Build that Wall, Mr. Trump!
Greetings in the Lord~
Well, much has been said about the wall that Mr. Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States--cheers, ridicule, scoffing, and everything in between. But you know what? That wall idea is a God-given, prophetic utterance! My guess is, too, that Mr. Trump doesn't even realize that. No, just like the Cyrus of the Bible, Cyrus decreed the re-building of the temple of Jerusalem and didn't know he was fulfilling prophecy by doing so until it was pointed out to him.
Let's take a moment to discuss the Biblical implications of walls around cities, in general. In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah was brought to tears when he was told that Jerusalem's walls had been torn down and its gates burnt up. To people in those days, that meant that the city was defenseless against its enemies, that even wandering animals could enter and trample and devour its inhabitants. But more than that, it was symbolic that God was not defending them either, that they were as helpless as a child orphaned by their parents; that they were not blessed by the Lord their God but being shamed for their sin and destruction was allowed to overtake the city. Imagine too, that an un-walled city would be full of anarchy and violence, as its dwellers did as they saw fit and had to compete for everything to survive. It was for all of these real and implied reasons that Nehemiah wept and immediately repented for himself and the people before the Lord.
In the book of Revelation, we read that the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem, will have a high wall that is 144 cubits (200 feet) thick! The spiritual implication is that God's walls are impenetrable--He is our High Tower, our great Defender, and it goes on to talk about all the gems that adorn it. Awesome!
However, today our "walls" in the United States are being overrun and plundered by its enemies because of our wantonness and sin. We have had nearly a decade of blatant disregard for God's law in the White House and Supreme Court, and our country is full of strife as a result. Of course, our spiritual walls have been under attack long before Obama's reign, about a Biblical generation, so that the grandchildren living today are nothing like their grandfathers' generation at all--nearly unrecognizable. That is how fast spiritual and moral decline can happen. The good news is, that it can be reversed just as quickly! Take South Korea, for example; after centuries of Buddhism and foreign occupation, they began to embrace Christianity and life, prosperity, and freedom sprung forth in one Biblical generation. Today, they are a modern-day miracle--still having no natural resources, they have become one of the most productive economies in the world and are respected global leaders politically, socially, and militarily. The Life and Light found in Jesus Christ doesn't take long to reverse generational curses.
So, the prophetic word for today is from the book of Nehemiah and Isaiah 58:12. It is to understand that our "walls" must be rebuilt in the land and that its future physical manifestation on the southern border will be a sign and wonder to the recovery of our nation. Look beyond the bantering in the political process and see that we are indeed on the cusp of a great spiritual revival!! Repentance and perseverance in the Lord is our key, and yes, we will face great opposition, but they will all fall away, just like in Nehemiah's day, and they will not inherit His blessings for their violence against the builders.
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace....The God of heaven will give us success. We His servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it." Nehemiah 2:17, 20.
"Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." Isaiah 58:12
~Be blessed and be a blessing.
Well, much has been said about the wall that Mr. Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States--cheers, ridicule, scoffing, and everything in between. But you know what? That wall idea is a God-given, prophetic utterance! My guess is, too, that Mr. Trump doesn't even realize that. No, just like the Cyrus of the Bible, Cyrus decreed the re-building of the temple of Jerusalem and didn't know he was fulfilling prophecy by doing so until it was pointed out to him.
Let's take a moment to discuss the Biblical implications of walls around cities, in general. In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah was brought to tears when he was told that Jerusalem's walls had been torn down and its gates burnt up. To people in those days, that meant that the city was defenseless against its enemies, that even wandering animals could enter and trample and devour its inhabitants. But more than that, it was symbolic that God was not defending them either, that they were as helpless as a child orphaned by their parents; that they were not blessed by the Lord their God but being shamed for their sin and destruction was allowed to overtake the city. Imagine too, that an un-walled city would be full of anarchy and violence, as its dwellers did as they saw fit and had to compete for everything to survive. It was for all of these real and implied reasons that Nehemiah wept and immediately repented for himself and the people before the Lord.
In the book of Revelation, we read that the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem, will have a high wall that is 144 cubits (200 feet) thick! The spiritual implication is that God's walls are impenetrable--He is our High Tower, our great Defender, and it goes on to talk about all the gems that adorn it. Awesome!
However, today our "walls" in the United States are being overrun and plundered by its enemies because of our wantonness and sin. We have had nearly a decade of blatant disregard for God's law in the White House and Supreme Court, and our country is full of strife as a result. Of course, our spiritual walls have been under attack long before Obama's reign, about a Biblical generation, so that the grandchildren living today are nothing like their grandfathers' generation at all--nearly unrecognizable. That is how fast spiritual and moral decline can happen. The good news is, that it can be reversed just as quickly! Take South Korea, for example; after centuries of Buddhism and foreign occupation, they began to embrace Christianity and life, prosperity, and freedom sprung forth in one Biblical generation. Today, they are a modern-day miracle--still having no natural resources, they have become one of the most productive economies in the world and are respected global leaders politically, socially, and militarily. The Life and Light found in Jesus Christ doesn't take long to reverse generational curses.
So, the prophetic word for today is from the book of Nehemiah and Isaiah 58:12. It is to understand that our "walls" must be rebuilt in the land and that its future physical manifestation on the southern border will be a sign and wonder to the recovery of our nation. Look beyond the bantering in the political process and see that we are indeed on the cusp of a great spiritual revival!! Repentance and perseverance in the Lord is our key, and yes, we will face great opposition, but they will all fall away, just like in Nehemiah's day, and they will not inherit His blessings for their violence against the builders.
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace....The God of heaven will give us success. We His servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it." Nehemiah 2:17, 20.
"Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." Isaiah 58:12
~Be blessed and be a blessing.