
Ezra's Vision of the Eagle

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Mark chapter 14 and 2 Esdras (Ezra), which is packed full of the events leading up to Jesus' death, and quite possibly, events leading up to His second coming.  The chapter in Mark begins with a woman anointing him with very expensive perfume, and his disciples sternly rebuking the woman for wasting the perfume rather than selling it to give the money to the poor.   But Jesus replied, "Leave her alone.  Why criticize her for doing such a good thing to me?  You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to.  But you will not always have me.  She has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of time.  I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be remembered and discussed."  Mark 14:6-9. From Jesus' foretelling statement about his death, the passage in Mark continues with Judas going to the religious aut

The King Declares a Fast

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, for the past 2-3 weeks the Lord has been really putting on my heart about major troubles coming up--especially for the U.S. and Israel.  The passage He gives me to read is Amos 6, and though I've written on on this already, I did not share specifically what was put on my heart a while back, so I'll do that now.  On July 26th, the Holy Spirit put on my heart: There will be three events to happen in quick succession that will be the catalyst for major trouble in the U.S. and Israel (brought on by lots of enemies.)  I discern disruptions to power, internet and supply chains, and violence--in the form of another shooting/s and an invasion.  All of these events have one purpose ultimately---to delay the U.S. elections.  However, there are specific people that should take extra security precautions for the next three months: MTG, Musk, and of course, DJT.   Today I had a dream that highlighted this same message, but added an urgency to get prepared.  In t

I Spy With My Little Eye

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well, all last week I was in Washington DC for a teachers' conference.  It's been a while since I've been to DC, since January 6th, the January 6th, to be sure.  Yes, I was there--because God put it on my heart to be there; I was actually planning on going to the inaugural prayer breakfast a week later, as I've done before.  But this time, it was fun to tell everyone my version of that infamous day, which is far from the B.S. told by the media and corrupt politicians.  However, as I've already written about what I saw that day I will not repeat it today, but rather, I will share a few tidbits from my past week and what I discern is the significance.   For starters, I had a vision three times while was in DC--the same vision each time.  It was of the Capitol building and of the street leading up to it.  In the vision, I saw a very complicated network of underground passageways leading to and from the Capitol and all up and down that street b

God's Plans are Higher Than Ours

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well, a lot has come to pass since I last posted: Biden is officially being swept out of the White House starting from his disastrous debate (prophetic word given June 11th on blog), which exposed just how incapacitated he has been for a while now.  I do find it kind of interesting how many people are coming forward to say they predicted DJT's incident, but not many told of when Biden would be washing out of office.  And Kamala?  Well, since the summer of 2019 the Lord has been giving words about a female coming into the helm--and that was when DJT was still in office!  [Side note: the passage used to tell of the rise of Kamala came from the story of Queen Athaliah, from 2 Chronicles 22-23, so you can read up]. And spoiler, Athaliah came to power because both her son and husband died, then she eliminated all other rightful heirs to seize the throne, just so you know.  How interesting that no one voted for her to be the presidential candidate now!  And yes,

Cancel All Demonic Assignments Against DJT

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well,  the unthinkable--but not surprising--has happened, and God has protected him.  Thank you Lord, for your hedge of protection around DJT.  Like many other prophetic and truth-telling voices, I posted a word last month to pray for Trump, for I discerned devious plans were in the works.  And frankly, it's all they had to go with since everything else has failed.  But be sure of this, his foes are not done, for these are a truly wicked lot.  DJT needs to remain vigilant to stay the course.  I specifically pray against the threat of poisoning--whether in hair or hygiene or laundry products, food and drink, or cologne.  In the name of Jesus, I cancel every demonic assignment of poisoning and pray a blessing over all food and drink for DJT.     "Listen, you leaders, you are supposed to know right from wrong, but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil....Then you beg the Lord for help in times of trouble!  Do you really expect Him to answer? 

Get Ready for the Dam to Break

  Greetings in the Lord~ It's been quite some time ago, maybe two years or more, when the Lord put on my heart about how this administration would eventually fall apart.  In a vision, the Lord showed me a large, white dam wall holding back a major river.  This wall represented all the lies, schemes and scandals, and outright corruption done to keep back the rivers of righteousness from flowing in the United States.   At first, this wall seemed impenetrable, but as the river grew in size--from all of the concerned, hurt and angry voices speaking truth and persistent prayers of the faithful, the river grew and grew as more streams deposited into it.  Then, finally, one day, a small crack appeared!  So minute was the squirt of water that shot from the hairline crack--it seemed almost irrelevant, like there was no way this little crack could end up toppling the giant wall down.  But it did!!! "As goes Hunter, so goes the White House!" Yep, that's what I heard in my spirit

