Bulls of Bashan

Greetings in the Lord,

On Monday I awoke from a troubling dream.  In the dream I was in a house that was familiar to me, but it was filled with large animals, even the cats were enormous in size.  But the animal that caught my attention was a big, grey bull.  Its face was distorted and ugly, almost looking like a cross between a hippopotamus and bull, but the body was definitely that of a bull.  Unlike a regular bull, this one had little hair and its skin was a dead grey color.  "Strong death" is what I thought.  But instead of being afraid of this mutant animal the people in the house were stroking its face and saying how much they adored it.  Ugh!  They loved dearly this abnormal creature and were so happy to have it in the house.

When I awoke from this dream I discerned that this bull-creature was some sort of idol, a flesh covered demon?  I searched out some resources but wasn't satisfied that I had the full meaning yet.  Then, a couple days later I had another dream of bulls.  This time there was a herd of them out in a pasture.  Since I've lived in Syria and the Middle East, I recognized it to be there.  The bulls were a mixture of dark tan and black ones and lighter tan ones and they were playing some sort of game to pass the time.  Then, later in the day a chunk of meat was thrown into the herd and they began to fight over this flesh to eat as they were all very hungry!  I'd never seen bulls fight and play the way these were, they reminded me of a pack of wild dogs.  As I stood there watching, all of the sudden the one with the piece of flesh in his mouth started running towards me and they all charged after him.  I was scared as they ran past, as they shook the ground violently and caused dust clouds to rise up so I couldn't see them anymore.  I woke up and heard in my spirit, "bulls of Bashan."

With some research and prayer, and the events that took place on Friday in Tunisia and France, I now fully understand that these 'bulls of Bashan' are charging to wreak havoc wherever they can.  Ancient Bashan was a place of the giants--the Nephilim of Genesis 6.  While I don' pretend to have all the answers on this subject, I can understand that this dream reference is to the demons of that place, and they are on the warpath to trample as many as they can.  What human agents are they using to trample people?  The Islamic extremists, of course.  It seems that the spirits driving these guys are these ancient enemies of God and His people.  As I pondered these dreams and their significance yesterday it was almost like a prophetic confirmation--I was literally run over by a bicyclist!  He was zooming around a blind curve and hit me from the side sending me off my bike.  By the hand of God I wasn't hurt; I should have flown sideways into a row of bikes that would have scraped me badly, but instead I landed behind my bike on my backpack so I didn't even hit the concrete.  Thank God for that.  Needless to say, this summer will be one for Christians to be prayerfully vigilant and cautious about their summer plans.  Pray before you plan your travels and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Pray Psalm 91 before you leave the house each morning and over your family and community.  This is not a time to take lightly the violent threats of our enemies.          

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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