2023 Dial M for...
Greetings in the Lord, Well, as prophetic speakers do, the first of the year is when they share what the Lord is putting on their hearts for the upcoming year, and I am no different. Sometimes the word will come in the late fall or at the end of the year. Sometimes it comes around the Lunar New Year time (Jan-Feb) as it did for me this year. No telling how the Spirit will move from year to year, but suffice to say He does...and then, you have to deal with what the word is as that can be just as unpredictable. This year's prophetic word is along those lines. Really, I started to get some rather intense words in December, but wanted to digest it awhile as I wasn't sure how they fit in the big scheme of things yet. They were words of treachery, people pregnant with evil schemes and planned upheavals and wicked ambitions desiring to burst forth. Then, there were God's plans to thwart and expose such evilness. Spiritually and politically speak...