Stand Aside, We'll Take It From Here

Greetings in the Lord,

Last night I had an interesting dream that I will share today.  In my dream, I saw Biden leading a video conference meeting with many world leaders.  They were distracted and bored and were speaking to people off-screen because Biden made no sense when he spoke.  Finally, Putin interrupted him and said disgustedly, "I'm sick of this -- you are no leader!  You are an illegitimate leader that stole an election but you are completely incapable of leading!"  

A few loud chuckles came from the other leaders as they were looking side to side with smirks on their faces.  "We know very well about these kind of elections," Putin joked, and more laughter rose up.  Then he went on to basically say that he was not going to follow his lead or decision-making on anything and asked to all the other leaders: "How many others feel the way I do?"  

One by one all the other world leaders raised their hands -- a complete consensus.  Then Putin said again, "Stand aside, we will make these decisions," and Biden just sat there red-faced and confused.  

The meaning of this dream is obvious, but what I woke up thinking about was: what would be the consequences of having other countries, that were rife with corruption, fill the vacuum of power that now exists in the world -- would the world suffer as unchecked corruption and egoism saw their opportunity for control and gain?  It was a bit scary to think about.  But our leadership will reap the corruption they have sown. 

"What sorrow awaits you who lounge in luxury in Jerusalem, and you who feel secure in Samaria!  You are famous and popular in Israel, and people go to you for help.  But go to the great city of Hamath and down to the Philistine city of Gath.  You are no better than they were, and look at how they were destroyed.  You push away every thought of coming disaster, but your actions only bring the day of judgment closer." Amos 6:1-3

"How terrible for you who sprawl on ivory beds and lounge on your couches, eating the meat of tender lambs from the flock and of choice calves fattened in the stall.  You sing trivial songs to the sound of the harp and fancy yourselves to be great musicians like David.  You drink wine by the bowlful and perfume yourselves with fragrant lotions.  You care nothing about the ruin of your nation.  Therefore, you will be the first to be led away as captives.  Suddenly, all your parties will end."  Amos 6:4-7

"The Sovereign Lord has sworn by His own name, and this is what He, the Lord God of Heaven's Armies, says: 'I despise the arrogance of Israel, and I hate their fortresses.  I will give this city and everything in it to their enemies.'" Amos 6:8

"Can horses gallop over boulders?  Can oxen be used to plow them?  But that's how foolish you are when you turn justice into poison and the sweet fruit of righteousness into bitterness.  And you brag about your conquest of Lo-debar.  You boast, 'Didn't we take Karnaim by our own strength?'  O, people of Israel, I am about to bring an enemy nation against you," says the Lord God of Heaven's Armies.  "They will oppress you throughout your land -- from Lebo-hamath in the north to the Arabah Valley in the south."  Amos 6:12-14.

It is hard to imagine that the US would be taking direction from other countries; that their position of world leader so humiliatingly stripped from them or that troubles from a enemy would be so overwhelming, but today's word from Amos 6 paints such a picture. So today we pray for the love and goodness of God to protect His people through these coming turbulent days; to help us to endure the time of uprooting, discipline and refining that must take place to restore righteousness back to the land; and most of all, we pray that the Lord's perfect and complete will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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