Last Warning Call Being Blown

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, today's prophetic word comes from Jeremiah 6, and it is one of those that always give prophetic speakers a bad reputation, mainly because it is a word of warning.  But Jeremiah 6 is not just any warning, but it is their last warning.  In this 6th chapter from Jeremiah, we read about an army coming from the north to destroy Jerusalem because of the unrepentant sins of the highest to the common in the land.  They simply do not want to follow God's ways anymore.  But even in this warning of incoming trouble, the people refuse to listen.  They want to go their own way and close their ears to the warnings of the prophets; in fact, they scorn the word of the Lord.  Like Sinatra, they boldly and foolishly sing, "My Way!" 

So now, the prophet decrees the fury of the Lord without hesitation or compassion.  He simply calls out all of those in power who could help the country and the people, but who instead lie to them and say, "Peace, peace!" when their is no peace.  They offer superficial treatments for the people's mortal wound--they care nothing for the ruin of their nation because they are ruled by greed and violence and love deception and corruption.  Therefore, the Lord turns His fist against the nation He loves, to punish them for their corrupt ways.  But even as the final warning sound blows, the leaders down to the common folk are smug in their rebellion and reject the warning to repent---and even ignore calls to prepare for the attacks on their land.    

Then, the Lord does two things: first, He tells all the nations to watch as He disciplines His people so that they can learn from the self-imposed disaster on His people; second, the Lord rejects all of the offerings and sacrifices of His people as they finally realize that disaster and terror is upon them.  Hmmm, it seems that something big is headed our way, and of the not-so-fun category.  

However, the verses of chapter 6 that really catch my attention are 27-30: "Jeremiah, I have made you a tester of metals, that you may determine the quality of My people.  They are the worst kind of rebel, full of slander.  They are as hard as bronze and iron, and they lead others into corruption.  The bellows fiercely fan the flames to burn out the corruption.  But it does not purify them, for their wickedness remains.  I will label them 'Rejected Silver,' for I, the Lord, am discarding them."  Yikes!  That's not a label I would want.

So today, like always, I pray that the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  May the Sovereign Lord complete the work of His discipline perfectly, to purify those that will be purified and to root out those He has determined to root out because of their persistent wickedness.  May all the earth praise the Lord for His mighty works, and turn their hearts to Him in devotion and faith. Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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