Blow that Trumpet, Donald Trump!

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, the month of March proved to be quite a ride for Donald Trump.  For months as the frontrunner, it appeared that he got overly used to packed rallies of mostly adoring supporters, so this month was a bit of a kick in the teeth for him.  Not only that, but most news reporters and definitely 24-hour news sources like CNN were setting him up for ridiculous soundbite after soundbite, and it has quickly taken a toll on his campaign.  Only the Lord knows from here what His plans are.

Having said all that, I would like to share some of my personal testimonies regarding Mr. Trump, and the things the Lord has said about him along the way.  My first glimpse of his candidacy was in September, 2015, in a dream of all places.  At the time the Lord was showing me that He had my back in an encounter with a radical Muslim where I teach.  In the dream, I was hidden from the threat of violence from this person under the Lord's wing, just like Psalm 91.  The interesting thing was that off in the distance was Donald Trump; he also needed to be hidden/protected, but I'm not sure he fully understood that.  I felt like the Lord was showing me that he was embarking on things that he was not prepared for and that I needed to pray for him and his family's protection. 

After that dream I really didn't pay him much more attention, just what was in the news headlines.  However, February rolled around and this time the Lord was very clear--fast and pray for him for 40 days, starting in March.  Right-o; I'm doing that.  I also started to follow him more closely on YouTube--watching rallies, interviews, etc.  Boy, has he really been taking it on the chin!  I've never seen more biased reporting and vicious attacks on a person; I've also been praying blessings on him. 

Well, then he came to Arizona and the Lord told me to go to one of his rallies.  That was another hu-u-u-ge eye opener.  At this rally the protesters blocked the major road leading into the small town that was hosting the event, but instead of getting mad, I sat back and observed the protesters.  It was obvious what was going on.  There were about 5-6 organizers (professionals?) who had recruited some local young people to join them.  They were vile and obnoxious and did not clearly articulate what it was specifically they were protesting when people approached them and asked.  It was the most contrived protest imaginable.  The rally itself was very nice, you could feel the electricity in the air.  So, the $25,000 question is--is he doing God's work?  Absolutely!

When I share that some people will begin to argue with me, citing every negative news quote and criticism about him out there.  But God is not interested in what man thinks or says about life's events.  Instead, on 3/22/16 early in the morning, the Lord showed me a vision.  I was standing before Donald and he was impressed because I was taller than he.  The Lord had me anoint him "king" and declare to him that he would be "a trumpet for the nations--to blow God's truth over the earth; to expose corruption, lies, and the abuses of rulers of the nations."  The Lord said, "Many are your enemies, but I will protect you from them all.  The Lord Himself is your high tower, your Rock of refuge." The Lord continued by telling him to "bind his will to His will," "seek and ask for God's wisdom to guide him," and to be "faithful to his wife always."  Then the Holy Spirit came and filled him and healed his abdomen. 

So, that was my March and assignment to pray and intercede for Donald J. Trump.  Of course, I still pray for him, but I also feel led to tell all those who voted for him in the primary that they have an obligation to pray for him, too.  He needs our prayers.  Like it or not, the Lord has anointed him for just a time as this--he is proclaiming and discerning what is coming down the pike for us as a nation and is unafraid to voice it.  Praise God!   

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 



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