Cancel All Demonic Assignments Against DJT

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, the unthinkable--but not surprising--has happened, and God has protected him.  Thank you Lord, for your hedge of protection around DJT.  Like many other prophetic and truth-telling voices, I posted a word last month to pray for Trump, for I discerned devious plans were in the works.  And frankly, it's all they had to go with since everything else has failed.  But be sure of this, his foes are not done, for these are a truly wicked lot.  DJT needs to remain vigilant to stay the course.  I specifically pray against the threat of poisoning--whether in hair or hygiene or laundry products, food and drink, or cologne.  In the name of Jesus, I cancel every demonic assignment of poisoning and pray a blessing over all food and drink for DJT.    

"Listen, you leaders, you are supposed to know right from wrong, but you are the very ones who hate good and love evil....Then you beg the Lord for help in times of trouble!  Do you really expect Him to answer?  After all the evil you have done, He won't even look at you!"  Micah 3:1-2, 4.

Today's word comes from Micah 3; it is a commentary of the truly evil leadership in the White House and of those who align themselves with them, like the mainstream media.  Their corruption and endless lies are laid bare before God, and like this scriptural passage points out, He will not come to their aid when the trouble they plan for others backfires and they fall into the pits they dug for others.  Truly, God will not be mocked--as a man sows, so shall he reap.  

However, Micah 3 also includes leadership within the Church, those who would prophesy falsehood for money and power and join hands with those who push lies that have the effect of leading people from the faith.  These are called "false prophets" in this passage.  But I think it's also fair to include those pastors who still won't accept that Trump has been called to lead our nation, and still push much of the Leftist ideology from the pulpit.  It is heartbreaking to see and hear these "progressive" pastors and "Christians" alike support demonic/anti-God doctrine and attack those who adhere to God's word in word, thought and practice.  I fully anticipate another sifting to come to Church leadership and to the leadership of this nation, as their corruption has barely abated, even in the wake of such a heinous attempt on DJT.  These folks just keep on in their wicked ways.

Verses 9-12 continue as follows: "Listen to me, you leaders!  You hate justice and twist all that is right.   You are building (the nation) on a foundation of murder and corruption.  You rulers make decisions based on bribes, you priests teach God's laws only for a price, and you prophets won't prophesy unless you are paid.  Yet all of you claim to depend on the Lord.  'No harm can come to us,' you say, 'for the Lord is here among us.'  Because of you, (the church) will be plowed like an open field, (the nation) will be reduced to ruins!"

I discern a few things from this passage, but overall, that the corruption in this nation is very deeply entrenched and widely pervasive and I don't see many of the wicked changing course or their mindset anytime soon.  Second, this current administration is bringing hardships upon themselves because of their personal evildoings--you reap what you sow, and most likely, by your own party members.  Those who betray will be betrayed, etc.  Third, the very common tactic of accepting bribes is singled out and condemned specifically in this passage for all of the parties mentioned in this passage: national leadership, Church leadership, and prophetic speakers, both secular and church-related.  So I discern that there is coming judgments that will be financial in nature due to these people's misuse of resources and wealth.  In the church, this bribery may have been be literal, as in I believe certain positions of authority have accepted bribes to change church discipline to accommodate Leftist ideology; but also, the bribery comes in the form of pastors accepting large donations that come with strings attached--lots of strings: politically, secular and church-related.  At any rate, even after a change in leadership in this country in the fall, I do discern that the waters ahead will still be choppy for awhile, for all of the corruption takes time to uproot.  

So, like always, I pray the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; and may God continue to put His hedge of protection around DJT and his family, exposing every plan of the enemy beforehand and thwarting all the schemes of the wicked, and giving abundant joy and wisdom to the righteous. Amen  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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