Speaking Through a Foreign Tongue

Greetings in the Lord~

Today in prayer the Holy Spirit began to tell me: "In September, things will start to change -- stronger and more fierce winds will begin to blow on Biden, beyond his ability to handle it."  Then I saw a vision of Biden speaking at a podium and strong gales of wind swept in and nearly blew him over!  He was desperately clinging on to the podium trying to finish his speech, but each gust of wind combined with the next to increase the force against him.  Finally, he reached a point where he could not speak and just held on like a cartoon character as his body waved horizontally like a wind-torn flag at the top of pole.  It wasn't long after that he was blown away, tumbling and reeling out of control back to Delaware.  Interestingly, the winds blew from the left to the right; I'm not sure if that has significance but it seems so.  

As I prayed to understand more, I discerned that as violent events and trying circumstances (even more family scandals coming to light) blow against him, he will attempt to get sober-minded and serious and humble to handle things, but it will be a too little, too late.  The decree has already been made by the Lord and he ignored many chances to do the right thing.  Now, the winds of change would blow him away.  Then the Holy Spirit led me to read Isaiah 28.

What sorrow awaits the proud city of Samaria -- the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel.  It sits at the head of a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will fade like a flower.  It is the pride of a people brought down by wine.  

For the Lord will send a mighty army against it.  Like a mighty hailstorm and a torrential rain, they will burst upon it like a surging flood and smash it to the ground.  The proud city of Samaria -- the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel -- will be trampled beneath its enemies feet.   Isaiah 28:1-3

For context, Samaria was in the northern kingdom of Israel when they were separate.  The Israelite leaders and people of the north sought to have nothing to do with the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin; they even created idols to worship and quite often went to war against their southern brothers.  This scenario is similar to today, where we have liberals and Democrats pushing an anti-God, anti-American agenda and trying to restrict the freedoms and values of conservatives and Christians in the U.S.  However, just like this chapter in Isaiah 28 illustrates, the Lord will allow a giant storm to blow them out of their strongholds, while the godly are protected even strengthened by the mighty move of the Lord.

Then at last the Lord of Heaven's Armies will Himself be Israel's glorious crown.  He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of His people.  He will give a longing for justice to their judges.  He will give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates.  Isaiah 28:5-6

The chapter goes on to mention 3 more important things of note.  The first is that since the Israelites of Samaria chose to ignore God's words, He "will have to speak to His people through foreign oppressors who speak a strange language."  God wants to speak to everyone in their own language so they can understand clearly.  That was the miracle of the Holy Spirit falling at Pentecost -- everyone heard everyone in their own language.  But when God has to get your attention through a foreign tongue, it is a sign of judgment.  We see this again in Biblical history in the Tower of Babel story.  So, in a nutshell, we are going to see some major trouble on the horizon again from pagan foreigners that hate the West; i.e. Islamic extremists.  They will be the "foreign tongue" that speaks against this administration and calls them out for their corruption and hypocrisy.

The second point made in the chapter is that this administration and its partners have made a deal to allow a certain amount of trouble to happen thinking they could control the outcome in their favor and be protected from exposure.  Wrong-o!  Whether it was the rigged election or orchestrated false flags or poor decision-making in general (because it was always based on greed and attaining power), the Lord is going to allow things to hit the fan, turn the tables on them, and expose and remove them and their ideas, mainly because everything they've sought to do and the 'justification' they created was based on lies and deception.

Thirdly, an illustration is given about the wisdom and common sense of the farmer verses the foolishness of the arrogant liberals who think they can get away with thumbing their noses at God and their 'southern Israelite' brothers.  Basically, we are going to see the conservative / Christian remnant all throughout the land take a stand and find their voices to speak out against all of the foolishness of this wicked administration and its adherents.  They will rejoice on the day of their fall and celebrate true justice when it is given.  Praise God!

Be blessed and be a blessing.    




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