Swarms will come--take shelter in the Lord

Greetings in the Lord!

This week I've had several dreams of significance, but will share with you the one from this morning and the passage of Scripture the Lord gave to help discern its meaning.

In my dream, I was visiting a house situated on top of large, rolling hills.  The hills were quite large and it was surrounded by wonderful fields of mountain grass--just like in the Sound of Music (Europe).  However, in the vicinity of this house was beautiful, thick Kentucky blue grass--obviously, the owners of the house had planted their own stock of grass and took good care of it.

At the next part of the dream I went outside and saw off in the distance a caravan of cars tearing up and down the rolling hillsides.  They were making quite a ruckus and intentionally not caring about whose lawns or fields they were destroying.  There was a giant red truck carrying many men and one silver Cherokee type of vehicle with more men in it; the other cars were regular passenger cars.  However, no matter what make or model the cars were, they all had huge tires with sharp treads on them--good for two-tracking and in their case, causing quite a mess in the grassy fields.

Then, I had the feeling to run for cover.  These men were bad news and on a rampage looking for any excuse to act out in violence to whoever would stand up to them.  They were looking for a fight and being destructive was the bait.  I ran back into the house, which was now a sort of cave and sought more counsel from those present.  What should we do?  I was mad about the motley crew of guys, but also realized that they were bent on destruction, a wicked bunch.  I went back outside to assess the damage around the house and it was now dusk and the land looked barren.  Resigning back into the house I said, "Well, at least they haven't wrecked the house, the lawn will grow back."  It seems this dream is about the unruly migration to Europe these days.

In yesterday's dream I approached a roaring female lion and got right into her angry face.  She was a brute beast, obstinate and hostile for no reason.  I grabbed clumps of hair in her muscular neck to make her be quiet but her neck was too thick--I could feel that no matter how hard I tried to choke her that it wouldn't even faze her at all--she was very "thick-necked" and stubborn.

"I will forsake My house, abandon My inheritance; I will give the one I love into the hands of her enemies.  My inheritance has become to Me like a lion in the forest.  She roars at Me; therefore I hate her.  Has not My inheritance become to Me like a speckled bird of prey that other birds of prey surround and attack?  Go and gather all the wild beasts; bring them to devour."

"Many shepherds will ruin My vineyard and trample down My field; they will turn My pleasant field into a desolate wasteland.  It will be made a wasteland, parched and desolate before Me; the whole land will be laid waste because there is no one who cares.  Over all the barren heights in the desert destroyers will swarm, for the sword of the Lord will devour from one end of the land to the other; no one will be safe.  They will sow wheat but reap thorns; they will wear themselves out but gain nothing.  So bear the shame of your harvest because of the Lord's fierce anger."  Jeremiah 12:7-13

People hate to read words like this but the reality is, most Western nations have not bothered to reverse their moral decline in noticeable ways.  Yes, more Christians may be feeling the stirring in their heart that things are definitely askew, and some may be answering the call to fast and pray more these days, but in the big picture, many Western countries are like Ephraim and Samaria--the northern kingdom of Israel in the days when she split from Jerusalem.  They have adopted all the idols of the countries around them and are content with a mixture of a knowledge of God and the daily practice of worldliness dominating their lives, or an outright rejection of God and His ways altogether.

Did you know that in the days leading up to the exile of the northern kingdom of Israel that they had quite a bit of wealth and affluence?  They had conquered surrounding areas with their sizable army and expanded their kingdom's boundaries to the furthest it ever would again.  As a country, they had weathered droughts and famines and earlier attacks of foreign nations and we feeling pretty good about themselves again--relative peace and prosperity filled their kingdom.  It was then that the Lord sent for "destroyers" to overtake them.  In the days of their economic recovery and burgeoning wealth and status as a nation.  Sound familiar?

Part of Donald Trump's allure for people is his confidence and strong talk of "getting America back on track."  And he just might be the one to do that--financially, speaking.  But what about our moral decline?  Our spiritual apathy or even blatant rejection of God?  Does he have any promising words about that....but so few are even concerned with this anyway.  A Pandora's box has been opened by legalizing drugs, homosexual marriage, normalizing sorcery and restricting the application of Christian values in our businesses, schools, and most public places.  I've lived in countries where a thriving Christian heritage was lost in a decade and ushered in wickedness and desolation--death in the thousands and in some places, millions resulted.  Prosperity is no sign of righteous standing with God, and prosperity cannot save you when disaster overtakes the land.

In these days, it behooves the Christian to see danger and take prayerful cover and counsel with the Lord.  The swarm will come on the hillsides, and those who retreat to their "caves" to pray and encourage each other will make it just fine.  God provides a safe place for all who take refuge in Him.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.            



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