I Spy With My Little Eye

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, all last week I was in Washington DC for a teachers' conference.  It's been a while since I've been to DC, since January 6th, the January 6th, to be sure.  Yes, I was there--because God put it on my heart to be there; I was actually planning on going to the inaugural prayer breakfast a week later, as I've done before.  But this time, it was fun to tell everyone my version of that infamous day, which is far from the B.S. told by the media and corrupt politicians.  However, as I've already written about what I saw that day I will not repeat it today, but rather, I will share a few tidbits from my past week and what I discern is the significance.  

For starters, I had a vision three times while was in DC--the same vision each time.  It was of the Capitol building and of the street leading up to it.  In the vision, I saw a very complicated network of underground passageways leading to and from the Capitol and all up and down that street before it.  The footpaths went in every direction imaginable, albeit unseen, like when you lift up a sheet of plywood that has been laying on the ground for four years to reveal all of the bugs that have been living underneath there, scurrying to and fro.  And I heard the Lord very clearly say in my spirit, "Backroom deals."  I thought about that as we had drinks at the Willard Hotel; surely that place has hosted more than a few shady deals over the years.  DC had become a LOT more rotten since I had been there last, which is probably why I read Psalm 12 while there: "Help Lord, the godly are fast disappearing from the land!"

So, what are some of the tricks coming down the pike?  First, Kamala won't campaign publicly because they are going to cheat again--and that is if we even have an election in November, which is dubious at this point.  I've said that before: there are many hands working together now to prevent a usual U.S. national election cycle from happening this year.  Not to say that we won't have one at all, but I discern a major event happening that will try to derail the elections this year.  So needless to say, if they can hide Cringy Kamala from too many public appearances, the better it will be to reduce the need for any PR cleanups.  I guess there is nothing like stating the obvious, but there you go.

The next thing I discern is that a LOT has changed globally in the four years since Trump was in office, and he will need to be very discerning about who he looks to partner with overseas.  What worked the first time around may or may not work the next time, but be sure of this, the obstacles and obstructions and hard-heartedness of leaders is at an all-time high.  It's kind of a "go-big-or-go-home" scenario for many; so there again, some will be willing to roll the dice on risky prospects as they deem the time is short or they have too much to lose if they don't act.

Lastly, I visited the Spy Museum in DC, and that proved to be very interesting.  There were two exhibits in particular that stood out to me, for different reasons.  The first was a small wall collage of propaganda posters/media prints that had been used over the years by various intelligence communities meant to sway and influence public opinion--usually in favor of or against nations in war efforts, etc.  However, there was one poster that was from 2012--it showed an online social media post using Christian symbols/images/language to reinforce their opinion and try to exert influence over the reader.  The meaning was clear: some governments and intel organizations use religion and religious posts to influence its adherents.  That's probably why social media giants use that to justify censoring Christian conservatives and the like, more so than other groups on their platforms, although we know that they really are just censoring any viewpoint that disagrees with their liberal agenda.  However, I am expecting that there will be an increase in this particular use of propaganda, in addition to having social media "plants" to speak the paid-for narrative on their platforms.        

Unlike the propaganda exhibit, the other exhibit was a bit more puzzling, but it shed some interesting light on the intel community at large.  Overall, the display offered little historical context of when, where and how it was used, or even any information as to why it was included in the museum at all--but it spoke volumes to me!  In one hallway, there were four, little round glass windows at a small child's height, which I'm sure many parents would or could hardly bother to bend down to peer into.  In fact, the glass was rounded, so you had to look inside exactly at that height to see clearly the image inside---so what was so important that they had to "hide" it from parents?  The windows showed four images of occult/witchcraft/fortune-telling items, which was supposed to introduce the "deciphering codes" section of the museum?  Yeah, right.

First, it confirmed to me that there is no denying that witchcraft in various forms is being used by the GLOBAL INTEL community in everything from remote spying, to mind-control/MK Ultra, illuminati/tarot card games, future prediction, casting spells on enemies, and so on.  Secondly, by keeping it from easy display to parents, it was planting an uncontested seed in the child's mind that witchcraft and spying go hand and hand, a kind of "gateway display," if you will.  Thirdly, it confirmed to me why the Christian prophetic community has been under intense governmental scrutiny, (both in the U.S. and abroad) hostile social media censorship, and has been encountering intense personal spiritual warfare for the past ten years---the prophetic community is on this quasi, religious-social-spiritual-political frontlines that can not only recognize this type of spiritual espionage, but can effectively combat it.  Interesting, huh?  And I am quite sure that less than 5% of all museum goers have even an inkling about what this display is all about--how fitting for a spy museum!  So what to make about all this?  Well, it could very well be that we will see more conflict and sifting in the prophetic community, as real prophets will go toe to toe with influential sorcerers, and those that just want to be famous will get out of the game, or be sidelined for awhile.      

However, one thing is for certain--God wins.  At the end of the day, it is God who will have the last laugh, for the Lord knows what goes on in secret, in fact, He is the God of all Mysteries.  He knows the end from the beginning and can see clearly things done in the dark.  The Lord confounds the wise using simpletons, and He teaches children to tell of His power and might to silence the wicked and all who oppose Him.  Yes, God is the Almighty God who gives revelation and prophetic insight to His servants; He opens the eyes of their hearts to see His handiwork and to proclaim what the Lord says He will do before He does it.  Praise be to God, who holds the righteous in His protective hand until the day He brings them back to Himself.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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