Teaching Time Trials Begin Soon

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Exodus 17 and Acts 17, and I will keep it short and with coded meaning.  In a nutshell, these passages talk about how the burgeoning Israelite community and Church came under persecution from enemies.  In Exodus, these were the descendants of Amalek.  They attacked Israel in the desert at Rephidim, after they had just fought with Moses about not having any water to drink.  In fact, they allowed their complaining to go so far as to doubt his leadership and the Sovereign will of God.  Not good.  They had to go through this ordeal, however, including the attack of the Amalekites, as they were learning to depend and call on God for both protection and provision.  And, the Amalekites became cursed for all time because of their cruel and opportunistic behavior in attacking Israel when they were tired and thirsty.  

In Acts 17, we read about Paul and Silas in Greece.  While in the sophisticated and affluent city of Thessalonica, their preaching stirred up the jealousy among some elite Jews, and they in turn stirred up a riot to come against the new believers there, since Paul and Silas had already hid away.  These new believers were put into jail until they posted bond.  Then, these angry, jealous Jews followed them to Berea where they tried to hunt down Paul and Silas again.  Again, Paul slipped away safely to the coast under the protection of the new believers in Berea.  

At any rate, we will begin to see such a persecution in the United States.  Very vocal adversaries of the socialist agenda and corrupt Dems are being/will be hunted for arrest, especially those who consider themselves Christian.  But take heart, the Lord said that the coming difficulties and injustices must happen for a short period of time so that they can become red flag benchmarks for the future generation.  For when people try to go down this antichrist road again, we can easily cite what happened in the next few months as examples as to why it cannot happen again.  Also, we are in a teaching time in the United States.  Unlike most other countries with a long history, we are fairly young and have never really been abused by our government and learned to turn to God for help in a serious and life-changing way.  We will learn to depend on God even more in these next few months of trials and tribulations.  Praise be to God who knows the end from the beginning; in Him we will overcome!  Let His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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