Tell it Like It Is, Please

Greetings in the Lord,

Friday I had the unfortunate circumstance of being in Munich when the shooting there took place.  Every one all throughout the city was told to get indoors and stay there for at least an hour while the police secured the site (s) as it was said then that there were 3 shooters.  We watched the local news and read updates online while we hunkered down.  We heard one witness at the scene say, "He said, 'Allhu Akbar!' as he shot."  Then we were told his Arabic name and nationality--Iranian/German and his age.

Well, by Saturday morning the quote had changed in the newspaper to , "I am German!" as well as his name, now to an English name of David.  The police are quick to report no supposed ties to IS, but incredulously, to the shooting that had happened in Norway.  Their whole story is ludicrous at best.  They really want the world to believe this kid got a gun illegally online, 300 rounds of ammo from Lord knows where, played too many video games and decided to do a mass shooting--coincidentally on the anniversary and same place as where 20 Israeli athletes were kidnapped and killed by Palestian terrorists .  Later they reported that the kid was obsessed with Hitler, and he probably was.  While that might seem repulsive and a motive to most Westerners, for many Muslims (and jihadists) Hiter was a hero.   In fact, Mein Kamp is sold in every major airport in Saudi Arabia as leisure reading material!  So again, this tidbit info about the shooter points to his real identity and motive.  It's amazing the great lengths politicians will go to to deceive the public.  Nope, no jihadist problem here, just insane kids with guns.  Well, in my last post I shared that it looked like open season had been declared in Germany-sadly it appears to be so; even today another attack in southern Germany, this time with a machete. They say it was a crime of passion, yeah right.

I am disappointed by the coverup, but frankly we are talking about a country that perfected propaganda on a global scale in recent history.  The Nazis had the populace believing the concentration camps were rehabilitation centers for the misguided, for crying out loud.  So what are we to make of these events, anyway?   Well, for me I feel an urge to set the record straight.  There is a coverup happening in Germany to brush events under the carpet that provide substance for opposing viewpoints.  Anything that does not paint the rosey picture of harmony and support for political agendas will be quickly brushed out and re-painted with their own narrative.  That is dangerous, especially given the track record of the country involved.  it is much better to call a spade a spade and deal with the ramifications of that than to deceive people.  No good fruit can ever come from lies, and there is no quicker way to lose support than to be seen as a liar.  The Word of God calls His people 'kings', and it is written in Proverbs 16:13)
"Kings take pleasure in honest lips;  they value the one who speaks what is right."
I will say it again, it is open season in Germany now, people of God start praying.
Be blessed and be a blessing.


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