A Crown for David

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from 1 Chronicles 20, and while it is a fairly short chapter, it packs quite a punch.  In the first part we read about Joab, David's right hand man, defeating the city of Rabbah and beheading their king.  He does this without David, as he is back in Jerusalem, but Joab returns with the Ammonite king's crown and places this heavy and ornate piece on David's head.  Then, because Rabbah was the capital city of Ammon, all of Ammon became subject to David and were put into forced labor.  This is a major victory for Joab on David's behalf, as signified by the placing of the Ammonite crown on David's head.  It is an important trophy piece and symbolizes the increase of power, wealth, land and authority from Ammon (enemies of Israel) back to Israel, and specifically, to David.  Likewise, we will begin to see a transition of power in the United States, from the Democrats back to the true leadership of Donald J. Trump, in whatever form and manner the Lord wills.

The next section in this chapter is also very significant, as it chronicles the defeat of several Philistine cities, and more importantly, the killing of the giants within those cities by David and his men.  These giants were the descendants of Repha, siblings of Goliath, and the offspring of the Nephilim, as mentioned in Genesis 6.  Without going into too much detail of the story and debate about who and what the Nephilim were, suffice to say that these giants were of demonic origin and an abomination in the sight of God.  Their only inclination was for evil and were as perverse and deformed as the description of their 6 fingers and 6 toes.  Needless to say, their defeat and the subjugation of the Philistines to David was an enormous feat in Israel's history.  It represents the cleansing of the land from the manifestation of evil that had dominated the region for so long; those giants were simply detestable.  

Getting rid of them was also freeing for the Philistines, whether they would acknowledge that or not, as they lived under their tyranny and violence daily and really had no choice but to submit to their corruption and wicked whims.  Being a slave to David and Israel was far better for the Philistines than supporting and being oppressed by those champions of evil.  Likewise, again we will begin to see in the United States that the lies and false narratives of the media and far Left that have taken so many minds captive will become quieted and people will be free to see the truth and grapple with it on their own.  Surely this will be a struggle for some and "forced labor" will be very unpleasant for others, but in the big picture, they will be free from the mind control and debilitating demonic propaganda that had hardened their hearts and closed their ears so that they could not be healed.

So, it is with much celebration and optimism that we receive today's prophetic word, as it tells us that soon "giants" will be felled in our own nation -- hallelujah! and that all the lands and peoples will be placed firmly under David's reign soon, whether they want it or not.  It also highlights the amazing feats of those around David, from his right hand man Joab, to his very own brother, Jonathan, who killed a giant of his own.  It even mentions Sibbecai, a Hushathite and non-Israelite, who killed another giant, signifying the widespread support David had from outside of Israel.  Amen!

Therefore, today we pray and decree the Lord's will be done in the United States, from the White House to the Supreme Court, down to the state and local legislatures, as it is done in heaven.  We decree in the name of Jesus Christ, that it is the season for great victory over our enemies, and that no matter the size of the battle or opponent, the Lord will raise up courageous warriors and grant us strength and unity to bring these victories to fruition.  We decree: the joy of the Lord is our strength; He alone is our banner and salvation; and that He truly is a God that avenges great injustice done on the earth and brings forth liberty to the captives.  In Jesus' name we rejoice and pray, Amen. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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