A Treasure of Common Sense

 Greetings in the Lord,

Today's prophetic word comes from Proverbs 2, which basically talks about the benefits of pursuing, seeking and living according to God's Word, i.e. His wisdom.  And we find out right off the bat that one cannot be truly wise unless they have reverence for the Lord and His Word; scripture calls that fear of the Lord.  So it is not enough to just know what God's Word says, but to respect it enough to elevate it above your own logic, reasoning, or any other conventional knowledge.  In my own life, I interpret this as, "God says what He means and means what He says."  Therefore, I take it as my job to seek out what God says, what He means by saying it, and respecting that He will stand by, apply and enforce His words according to His will.  Yet He is not a capricious God, but rather, His Words are a deep well of true knowledge, a multi-faceted, living Spirit that stands for all-time.  He knows the end from the beginning, and as Creator of all things, He formed all things according to His wisdom.  But His wisdom is more than amazing knowledge, it is revelatory, it prospers and protects our life, and it embodies His true character and will.  Thus, Proverbs 2 tells us these things and other benefits of pursuing and living according to God's wisdom.

 I found verse 7 to be very intriguing.  It reads: 

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.  He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.

Hmmm....I've always been an admirer of those who have an abundance of common sense; now I know why!  This verse tells us there is a definite link between being an honest person and the amount of common sense we have to apply in our life.  Therefore, we can also know the opposite is true -- that when people or situations do not make any sense (except for divine intervention), that dishonesty is the root cause.  Either the person who exhibits a lack of common sense is a liar, or that the illogical situation came about because of dishonesty or a lack of integrity.  Well, that does explain why we are seeing so many policies and decisions from national leaders that make no sense -- they are liars.  In fact, I think this is one of the biggest reasons to not tell lies, even little white lies, as the Lord will not grant you common sense, let alone wisdom. 

It also explains why so many people utter this phrase: "Trump was right again!"  As a rule of his character, he speaks honestly about what he sees and experiences, therefore, to him has been granted a "treasure" of common sense, or supernatural common sense.  Therefore, he makes good decisions and assessments in policy-making, not because of his intelligence, but because he is willing to speak honestly about things, God grants him an abundance of common sense to make these good decisions.  (Of course, his ego has betrayed that common sense on occasion, but then again, he's only human.)  So the big takeaway for me is that, acting honestly will gain you a certain amount of common sense, but living with integrity according to God's Word will exponentially, even supernaturally increase the amount of wisdom you have, if you first have fear of the Lord.  But of course, if you don't have fear of the Lord, you cannot have any wisdom and are only left with your natural intelligence, which may or may not be much.  

Anyway, this is the season to pursue God's Word and wisdom, for He is eager to pour out much wisdom to those who seek and love Him and live according to His ways.  Also, there will be an increasing divide between those who have true wisdom and make good decisions, and those who continue to lie and have no common sense.  In fact, that is the root cause for the stark divide in this country -- integrity, not politics.  It is honesty and the integrity in believing and applying God's Word (whether they are a declared Christian or not), versus those who shuck off His Words to replace with their own words and ideas and pursue their own ends.  

Likewise, this link between lying and a lack of common sense will become even more painfully obvious in the days ahead with our national illegitimate leaders.  They will be plagued with one bad decision after another till they are removed from office, just as we saw happen recently in New Jersey and Virginia.  Common people with integrity and just $157 can topple career politicians with million dollar budgets!  That "illogical situation that made no sense" was divine intervention.  God can and does do things like that.  Even in global corporations, we will and have been seeing their lack of common sense reap nothing but disaster for them as dishonest decisions sow economic loss, whistleblowers come forward and court cases pile up, and as little honest start-ups zoom past them in growth and sustainability and influence.  

It is the season for the wisdom and integrity of "Daniel" to rise up and overtake Babylon!  Amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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