Get Ready for the Dam to Break

 Greetings in the Lord~

It's been quite some time ago, maybe two years or more, when the Lord put on my heart about how this administration would eventually fall apart.  In a vision, the Lord showed me a large, white dam wall holding back a major river.  This wall represented all the lies, schemes and scandals, and outright corruption done to keep back the rivers of righteousness from flowing in the United States.  

At first, this wall seemed impenetrable, but as the river grew in size--from all of the concerned, hurt and angry voices speaking truth and persistent prayers of the faithful, the river grew and grew as more streams deposited into it.  Then, finally, one day, a small crack appeared!  So minute was the squirt of water that shot from the hairline crack--it seemed almost irrelevant, like there was no way this little crack could end up toppling the giant wall down.  But it did!!!

"As goes Hunter, so goes the White House!"

Yep, that's what I heard in my spirit during my prayer time today.  In fact, I was so surprised at discerning this comment that I asked, "What?"

"Watch and see, My dear, for now is the time of My coming."

It was then that I recalled the vision of the giant dam wall coming down--suddenly!, and it all started with a hairline fracture!  

Today's prophetic word is awesome indeed, for we have waited so long to see even a peep of God's justice in our land.  From psalm 72 and 66 we can understand that God has every intention of putting a righteous king over this land, one that truly does love the Lord and wants to care for the people of the land...and the world will follow his rule happily!  

Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth!  Sing about the glory of His name!  Tell the world how glorious He is.  

Say to God, "How awesome are Your deeds! Your enemies cringe before Your mighty power.  Everything on earth will worship You; they will sing Your praises, shouting Your name in glorious songs."  Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for people!  Psalm 66:1-5.

Later in Psalm 66, it talks about how God had allowed heavy burdens to be put on His people and allowed an oppressor to rule over them, taking His people through fire and flood before bringing them to a place of great abundance.  So has been our four-year-plus journey with the Biden-Obama era.  

So today, I pray as always, Lord, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven; You alone have a good plan for the nations of the earth, for all who turn to follow You and make You their God.  I pray, though we have been and have to travel more  through fire and flood, I thank you this day that we can trust in You and Your ways to bring us into a place of great abundance--peace and righteousness are Yours to give.  Amen and amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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