Though it May Look Chaotic, God is Still in Control

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word, like many of the others I've given this year, is one of sounding the alarm.  I always hope it doesn't get to be like one who cries wolf, but I have to be faithful to the call He has put on my life.  More than that, it is a fulfillment of a scriptural promise:

"Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets."  Amos 3:7

So, in keeping with today's word from Amos 3, I will announce the things the Lord has been putting on my heart, which agrees with many other prophetic voices speaking at this hour:  it is time to repent and pray because there are major shakings being planned for the U.S. right now, some of which will definitely have an effect on other nations as well.  This season of shaking began at the eclipse on April 8th--as it was a sign of the season of judgments that we are in.  Earlier this year I wrote about that, and of all the natural and manmade disasters to follow--some things have already begun to take place.

However, today I would like to expound just a bit on the manmade calamities that are in the works--ones that are seeking to disrupt the U.S. national elections in November with the hopes of keeping the Democrats in the White House, and others that are hoping to bring Israel and the U.S. to their knees in regards to the demands of Islamic extremists, and finally, ones that are also seeking to gain other lands and resources by having a severely crippled and weak U.S. administration in power.  Yes, things are beginning to line up for wicked agendas to be executed.  And while all these players are planning and making secret nefarious schemes and deals with one another and their greedy allies, God is still in control.  He knows who the players are, who has taken the bribes and payoffs, and He knows which cities will come under attack, and of which waterways will be used to gain access and become under siege.  But as people of God, how can we know?  

Well, for starters, let's focus on cities that have been parading Donald Trump through their courts in judicial circuses.  This rebellious behavior will judged, no doubt about that.  Next, let's look at "sanctuary" cities that have really been participants in furthering the godless agenda of filling countries with illegal immigrants.  Depleting resources and mismanaging city funds will come back to bite them, for certain.  And finally, look to those cities where political leaders and corporate elites have taken the bribe money to become puppets to push Leftist and Globalist agendas.  Those places, of course, will become vulnerable to God's judgments, as those evil agents look to carry out their plans in their sphere of influence, they unwittingly become tools of judgements carried out on the land.    

However, while I was out in Charlotte and Fort Mills area, I discerned that God is also raising up "safe" cities or places of refuge for His people, a kind of Goshen area where they will not be affected so much with these calamities and attacks w/hostages.  So, I pray that God will begin to raise up intercessors all across this nation that will prayerfully usher in a "Goshen" protection to their cities and States.  I pray for a hedge of protection to be around Donald Trump so that not even a hair of his head will be touched by planned enemy attacks, and also for Marjorie Taylor Greene and all other politicians (and Elon Musk) that have steadfastly refused to accept the bribe or succumbed to the antichrist agendas against the U.S., for no doubt evil plans are in the works for some these persons as well.   Lastly, I pray for vigilant watchmen over the waterways and transportation systems of this nation and globally, so they may catch and thwart trouble before it comes to fruition.

Like always we pray the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  God has a good plan for the future for the United States, and all nations that would turn to worship Him as Lord Most High.  The covenant blessings have not run out for us, but we must get back into alignment with them, and our proper place is in submission to the Lord and obeying His commands.  The coming big events are manmade and contrived, not the Lord's plan per se, but He will use them to return hearts back to Himself, and ultimately, to bring a chastening on the wicked....and to bring His chosen king back to rule over the land.  Isaiah 24 talks more about God's purpose in judgement, give it a read.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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