God's Presence in the Lightning

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, this has been a very unusual week with the Lord.  On Monday, I came home from work exhausted not just from the start of the busy school year, but more because I felt the ramping up of vile wickedness in the spirit realm and cried out to God for strength to endure, "Have mercy, O God!"  As I rested in prayerful meditation, I heard a knock at my bedroom door, but upon answering, found that there was no one there.  Only one other time had that ever happened to me--right before Hurricane Katrina.  That morning the Lord woke me up very early with a knock at my bedroom door--three times until I finally mustered up enough courage to answer it as I was home alone and it was 4:30 AM!  This time, however, I was not afraid.  Rather, I recognized His presence and was alert the rest of the week expecting to discern more from the Lord about what is up.

Sure enough, three days later I saw a young man I recognized from the year before, a student who is bent on rebellion and hate.  He is an angry, confused, and violent young man who currently takes out his aggression using witchcraft prayers and rituals against unsuspecting people....except for me.  I discern what he is messing with and what has him in their talons, egging him on to do more.  Yes, this young man is another year older and from the looks and sound of him, another year much harder in heart.  Again I cried out to the Lord to save, deliver and protect me and all of God's people.

The Lord responded in a most powerful way.  Saturday I had an appointment at 6am so I set my alarm for 4:40...but that was too early to actually get out of bed so I began to pray to God.  Just then, the end of my room lit up with what looked like a flash of lightning inside the room!  I put on my glasses and waited to see if it would happen again.  After a moment, another flash appeared and it was indeed a bolt of lightning--right in the middle of the air!  "What in the world?" Very curious about it I waited again, and zap!--a third shot of lightning illumined inside my room.  I sat up on my bed dumbfounded and perplexed but the Holy Spirit began to fill my spirit with different Scriptural references of God's presence being seen in lightning.  Wow!

Twenty minutes later I was zooming to my appointment and the sky outside was also filled with lightning from the north.  I watched the awesome sight and praised God for His presence--for lightning and thunder and hailstones is the strong hand of the Lord--He will defeat His enemies!  I discerned the Lord saying that yes, indeed, the enemy of our souls was up to no good right now, but God is all over it.  He will defeat and confound His enemies, "He will crush the hairy crowns of those who go on in their sins."  In Exodus, lightning, thunder and hail was one of the plagues used to rebuke Pharaoh for his stubborn refusal to let the Israelites go.

"When Your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.  Though grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and regard not the majesty of the Lord.  O Lord, Your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it.  Let them see Your zeal for Your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for Your enemies consume them.  Lord.  You establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished, You have done for us." Isaiah 26:9b-12   

What a strange and awesome display of God's presence and assurance of His power to protect and save.  I spent the rest of the day inside doing research and didn't go out again until late evening--and as I stepped out the door and looked up into the night?  Another bolt of lightning!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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