Let the Tour of Shame Continue

Greetings in the Lord~

There is a book in the Old Testament called "Nahum."  It is small, only 3 chapters, and it almost never gets used in church readings as it is mainly a decree of the Lord regarding the swift and violent end of Nineveh.  Oh, it expresses encouraging words to those who trust in and love the Lord, but those short refrains can be found in less volatile and dramatic Scriptures almost word for word.  Consequently, this little book gets overlooked...but it is one of my favorites! 

You see, before Babylon came on the scene in the ancient world, there was the fierce and formidable Assyrians, with Nineveh as its capital.  This city was built by none other than the Great Hunter himself, Nimrod; the one who was known for his overweening pride, dominance, and contempt for God.  From this corruptible mindset, the city was sown and over the centuries became known for their excessive cruelty, violence, witchcraft and love of riches.  With great oppression and upheaval, they conquered the ancient world and in their wake, cities were laid low, plundered of their wealth and their people exiled to distant lands.  The mere thought of their invasion would strike fear in the hearts of the people of other lands and stir up stories of extreme acts of cruelty.  So, as incredulous as it seemed to some, it was to this nation that Nahum decreed the words of their downfall from the hand of the Lord.  Not just a Goliath defeated, but a city of Goliaths!  That's why I love this book -- God Himself decreed their downfall and it came to pass without delay!

 Well, nowadays, this is the season we are in.  Time is running out for our bumbling imposter of a self-appointed president and his cohorts.  As they continue to disgrace themselves in front of international leaders with their ineptness, God is moving behind the scenes to arrange their downfall.  Once boasting fiery lies and weaving snares to entrap the upright, these folks are going to be caught in their own traps.  Almost daily now, lie after political/media lie is being exposed, corrupt election schemes becoming unraveled, and outright displays of rejection and disrespect is being shown to our faux leaders by other international leaders and their countrymen.  It's so embarrassing, but poetic justice.  I love to see these smaller countries, some known to be seeped in corruption, disrespect and catcall our fake leaders and scold them about cheating; no one in the world believes they were elected fairly -- and they should know!  Let's hope they continue their world tour of shame so that all the nations can ridicule them and heap disgrace upon them for their cheating.

Even among their lap dogs in the Big Tech industry, we are seeing negative results as more and more people are growing weary of Big Tech's suppression of truth and willfully choosing to leave them and rally support for those platforms that allow free discussion of ideas and truth.  Even outside of the U.S., nations are snubbing these platforms, calling out their hypocrisy and shutting them off.  Soon, just the mere mention of those CEO's will cause people to spit on the ground in disgust and people will revile their commercials on TV.  No marketing campaign is going to salvage their bad reputations or gloss-over their corrupt activities.  Everyone knows the truth about how vile these companies are and every day our contempt grows against them.  We pray for the hand of the Lord to lay them low, divide and conquer their empires, just like He decreed He would back in 2019.  Let the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

So today, I cheer on the decree of the Lord as foretold in the book of Nahum -- let the city of Goliaths be laid low, plundered, divided; let their supporters flee in haste like water being drained out of a pool, and the restoration of the people of God overtake the land with praise and rejoicing to God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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