Witch of Endor Be Revealed and Rendered Powerless

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, Trump's in office and the predicted fireworks show has been non-stop. At first, it seemed a bit dramatic, like he was taking on issues that were out in left field and picking unnecessary fights with countries that are not typically in the U.S. news cycle.  It was a little hard to follow his thinking....at first.  But as most things Trump-related, the truth of a matter reveals itself in short time, thus prompting the current adage of: "Trump was right."  But this latest dispute he had with the president of Ukraine seems a bit different to me.  

On the surface, it was dealing with a subject that has gotten a lot of press and dollars from the U.S.--the war in the Ukraine.  However, as I watched the early clips of their much publicized spat, I heard in my spirit: "The witch of Endor," over and over.  Hmmm, this is referring to the passage in 1 Samuel 28.  The prophet Samuel has just died and King Saul finds himself in a panic about what to do with the attacking Philistines.  His other prophets give no word from the Lord, indeed, he feels like God has left him entirely, so he asks his advisors to find him a medium or witch to consult.  They suggest inquiring of the witch in Endor.  To do this, King Saul has to disguise himself, as he had previously outlawed witchery in the land.  Whereas King Saul had to disguise himself, President Zelensky doesn't have to.  

In a nutshell, it is pretty clear from the passage and from what the Holy Spirit put on my heart that President Zelensky is going to consult his 'witch of Endor,' Marina Abramovic.  He has already made her an Ambassador of Ukraine to "rebuild" their educational system--which is entirely frightening, so she is anything but outlawed in their land.  The interesting thing for me is, that I and other prophetic speakers have been warning about a woman coming against Trump to try and take him out.  It could very well be a situation like this---a prominent witch using her witchery and minions to attack him in the spirit realm.  

Now before you poo-poo this, realize that much of the world has to deal with witchcraft in their culture and the practice of people trying to hurt other people with it.  It's only in the U.S. where some folks are still very ignorant about this, and suffer for it.  While I won't go into detail now about how people get affected by it unknowingly, or how the U.S. social landscape and institutions have been completely changed as well, I will just say that I believe the overall rise of witchcraft in the U.S. has played a big part in our social/political/educational/economic demise.  And, like King Jehoshaphat, who was told to not partner with the evil King Ahab, it would be ill advised and dangerous, spiritually speaking, for Trump to partner with king who consults witches anyway. Now, getting to today's word.

The prophetic word for today is that this very public confrontation was no accident by God, but rather, it will begin to bring the practice of witchcraft, in politics and otherwise, to the floor for mainstream discussion.  It is time for a great revealing in the spirit realm---God is going to begin shine His light on the dark powers that have been at work controlling the heads of state for many countries.  It is a time of major separation between those heads of state who have been consulting dark powers and those that have not.  The Lord is drawing a line in the sand, so to speak.  I do anticipate that this unveiling will happen as Trump will have to do battle in the spirit realm, and possibly in the physical with afflictions for a period of time---more than he has already, to be sure.  And that, he will be forced to address some of this directly, publicly.  The Church will be inspired to pray for him, as he directs, and the exposure will force heads of state to play their hand.  Do they stand with God or the enemy of our souls?  

Likewise, it is no wonder that Marina Abramovic is an ambassador for education either, as it was in the U.S. educational system that the Harry Potter books infiltrated and began sowing seeds of darkness in our children.  The series is a how-to sorcerer's manual, after all.  It is imperative for the U.S. to re-visit what is being taught in the schools, on a federal level, in order to rip out all of the gnarly roots of witchcraft that have been sown in our nation.  I would fully expect to see some of these struggles and ultimate victories take place in Trump's time as President.

So today, we pray the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; we pray for a protective shield to be around President Trump and his family, administration and supporters, as we move ahead in these days of reset; and we pray for repentance to come to the U.S. that leads to spiritual revival and restoration.  In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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