Set Free From the Trap

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's prophetic word comes from Psalm 79, complete with accompanying dream.  It is a pretty intense psalm that uses very dramatic language to express the desperate cry of the people of God to the Lord for His saving grace and power, and ultimately, to rescue those in great need.  And it is the second psalm of petition and deliverance I've received on behalf of someone in the entertainment industry, for it is that time of year...

"O God, pagan nations have conquered Your land, Your special possession.  They have defiled Your holy Temple and made Jerusalem a heap of ruins.  They have left the bodies of Your servants as food for the birds of heaven.  The flesh of Your godly ones has become food for the wild animals....We are mocked by our neighbors, an object of scorn and derision to those around us.  O Lord, how long will You be angry with us?"

Pour out Your wrath on the nations that refuse to acknowledge You--on kingdoms that do not call upon Your name.  For they have devoured Your people Israel, making the land a desolate wilderness....Help us, O God of our salvation!  Help us for the glory of Your name.  Save us and forgive us our sins for the honor of Your name.  Why should pagan nations be allowed to scoff, asking, "Where is their God?"  Show us Your vengeance against the nations, for they have spilled the blood of Your servants.  Listen to the moaning of the prisoners.  Demonstrate Your great power by saving those condemned to die.

O Lord, pay back our neighbors seven times for the scorn they have hurled at You.  Then we Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, will thank You for ever and ever, praising Your greatness from generation to generation.  Psalm 79:1-2, 4-7, 9-13. 

This psalm was probably written after Babylonian forces overran Jerusalem, and could have some bearing to the Oct. 7th attack.  However, the dream that I had before receiving this psalm makes it clear to me that it is about the Hollywood cabal (South Korean & Bollywood industry included) and its occult adherents that prey upon those in the industry to further their own interests.  These pagans make sacrifices, it's as simple as that---but it doesn't mean that some aren't without regret.  That was the angle of the dream I had, at least.  In it, I saw a Johnny Depp type of celebrity, a powerful insider, who was mourning his latest choice---a Winona Ryder type of celebrity and past girlfriend.  

Now, from a very shrewd business perspective, it could be said that at some point a celebrity could be worth more after life than while still living.  Therefore, it is no surprise that that in the months leading up to some celebrities' passing, managers and producers etc. will re-design contracts for them to sign that give ownership of their work over to those handlers in the case of death.  Then, lo and behold, the passing happens and suddenly all their material/songs etc. start to get used in current productions.  

However, sometimes the choice is made just by proximity, as in a family member, current or past love interest, or whoever, and that's when regret can set in.  Then the person who made the selection realizes for a brief time what a monster they have become.  They recall the happy times with that person who has passed and the fondness they had for each other and guilt and sadness bother them for a time.  Whether it will lead to repentance or not remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, their heart will not be the same after that.  

At any rate, today I pray for the second time that the Lord will deliver those person/s to whom this applies to; that His saving power would intervene and rescue His people from the clutches of the wicked, both for those making these choices and for their prey, and that both will come to repentance and choose to follow the Lord while it is in their ability to do so.  God is a wonderful, powerful and loving God; He delights in true heart repentance and will receive all those who receive Jesus Christ into their hearts and lives.  No pit is too deep and no sin is too ugly for the saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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