Clinton--the Ultimate Pollyanna

Greetings in the Lord!

Yesterday in church our pastor gave a sermon based on the old movie, "Pollyanna."  Yes, he did.  He even showed a clip from the movie that was supposed to be a poignant message (eyebrow raised), "If you go looking for the bad in people, you will surely find it."  This is what we've been reduced to--modern conventional wisdom.  He did make a loose reference to Jesus by saying that Jesus promoted "good news" to people, i.e. any message other than a feel-good message need not apply.  Did I mention that he leaves our church in June--I wonder if he will torture us with movie "wisdom" and adages until he's gone?

Anyway, that does explain the Scripture verse the Lord had me read in my devotional time before church.  It comes from Jeremiah 28, and it is a whopper.  It tells of Jeremiah confronting the false prophet Hananiah in the temple; Hananiah was telling the people of Judah what they wanted to hear--"The God of Israel says, 'I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.  Within two years I will bring back to this place all the articles of the Lord's house that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon removed from here and took to Babylon.'"

This false assertion stirred up Jeremiah so that he replied, "Listen, Hananiah!  The Lord has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lies."  

Jeremiah also gives in this passage an important bit of information that gets readily overlooked in the modern church and its infatuation with all things prophetic--"From early times the prophets who preceded you and me have prophesied war, disaster and plagues against many countries and great kingdoms.  But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his prediction comes true." 

Therefore we can know that "feel-good" messages (especially prophetic words) need to be closely scrutinized.  Both in the Church and in the secular world.  This leads me to the main point of this blog--Hillary Clinton.  She is building a campaign on "America is already great!"  This is a lie.  We are in a desperate situation in just about every category--economically, politically, militarily, educationally, socially, on and on.  Rampant moral decay, violence, and corruption abound, and yet she would have us believe that everything is OK.  She is the ultimate Pollyanna!  (I do wonder if her permanent cheery, over-confident smile is prescription induced--probably?!)

Nevertheless, love him or hate him, the only candidate that is 'telling it like it is' is Donald Trump.  He is speaking on issues that are truly timely, prophetically important, and socially relevant.  While definitely not a saint, I discern that he is a trumpet for the Lord, speaking out and addressing issues that make him the right choice for this nation.  And Lyin' Ted?--enough said.  We can no longer keep our heads in the sand about the condition of the United States--if we aren't brave enough to stand up and contend now, there will be nothing to fight for later.

~Be blessed and be a blessing


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