Human Defiance Only Enhances Your Glory, For You Use It as a Weapon

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Psalm 76.  This is a psalm that I've come to love over the years as it is usually given when the Lord is going to bring a victory of sorts.  Now, in my experience, the victory usually pertains to a spiritual victory, like a major break in spiritual warfare, where the spirit realm is suddenly peaceful, quiet and calm as spiritual forces of evil flee away completely defeated.  However, today I received a dream to go with this word and it seems to indicate a victory and recovery of things in the natural more than spiritual.  Let's discuss the psalm first.

In Psalm 76 the Lord is praised and honored by His people because He has destroyed the "fiery arrows of the enemy", "the shields and swords and weapons of war."  Whatever and however the enemy has been attacking His people are suddenly destroyed by the Lord, and "at the blast of Your breath, O God of Jacob, their horses and chariots lay still."  The enemy is stopped and wiped out and now all is calm.

No wonder You are greatly feared!  Who can stand before You when Your anger explodes?  From heaven You sentenced Your enemies; the earth trembled and stood silent before You.  You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth.  Human defiance only enhances Your glory, for You use it (their defiance) as a weapon (against them).  I especially love that last verse--God uses human defiance as a weapon against those that remain obstinately against Him!  

So, victory has happened--whether in the spirit realm or natural I'm not sure.  Here is the dream I had that went with this psalm, and you can determine for yourself.  I was with another dark-haired girl and we went on my old motorcycle to a little downtown to shop.  The shops were inside of a building, but I had my bike with me, so I pushed it with me inside the hallways.  The bike had been restored and painted light blue, with silver handles bars and a large engine called a "Tomahawk."  It was really cute with a powerful engine and I could feel the envious eyes of the male shopkeepers as I pushed it by.  The girl left and went to shop and I stood by my bike, afraid to leave it as I knew it would be taken if I left it alone.  But too much time had gone by and I needed to leave, so, I parked it for a quick second and ran around the hall to see if I could find the girl and ran back--the bike was gone!

Just then the girl appeared.  I told her my bike was missing and she said simply, "Someone must have taken it; let's go."  I was annoyed by her curt reply, and began to walk out, and I woke up frustrated by my dream.  But I laid my head back down and immediately went back to my dream, where I was standing outside the shopping building.  Then I realized--my bike is still in there, and went back in.  I had parked my bike by a shop, whose door was now closed and locked.  "OK, so it is in there," and I kicked the door open.  Sure enough--there were 3 guys admiring my bike and deciding what they were going to do with it!

 "Here's my bike!" I yelled and snatched it out of their hands.  They stood there speechless and watched as I rolled it back outside and got on, waiting for the girl.  However, after a few minutes I realized that she had disappeared and had actually been part of the scheme, so I drove off down the road and back up to the mountain where I lived.  I had recovered my bike almost as quickly as they had taken it, praise God!  

So, today I discern that in this season, that though the wicked keep trying their schemes to steal from the upright those things that are rightfully theirs, whether businesses, inheritances, even values and their way of life, the Lord will quickly intervene and restore what the enemy has tried to take and destroy their "weapons of war."   Now these "weapons" may be frivolous lawsuits or evil rulings from wicked judges who have taken the bribe, or even stolen documents or information taken by corrupt people who are employed by Big Tech companies who regularly and illegally monitor private individuals (and hack into their phones etc.) because it is in their power to do so---all these types of weapons and more can and will be addressed by a loving God who will scatter His enemies and bring down the corrupt who continue to use these weapons against His people.  And it could very well be, that those who have been under intense spiritual warfare as well, will also be rescued and restored from the attacks, but again, the dream I had really seems more of a restoration and recovery in the natural.

At any rate, and like always, I pray that the Lord's will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; I pray that those who use and abuse their position/authority and access to private individual's information be exposed and held accountable for their abuse of power and lack of integrity; may everything they sought to take from the righteous be quickly restored back to them, and may the wicked be replaced with upright people who will use that position for good and not evil.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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