Uncircumcised in Heart

Greetings in the Lord!

Back in January while in prayer, the Lord showed me a vision of flames coming up from Mexico and all along the Southwest border of the United States.  This fire raged and burned hotly all across Arizona and began to glow hot with the heat of hatred.  The people were the bright embers and all who got involved got consumed with its rhetoric.  What were these fires, you ask?  The same fires that lit up in Europe over the prophet Muhammad cartoons. 

At that time the Lord said, "May 26th," and I pondered the date in my heart.  It was Tuesday, what happened on Tuesday?  Was something approved and agreed to that confirmed the trouble to come?  Probably....but it's always hard to know those answers.  Instead we can know for sure that today is a sad day for Arizona--another prophet Muhammad cartoon expose is about to happen, and this outside of a mosque, no less.  On the surface it seems like the bold taking the bull by the horns, but I tell you today the word of the Lord does not confirm this.

"Oh, that I had in the desert a lodging place for travelers, so that I might leave my people and go away from them; for they are all adulterers, a crowd of unfaithful people.  They make ready their tongue like a bow, to shoot lies; it is not by truth that they triumph in the land.  They go from one sin to another; they do not acknowledge Me," declares the Lord.  "You live in the midst of deception..."

The passage goes on to say that though the people think they are doing right, they are really just following the evil desires of their own heart; violence, meeting up with violence.  Many hearts are full of idols--greed, lust, rebellion, and so on--how could the average secular person possibly know God's heart on today's matters?  They don't, but they don't seek either.  There is no desire to follow God's ways, they pursue their own with all their strength and end up no different than the nations that don't have God's law in their midst!  Two sides of the same coin!  Therefore, the Lord will allow destruction to come upon these people--our land--because we have forsaken God's word and refused to listen to those who teach the Truth of Jesus Christ.  True Christians will be known by their love, not their hate. 

"See, I will make this people eat bitter food and drink poisoned water.  I will scatter them among nations that neither they nor their fathers have known, and I will pursue them with the sword until I have destroyed them.....The days are coming," declares the Lord, "when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh--Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab and all who  live in the desert in distant places.  For all these nations are really uncircumcised, and even the whole house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart."  Jeremiah 9:1-4, 15-16, 25-26.

True Christians, rise up and prayerfully stand in the gap and intercede for the foolishness that abounds among us.  May the Lord hear and have mercy.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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