Syria is a Sign and Wonder to the Nations
Greetings in the Lord! The word for this week is from Isaiah 16. I know this passage well, as the Lord spoke it many times earlier about Syria--she is the "Moab" that is being overrun just like in chapter 16. The passage recommends to the fleeing Moabites to "send lambs as tribute" to be better received in the lands where they are trying to flee to, even to Israel, the land that they have acted so arrogantly to over the centuries. So it is with the Syrians. In fact, it is and was their hatred--especially of Israel--that has opened the door for the gates of hell to prevail against them. Even when I lived there, the Lord would often give me words of warning for them about their continual arrogant hatred of Israel. Their prideful hostility was vile in the Lord's eyes. "Your hatred only hurts you," I would say, but they would quickly begin to justify their hatred with rationales and handed-down logic. Their behavior and justifications had be...