Though it May Look Chaotic, God is Still in Control

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word, like many of the others I've given this year, is one of sounding the alarm.  I always hope it doesn't get to be like one who cries wolf, but I have to be faithful to the call He has put on my life.  More than that, it is a fulfillment of a scriptural promise: "Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7 So, in keeping with today's word from Amos 3, I will announce the things the Lord has been putting on my heart, which agrees with many other prophetic voices speaking at this hour:  it is time to repent and pray because there are major shakings being planned for the U.S. right now, some of which will definitely have an effect on other nations as well.   This season of shaking began at the eclipse on April 8th--as it was a sign of the season of judgments that we are in.  Earlier this year I wrote about that, and of all the natural and manmade disasters to

Beware of Karen and the Nicolaitans

Greetings in the Lord~ Last week the Methodists as a denomination met at their General Conference in Charlotte, NC to discuss and vote on many matters, including the controversial topic of allowing actively practicing homosexual persons to be ordained as pastors.  The vote was pretty overwhelmingly in support of that issue. Not only that, but they decided that gay marriages can be performed by such clergy in Methodist churches that are agreeable to this taking place in their church.   Needless to say, this approval goes far beyond finding common ground and unity within the denomination, as it basically endorses a tenet that is not compatible with Scripture.  But maybe more importantly, it is a beginning of fulfillment of prophetic End Time warnings given all throughout the New Testament.   These warnings can be found most directly in the 2nd chapter of the book of Revelation in reference to the sect of the Nicolaitans.  These Nicolaitan "Christians" taught that it was OK to c

Joel 2: Locusts Swarm and Devour the Land

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Joel 2, and is accompanied by a dream.  Let me first share about the passage from scripture.  In this passage, we read about the Lord directing an 'army' of locusts to come to devour and plunder the land as a form of judgment.  Interestingly, devouring locusts were one of the plagues that happened in Egypt long ago as a form of judgment to compel Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave their country--freeing them of their slavery.  Here, however, the plague of locusts come as a form of judgment upon His people for their persistent sin and stubborn rebellion against God.   "Ahead of them (locusts) the land lies as beautiful as the Garden of Eden.  Behind them is nothing but desolation, not one thing escapes....Look at them as they leap along the mountaintops.  Listen to the noise they make--like the rumbling of chariots, like the roar of fire sweeping across a field of stubble, or like an army moving into battle."  "

Learn from His-story

Greetings in the Lord~ This week I've been reading from the book of Jeremiah, and quite frankly, it makes me nervous and a bit sad.  This whole book is basically about the overthrow and exile of Judah/Israel, and about His judgments to the pagan nations.  The Lord sends the prophet Jeremiah to warn the people to repent of their idolatrous ways and return to the Lord--for He desires to heal them of their wayward hearts.  However, a portion of the people and Judah's leaders do not listen, but rather, become even more insolent and rebellious.  They persecute Jeremiah and the godly people of the land ultimately, by continuing in their senseless destruction of the bountiful land the Lord had given them.  How?  By adopting the corrupt ways of the world -- desiring only wealth and power for themselves and throwing God's commands behind their backs.  Oh, they give God lip service, but reject seeking any of His counsel or wisdom and instead worship worthless idols.  Well, at some po

Human Defiance Only Enhances Your Glory, For You Use It as a Weapon

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Psalm 76.  This is a psalm that I've come to love over the years as it is usually given when the Lord is going to bring a victory of sorts.  Now, in my experience, the victory usually pertains to a spiritual victory, like a major break in spiritual warfare, where the spirit realm is suddenly peaceful, quiet and calm as spiritual forces of evil flee away completely defeated.  However, today I received a dream to go with this word and it seems to indicate a victory and recovery of things in the natural more than spiritual.  Let's discuss the psalm first. In Psalm 76 the Lord is praised and honored by His people because He has destroyed the "fiery arrows of the enemy", "the shields and swords and weapons of war."   Whatever and however the enemy has been attacking His people are suddenly destroyed by the Lord, and "at the blast of Your breath, O God of Jacob, their horses and chariots lay still." 

