Decreed From Above -- Magic Veils Torn Off

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Ezekiel 13 and it talks about God decreeing judgment against false prophets that have risen up in the land and have been misleading the people with their lies.  Naturally, reading verses like that always make me take a moment of self-reflection and repent before the Lord, as any conscientious prophetic speaker would do, but I did not feel as though this word had anything to do with the actual prophetic voices coming from within the prophetic community.  No,these "false prophets" are the liberal voices in the mainstream media, White House, Congress and Big Tech / Hollywood who keep trying to whitewash the evil agenda they push.  They keep saying 'all is well', when it is clearly not; and work overtime to discourage the righteous in the land while they encourage the wicked by promising "life" and "peace."  They do not work to 'rebuild the walls' of the nation, but are happy to let it become weaker and weaker while they plot their own gain in the demise.  The Lord did not send them to speak and has determined that their lies will be proven false, as we have seen time and time again, and that they will be rejected by the people.  All their life's work will be forgotten, like the lies they peddled to mislead people. 

The last part of Ezekiel 13 speaks directly about these female "false prophets" and I immediately discerned it to be speaking about Nancy Pelosi.  This is not the first time I've received prophetic words about her.  A few months back I had a dream about her in a glass submarine, submerged very deep in dark waters.  She was so deep, she was in the realm of wickedness.  In this dream, she was running around frantic trying to stop Donald Trump from hitting golf balls against the glass of her submarine -- he was trying to sink her!   Obviously, this represents all her efforts from then until now to stop Trump from ever getting back into the White House -- but that is another story.  

Also in this prophetic dream, I saw a man's head impaled in the ceiling to plug a hole in the glass vessel.  This man was Governor Cuomo of New York.  Pelosi was mulling over how she felt about this man "taking one for the team," as it was basically her decision to let him be the fall guy for the Democrats (his circumstances would come to light later about all his indiscretions, etc.)  My dream ended with Nancy in limbo -- should she get out of the darkness (stop her wicked doings) and return to the surface and see daylight again or not?  Well, it seems she decided not.

During my prayer and reading time this morning, the Holy Spirit began to put things on my heart pertaining to Pelosi.  He simply said, "Pelosi's days are numbered.  She has offended Me greatly and has given over to wickedness.  She does not want redemption, for she feels she is justified in her evil actions."  Then I saw a vision of a calendar; a large hand reached down and put an "X" on a day towards the end of a month (not August, but soon and I cannot say more).  The Holy Spirit continued: "I will not allow her to live out her days like I did for Ruth Bader Ginsburg; no, for Nancy's sins are too great and her arrogant evilness is plotting too much.  She has written her own death sentence by the cruelty she has shown to others.  Where there has been no mercy, no mercy will be shown."  

The Holy Spirit continued: "It is the same for Chuck Schumer.  His days too are coming to an end."  Then I saw a vision of a rope passing in front of me; it came to a frayed end, like it had been cut short, and I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Cut off!"  Though it was a rope I saw, it was as if the Holy Spirit knew I was pondering this meaning and reminded me of the "silver cord" of Ecclesiastes.  

Needless to say, I have thought about and wrestled with this prophetic word for much of the day today.  The times are getting very serious and short for rebellious leadership.  This evening, I heard part of a prophetic word given by Robin D. Bullock who basically said the same thing about Nancy Pelosi.  The Lord is confirming His word through the mouths of His prophets.  It is not a good time to mock, persecute, or doubt the words of the prophets, for the Lord is indeed speaking to us and His hand is upraised, though many see it not.  Those who continue in their arrogant ways will go reeling on the day of the Lord.  It is interesting that the end of Ezekiel 13 talks about the Lord freeing people from the grasp of these false female prophets.  

"I will tear off the magic veils and save My people from your grasp.  They will no longer be your victims.  Then you will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 13:21     

Magic veils...face masks?  The Lord alone knows for certain.  May the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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