
Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Isaiah 2:5-22 and Exodus 11.  Both of these scripture references are about serious judgments being carried out against those whose rebellion towards God has reached its limits with the Lord -- so disaster is not just decreed, but carried out.  The Almighty has allowed their extreme arrogance, greed, idolatry and sorcery to go on for so long so it would fill the cup of judgment against them -- then His wrath gets poured out.

I recall getting Isaiah chapters 2-3 just before Katrina hit New Orleans and the southern coast of the U.S.  Actually, I had received a prophetic word that a great disaster was going to hit the U.S. a few months prior to that as well, but this passage explained why that area of the U.S. was hit -- areas seeped in witchcraft are always prime for disaster.  However, this time I received a dream to help me discern who exactly this word is for, but I'll get to that in a moment.

In addition to extreme arrogance and sorcery/pagan worship, this passage in Isaiah 2 also mentions "silver and gold; there is no end to its treasures" and "warhorses; their is no end to its chariots."  This implies that those being talked about trust in their extravagance and wealth and arsenal of human and material resources to protect them from any and all attacks; these are corrupt officials that have gotten more rich and powerful on the backs of others, stooping to all sorts of depths of corruption and intrigues to place themselves on high -- seemingly as untouchables.  Well, not only is that a false security, the Lord has decreed their end.  As Exodus 11 points out, it will be such a disaster that will be the pinnacle of the disasters meted out, the last straw before those corrupt leaders finally throw in the towel.    

So let's get to this dream.  In my dream, I was being "called" or summoned to meet with Nancy Pelosi.  She was sitting behind a large desk, looking very made up and elegant and cordial, but when I looked at her beady black eyes, I knew she was full of evil.  I was telling her that "sometimes the Lord gives me messages" and prophetic words and such, and while she obviously regarded me as some misfit fortune-teller or something more ridiculous, she very much wanted to hear what was coming up, something of significance.  I said I had a word from the Lord and looked for something to write it on and was handed a white paper napkin and pencil (distinguished materials for God's word--not!) and scribbled a word in a child's handwriting as if I was drawing out the letters from shapes and forms, barely making light letters on the delicate paper so as not to tear it.  It read: "re-election."  

Immediately, the dream flashed to another scene, this time of a woman (Pelosi?) frantically packing a small luxurious night bag to "leave for a few days."  She was on the run, from who or what I don't know, but was terribly afraid and making a huge mess of this bedroom full of expensive jewelry, perfumes, and crystal and gold furnishings.  The whole room seemed to sparkle with ornate and beautifully rich objects--she would leave it all behind for now and seek instant refuge in an undisclosed place.  

For the Lord of Heaven's Armies has a day of reckoning. He will punish the proud and mighty and bring down everything that is exalted....On that day of judgment they will abandon the gold and silver idols they made for themselves to worship.  They will leave their gods to the rodents and bats, while they crawl away into caverns and hide among the jagged rocks in the cliffs.  They will try to escape the terror of the Lord and the glory of  His majesty as He rises to shake the earth.  Don't put your trust in mere humans.  They are as frail as breath.  What good are they?  Isaiah 2:12, 20-22.

So as always, we pray that the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.       


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