Dying Great Snake

Greetings in the Lord~

It's been awhile since I've written but as usual, that is not an indication of inactivity.  Quite the opposite; God is moving in a powerful way these days and there have been some major fulfillment of His words that need to be celebrated.

First of all, in March 18th, 2014 I posted a word from the Lord that specifically denounced the rhetoric and recruiting propaganda of Islamic jihadists.  The Lord was very clear in His verdict:

"Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction.  Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit."
"You are not a God that takes pleasure in evil; with you the wicked cannot dwell.  The arrogant cannot stand in your Presence; You hate all who do wrong.  You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the Lord abhors."  Psalm 5:4-9.

Well, naturally, this word did not go over too good with the jihadist community who responded in mass to this blog.  All would have been fine with me except that they also began to pray Islamic witchcraft against me.  That was not fun, to be sure, but God delivered me from all the attacks of my enemies after some months of intense spiritual warfare.  All in all, God was not moved by the whole episode.  He knew very well what was in store and protected me every step of the way.  Praise God!

Exactly one year later, in the early morning of March 18th, 2015 I had a series of dreams that I knew were "attack" dreams again, but this time the Lord was allowing me to see that the great snake had been felled.  In one dream I was in  my apartment bedroom crouching down and praying, trying to hide from something and praying to God for protection.  Then I heard a noise come from the living room, so I went there to investigate and saw a giant snake outside of our sliding glass door, its mouth wide open with its fangs pressed against the glass.  It was so big that the open mouth was bigger than the entire sliding glass door, but it could not get in to me.  Praise God!  Smaller snakes also pressed against the other windows of the apartment but nothing could enter, I was safely hidden from them.  In the next part of the dream, a man named Mustafa was yelling at me on the phone, saying I had made a fool of him, but I hung up the phone.  Lastly, there was a black-haired jinn in my dream and I canceled his assignment against me and sent him back to the sender, quoting Scriptures:
"The trouble their lips have caused recoils upon their own skulls," and "He who digs the pit falls into it," and "The violence they plotted falls back on their own heads." Amen. 

As it turned out, a year after the Lord issued His verdict, Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, had been severely injured in a bombing campaign in Iraq.  He would not be able to walk again, even his very life hangs in a balance to this day.  I pray that before he passes he would have an amazing life-changing encounter with the One true, Lord Almighty and repent in his final breath of all the destruction he has caused.  Amen. 


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