White Stone With a New Name

Greetings in the Lord!

For the past couple of weeks, when I think of Donald Trump I immediately see a giant wall assembling in the spirit!  Yep, and the bricks are colored white and they represent people--American voters as they get behind him.  They are building a wall of defense, for our walls have been torn down, especially these past eight years.

The wall is white, which stands for purity, truth, and goodness.  But there have been many things to tear down this wall--gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, open borders, and so on.  Enough is enough, already, and one by one, Americans are finding their voice, rising to their feet, gathering at the gate (in Biblical language) to contend for what is right and good and godly.  I'm not saying that the Donald is godly--but I do believe he is the Cyrus that the Lord in His mercy is giving us to get back on track, not prosperous, per say, but to fight the good fight and be champions of integrity in business, government, and socially again.  But it is up to us to choose to fight this good fight.

Realize, that some of the issues that have challenged our courts the past year, like gay marriage, for example, have had nothing to do with that issue really.  But instead, as one political analyst put it recently, "The legalization of gay marriage is not the endgame for the gay-rights movement.  It never was.  Moral approval is the endgame."  This means, changing what people believe is right and wrong--that was the goal of the Obama administration.  The problem is, he can't change what the Lord says is detestable.  Illegal immigration is still illegal--sneaking into a country to steal public assistance and jobs is not a godly freedom; there is no liberty in being an undocumented slave in a foreign land.  And legalization of marijuana?  Abortion?  These pollute our bodies and desecrate the sanctity of life.  We now have an opportunity to challenge these things, and I believe the white stones will.

All over the earth this is the Year of Jubilee--the year when the Lord frees the slaves and debts are cancelled.  Though this is a spiritual concept, we do see evidence of it in the natural, take Europe for example.  Right now they are inundated with migrants coming from all over the Muslim world.  Some are fleeing war, others economic desperation but one thing they all have in common--the Lord is giving them a chance.  They are experiencing His mercy, and this is what the Lord says to all of the captives that are being set free worldwide:
"Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord.  "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.  If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best in the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword."  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken,  Isaiah 1:18-20.

This prophetic word carries a responsibility for the freed person--we should repay the Lord with goodness and appreciation for His mercy to us.  To be free from economic hardship, social stigma, war and violence is God's free gift.  To not turn to the Deliverer with thanks, or to choose evil over good now that we have relief from our burdens is to ask for trouble.  The Lord decrees that if we don't make sound use of the opportunity at hand to make good decisions, then sure trouble "the sword" will be our lot.

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna.  I will also give him a white stone with a new name on it, known only to him who receives it."  Revelation 2:17

Go and research what He means by "the white stone with a new name on it" and get your reward.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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