Shocking Things to Come

Greetings in the Lord~

For months now, American prophetic voices have been giving words of warning and admonishment to judges, politicians and heads of state that have engaged in corrupt practices, whether it be wide scope fraud in elections, passing greedy legislation/judgments that would benefit themselves, and using schemes and intimidation and outright lying to get and to hold onto power.  And, those who have been reading or listening to these prophetic words of justice have been (impatiently?) waiting to see something come to pass: "when will God fulfill His words?"  It is hard to wait, and to know that scoffers still mock even though some things HAVE been coming to pass and will CONTINUE to come to pass until all of the words of the Lord have been fulfilled.  So, on that note, I will share today's prophetic word from 1 Samuel 3:11.

Then the Lord said to Samuel, "I am about to do a shocking thing in Israel. I am going to carry out all My threats against Eli and his family from beginning to end. I have warned him that judgment is coming upon his family forever because his sons are blaspheming God and he hasn't disciplined them."

In context, Eli was a judge in Israel for over 30 years, way back when the words of God and visions were uncommon in the land.  People basically lived as they saw fit, and the two sons of Eli were no exception.  Although they served as priests in the Temple, they had no respect for the Lord or for their priestly duties; therefore, they stole the best meat from sacrifices for themselves and slept with the women of Israel.  In a nutshell, they were scoundrels, and though Eli told them to stop, he did not do anything to make them stop or remove them from their priestly duties.  Instead, he let them continue to blaspheme God and show contempt for their roles.  Likewise, in this country we have seen many public officials, media spokespersons, and judges show the same contempt and disrespect for the roles God has granted them in this country.  They take advantage of the benefits of their respected positions and authority over people, but they are vile servants, immoral and greedy and have no regard for the Sovereign Lord.  Make no mistake, a day will come when they will be removed and their lying voices quieted, and that by the hand of God.   

Yet, also at the beginning of this chapter we read about the boy Samuel, who served Eli in the Temple.  In the midst of all the debauchery happening in the land, this boy began to hear God's voice and was raised up as a major prophet over Israel.  He would grow in favor before the Lord and people and would serve Israel faithfully as a powerful prophet.  Likewise, we have seen the Lord raise up many powerful "Samuels" to speak to the nation in this hour.  They DO hear from the Lord and will speak boldly in the face of scoffers and unbelievers alike.

 Well, we are not in the day where the voice of the Lord is uncommon to all, but we are in a time of a holy distinction, as I have been sharing prophetic words about this for the past month or so.  The blessed in the Lord will continue to prosper and rise up, and those who go their own way will continue to waste away, become more and more corrupt, rebellious and spiritually deaf.  For them, the words of the Lord will become silenced and they will be cut off from His blessings.  This stark divide has been growing over that past few years, but even so, there comes a time when judgments must be meted out. 

So today's word tells us that we have entered this time of action.  We will see and continue to see the strong hand of God move in our nation, executing His judgments and salvation according to His will.  It is time for the corrupt sons of Eli to reap what they have sown, and for Eli to receive his due as well.  Indeed, we will see things in the U.S. that will be shocking to us and the world, and will cause much turmoil in people's hearts.  

The Holy Spirit says: "For the coming days/years will be filled with trouble and sorrow, a disaster like you've never seen.  People will become lawless and desperate, shortages and famines will cover the land, and the government will flounder and have no remedy.  Biden will become disillusioned, disoriented, and confused beyond hope, barely able to sign his name to the resignation document.  And a great darkness will seize upon the White House, very dark days indeed, and fear and panic will come upon those who do not know their God.  Everything the true prophets of the Lord have said will come true."

Then I began to see a vision of the Titanic floating silently along in the frigid black night.  I could hear the deep creaking of the giant ship as it made its way, sliding along icebergs unawares.  Will the ship sink?  Yes!  "For all the lies and corruption has turned inward and tore apart this great nation so it cannot float onward anymore!  The older will take care of the younger, for they recall the days of the Great Depression.  And the rightful President will finally, at long last, take his seat."

So we pray as always, that the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us strength, O Lord, for the days ahead, and prepare our hearts and minds for Your coming Presence into our midst.  We take refuge in You, our God and our Strength, and thank You in advance for Your protective angels that do Your will.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      


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