The Trial of the People

Greetings in the Lord~ This week the Supreme Court heard the arguments from the lawyers representing the (small group of) Colorado voters that wanted to have Trump removed from the state's ballot in the next election.  While their arguments were much less than convincing, in the bigger picture, the fact that the Supreme Court was even listening to their sophisticated whines has an important spiritual implication, as today's prophetic word comes from Micah 6.  This word has to do with the 'trial of the people,' as they represent just how far down and wide the rebellion against the Lord goes in the U.S. culture.  These folks are on trial with the Lord presiding, and it doesn't go well for them! First off, it is interesting that this passage begins with the Lord calling to the mountains and hills to hear their complaints: "Stand up and state your case against Me.  Let the mountains and hills be called to witness your complaints.  And now, O mountains, listen to th

Last Warning Call Being Blown

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, today's prophetic word comes from Jeremiah 6, and it is one of those that always give prophetic speakers a bad reputation, mainly because it is a word of warning.  But Jeremiah 6 is not just any warning, but it is their last warning.  In this 6th chapter from Jeremiah, we read about an army coming from the north to destroy Jerusalem because of the unrepentant sins of the highest to the common in the land.  They simply do not want to follow God's ways anymore.  But even in this warning of incoming trouble, the people refuse to listen.  They want to go their own way and close their ears to the warnings of the prophets; in fact, they scorn the word of the Lord.  Like Sinatra, they boldly and foolishly sing, "My Way!"  So now, the prophet decrees the fury of the Lord without hesitation or compassion.  He simply calls out all of those in power who could help the country and the people, but who instead lie to them and say, "Peace, peace!&qu

Set Free From the Trap

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's prophetic word comes from Psalm 79, complete with accompanying dream.  It is a pretty intense psalm that uses very dramatic language to express the desperate cry of the people of God to the Lord for His saving grace and power, and ultimately, to rescue those in great need.  And it is the second psalm of petition and deliverance I've received on behalf of someone in the entertainment industry, for it is that time of year... "O God, pagan nations have conquered Your land, Your special possession.  They have defiled Your holy Temple and made Jerusalem a heap of ruins.  They have left the bodies of Your servants as food for the birds of heaven.  The flesh of Your godly ones has become food for the wild animals....We are mocked by our neighbors, an object of scorn and derision to those around us.  O Lord, how long will You be angry with us?" Pour out Your wrath on the nations that refuse to acknowledge You--on kingdoms that do not call upon Y

Hunker Down People of God, and Take Refuge in the Lord

  Greetings in the Lord~ This week's prophetic word comes from Amos 3 & 6, and Jeremiah 16, as well as an accompanying dream and visual confirmation--which usually means there is an urgency to the prophetic word.  Let's jump right in. These chapters in Amos pretty much say the same things: God's judgment is coming, mainly in the form of foreign invaders.  The Lord allows the invasion because His people for the most part have become apathetic in their faith, even outright idolatrous and corrupt, in their love of the world and false gods.  In chapter 3, the Lord will even invite other nations to witness the trouble and confirm that God was just in His decision to bring correction to His people.  The judgment is mostly directed at the rich leaders among His people, those that chose to better themselves at the expense of the country, who have summer and winter homes filled with luxurious things gotten by oppressing the poor and common in the land.  They think they are "

A Mighty Hand Will Compel Pharaoh

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, here it is, 2024, and for many it couldn't have come a minute sooner!  I've heard it said several times already--"Good riddance!" to 2023, as people have struggled in many ways over the past year (and longer). In the language of scripture that the Lord uses to enlighten me, He talks about a Pharaoh oppressing His people.  Yes, as in the days of old, the U.S. is like the Israelites in ancient Egypt--slaving away at the behest of a cruel and godless master; Pharaoh thinks he is a god and imposes his agenda on the captives...but a day will come when he will rule the people no more! Yes, a day comes when the Lord says enough is enough. God meets with Moses in the backside of the desert and calls him to lead Israel out of Egypt.  So Moses goes with his brother, Aaron, to Pharaoh to ask that he let the Hebrews go out into the desert for three days to worship their God, God Almighty, but the Lord knows Pharaoh will never let them go unless the mi

The People of the Land Rise Up

Greetings in the Lord~ This week I came across a national news article reporting on the result and aftermath of the November vote from a small town in Michigan.  In fact, this particular article didn't even give the name of the city it is so small, just the township name.  However, since it is my childhood hometown, I recognized it immediately!   Now, the article showed a picture of a guy changing the locks of a public building, town hall to be exact, and the headline said it all: "Small Michigan Town Votes Off All Members of Town Council and Changes Locks on Town Hall!"  Ha ha ha--they voted them off because each of them had been supporting a $2.4B Chinese project to be built in the small city which would be an environmental disaster and security risk.  SO, why would they be supporting something the majority of the town is against, you ask?  Bribe money.  It is a fact that some of the town council members had been offered huge amounts of money (in the millions) to sell t