Brighter Days Ahead

 Greetings in the Lord~

Well, no one was more surprised than me to receive this prophetic word, or words, as the case may be.  Starting on June 9th, I was led to read Hosea 3, then a week later John 8, and then today Ezekiel 37.  Two of the three of those passages deal with an adulterous woman being forgiven/redeemed, and all three deal with the restoration and new beginnings or new life.  Let's start with Hosea 3.

At this point in the story, Hosea had already sent his wife away because of her adultery (she was a prostitute to begin with), but out of the blue, the Lord tells Ezekiel to buy back his unfaithful wife and live with her again.  At first they would just be roommates, because he was not to be intimate with her for a period of time.  However, after that prolonged period of time, they would resume their marriage again, only this time, she would be faithful to him.  When the Israelites came to Ezekiel to ask about all his actions, he was to explain that Gomer, his unfaithful wife was like unfaithful Israel.  They would be separated from God's presence and chastised by hardships for a period of time because of their idolatry and rebellion, but a day would come when God would forgive them and take them back and restore them again.  

It is key to understand that the nature of Israel's rebellion/adultery was both spiritual and political.  As the northern kingdom, they not only set up idols to worship in Bethel instead of worshiping God in Jerusalem, but they turned their backs on His anointed king and the real prophets of the Lord by having their own adulterous leadership and false prophets.  They were truly apostate in their heart and actions, but a day would come when God would take them back again as His wife--He would forgive and redeem them because of His great love for them.  At that time, the Lord would set up His anointed king over them and the two tribes would be unified, and this time, all His true people would worship God Almighty.

Obviously, just as this story was a prophetic word of redemption to Israel, it is a prophetic word about the United States now.  The word is saying, that despite the current state of division and spiritual and political adultery, complete with an illegitimate leader and false prophets/apostate supporters in the U.S., the Lord in His mercy will bring us to a state of repentance because He ultimately desires to bless and restore us again and redeem the covenant He made with us.

In John 8, we read about the adulterous woman that Jesus forgave, saying to all those who wanted to stone her: "Let the man without sin cast the first stone."  Of course they all walked away with that statement, for who is without sin?  I do find it interesting that the Lord included this passage along with Hosea 3 and Ezekiel 37, for unlike those two, this is a personal story of an adulteress being set free by a loving and merciful Savior.  However, Jesus did not say, "Adultery really isn't wrong," or "You can continue to do this without penalty."  Rather, he forgave her and said, "Go and sin no more."  

Therefore, I discern a couple of key prophetic points to this particular passage.  First, obviously, is the forgiving of the adulterous woman.  Likewise, I do expect that the confusion and rebellion that many have been living under will be broken by His loving compassion and Truth, both in the natural and spiritual.  In other words, false antichrist narratives will lose their hypnotic hold on the idolatrous and rebellious when God allows His love, mercy and truth to pull back the veil on their eyes--this is a spiritual phenomenon manifesting in the natural.  Even now, it is not surprising that hardcore liberal media outlets are starting to point out the obvious fallacies of this administration and tell what a disaster this administration is.  

Second, expect the unexpected.  Just as Hosea bought back his wife out of the blue and Jesus threw a curve ball to all the conniving Pharisees hoping to entrap Jesus with this obvious lawbreaker, I fully expect an about-face with our political situation---and I do believe it includes the restoration of Trump to the political scene in a leadership role.  Truth will chip away at the hardness of people's hearts; it will overturn longstanding lies and uproot the deceptions that have been planted out of greed and lust for power.  The sword coming from Jesus' mouth cut down the wicked in their scheme to entrap him and exploit the guilty for their purposes; it completely turned the situation around, backfiring on the wicked and freeing the guilty all in one swoop!  Definitely, it makes me hopeful of the outcome of the Jan. 6 circus, and reveals a silver lining to all our current hardships as a nation.  

And lastly, for today's scriptural reference, Ezekiel 37 goes back to the promise of restoration for His "dead" people.  The valley was filled with their dry bones--a people lost to conflict, wars, famine, disease, idolatry; overcome by hopelessness and desperation; and ravaged by lack, violence, rebellion and confusion--the Lord had Ezekiel prophesy life to them.  And sure enough, they came back to life!  The Lord promised to bring them back from wherever they had been exiled to and restore them to their inheritance again.  And more than that, the Lord promised to unify the nation as well!  No longer would it be the kingdom of Israel in the north and Judah in the south, but one unified Israel under the leadership of "David," the one God has appointed into leadership.  No more illegitimate leaders stealing elections and liars pushing a godless agenda, but rather, a people thankful to a merciful God who came to revive, restore and unify them out of His abounding love for us and all things truthful.  

Praise God for this promise of revival, restoration, forgiveness and unification, even though currently we suffer in His discipline and the wicked seem to still be in charge.  In an instant, God arrives on the scene and His will is accomplished--praise God!  Let Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    




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