Are We There Yet? Yep, Pretty Close
Greetings in the Lord~
Since the last word I posted (May 2021), more truth has leaked through the flimsy wall that has been erected to hold back truth in the U.S. by Big Tech, the mainstream media and current Democratic administration. This time it was about the Fauci and his emails that detail his knowledge and support of the happenings going on in the research labs of Wuhan, the source of the Covid-19 virus. That's some juicy truth, for sure! No wonder he's flipped flopped so many times, it's hard to tow the party line when it keeps changing all the time.
Anyway, who knew the prophetic word would come to pass so soon. You know, when you release a prophetic word, you just never know how soon things will come to pass or exactly the manner it will unfold. I guess that is the faith aspect of prophesying God's words. Oh sure, there are times when the Scripture He puts on your heart will include a time frame: "three days," "a little more than a year," etc. but usually it does not. And sometimes the Lord will be purposely vague or even withhold certain pertinent details to "protect" the word, either from wicked elements that work overtime to try and obstruct the word (LOL--that's an exercise in futility!), or from the prophet themselves, as sometimes it would be very easy to "help the Holy Spirit" with our own thoughts and logic. At any rate, that is why the Scriptures say we "prophesy in part."
I say all of that about prophetic timing to give today's word, which is from Ezekiel 7 and says repeatedly, "The end has come!" and "The end is now upon you.." and "The time has come, the day is near..." We have entered a season where prophetic words will come to pass very quickly. So, you ask: "What end? What are you talking about?" I am decreeing the word of the Lord that He will begin to discipline this nation--the leaders and elites down to the common person, for their ill-gotten gain, violent ways, and deceitful / detestable practices. Ezekiel 7 says that the Lord will repay each person according to their own conduct, using their own standard of measure. It also mentions specifically about a loss of wealth, a downturn of the economy so that the seller cannot even sell their property for original cost. Therefore, this word seems to hint that the (overinflated) housing market may make a serious downturn and the buyers would end up being rich foreigners, i.e. they would "invade" the land and begin to plunder the nation from the inside. But that is just one thing it mentions.
Ezekiel 7 also talks about plagues and famines, and also a major "unheard of" disaster to hit this administration, one in which they will not know how to deal with effectively. And "though they blow the trumpet and get everything ready, no one will go into battle, for My wrath is upon the whole crowd." I don't discern this to be a literal battle for soldiers, but rather, more like the unpopular and dismal response of good Americans for the election campaign of Biden, where the only way he could get elected was to cheat and add fake ballots in the middle of the night. Simply, it was complete apathy and disregard towards him on the part of the good people of America. This is the kind of response Scripture is talking about, I discern.
Anyway, today we pray like always, that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. That the Lord would protect His people and those that do His will, and that He would indeed, repay each person according to what they have done and how they live their lives. Amen
~Be blessed and be a blessing.