Et Tu, Brutus?

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Hosea 7 and it discusses more about the corruption with our current presidential administration, but specifically it includes and highlights the evil of those supporting this president and Democrat party these days.  Verses 2-7 are very interesting; first, it specifically points to those who have participated in any evil to put and keep the "king"/Democrats in power: the liars in the mainstream media, Democrat legistators, judges, intelligence community, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, etc. 

"Its people don't realize that I am watching them.  Their sinful deeds are all around them, and I see them all.  The people entertain the king with their wickedness, and the princes laugh at their lies.  They are all adulterers, always aflame with lust."  Hosea 7:2-4 

Obviously, this passage talks about how deceitful the whole Democrat-supporting community is/has been in their efforts to have them attain power.  And not only is the Biden administration pleased, but I'm sure they feel more confident, like a mafia boss surrounded by his hit men.  But as the verses continue, we find out that these deceitful folks also mock the leader and will throw him under the bus if it suits their fancy.  Prophetic word?  Yes.  In fact, as things begin to crumble in this selfish and treacherous crowd and the weaknesses of the leadership, which has been built on a house of cards, are painfully exposed, these folks are going to get rid of more than one member of their leadership.  Scripture calls this whole crowd adulterers because they are loyal to no one but themselves.  

"On royal holidays, the princes get drunk with wine, carousing with those who mock them.  Their hearts are like an oven blazing with intrigue.  Their plot smolders through the night, and in the morning it breaks out like a raging fire.   Burning like an oven, they consume their leaders.  They kill their kings one after another, and no one cries to Me for help."  Hosea 7:5-7.  

Scripture calls them "princes" because they are not legitimate rulers, but rather, are self-appointed rulers.  But anyway, their time is running short and those they put their confidence in will be their "Brutus.'"  All this is allowed by God to take place because of their insolence towards God Almighty.  They wanted to do things their way, so be it.

The rest of Hosea 7 talks about the "godless foreigners" that this crowd allies with as well.  Leadership runs from one unreliable nation to another to make pacts that will only be broken and betrayed....then, they will be mocked at their failures.  This goes beyond economic and political agreements.  Even Silicon Valley will realize that partnering with China -- because they envy the control China has by its electronic data surveillance on its people -- will prove useless.  To partner with them is to kowtow to them and also be controlled by them.  The dragon doesn't share, it only knows to subvert and dominate.  

Anyway, this word from Hosea 7 is quite interesting, if you ask me, and telling of things to come in the very near future.  As always, I pray the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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