The King Declares a Fast

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, for the past 2-3 weeks the Lord has been really putting on my heart about major troubles coming up--especially for the U.S. and Israel.  The passage He gives me to read is Amos 6, and though I've written on on this already, I did not share specifically what was put on my heart a while back, so I'll do that now. 

On July 26th, the Holy Spirit put on my heart: There will be three events to happen in quick succession that will be the catalyst for major trouble in the U.S. and Israel (brought on by lots of enemies.)  I discern disruptions to power, internet and supply chains, and violence--in the form of another shooting/s and an invasion.  All of these events have one purpose ultimately---to delay the U.S. elections.  However, there are specific people that should take extra security precautions for the next three months: MTG, Musk, and of course, DJT.  

Today I had a dream that highlighted this same message, but added an urgency to get prepared.  In the dream, it was the beginning of the school year and I had three classes on  Monday, two in the morning and one in the afternoon, at around 2pm.  The morning classes were fine, but I was late to my third class and was unprepared.  Then, after I got there, nothing worked right in the classroom--no power, no internet, even the chalk board was useless as there was not enough chalk and the markers were all dry!  All we could do was sit around in small groups and talk, which we did.  From this dream I awoke and felt the need to re-read my journal pages that discussed the word from Amos 6, and the Holy Spirit added Jonah 3:7-9:

Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city: "No one, not even the animals from your herds and flocks, may eat or drink anything at all.  People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God.  They must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence.  Who can tell?  Perhaps even yet God will change His mind and hold back His fierce anger from destroying us."

So, needless to say, I will be fasting for the next 30 days in addition to the 90-day praying leading up to the elections.  I would encourage people of faith to do the same, for who knows, maybe God will relent and not allow these planned events to take place.  I also will be getting my pantry ready and buying a small generator; it's just smart things to do.  

So today I pray: May the Alpha and Omega, the God who knows the beginning and the end, the Revealer of Mysteries, keep us safe and secure in the palm of His hands during this next season, protecting those who need protection and comforting those who need comfort. Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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