Season of Judgment -- Job's Story

Greetings in the Lord~

It's been a little while since I've last written, but of course these days, that is not an indication of nothing going on--quite the opposite!  In fact, we've seen the fulfillment and fulfilling of many prophetic words from the past few months---from rising inflation, shortages, exposures of corruption, the leveling of lying media outlets and big tech platforms to the continuing circus of confusion happening in the White House.  Whew!  But as today's prophetic word tells us, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Yes, today's prophetic word is from Ezekiel 7 and let me tell you, it is a doozy!  Basically, it decrees that judgment is here, right now upon the land--for this land and its leaders have become so obsessed with riches, that their greed and penchant for violence has finally caught up with them!  A nation that trusts in its prosperity and possessions instead of God is doomed for--watch as all those things we trusted in are taken away!  Inflation, economic disaster, shortages, violence and strife will become our lot because of the corruption and detestable sins of the people and its leaders.  

Yes, the time has come; the day is here!  Buyers should not rejoice over bargains, nor sellers grieve over losses, for all of them will fall under My terrible anger.  Even if the merchants survive, they will never return to their business.  For what God has said applies to everyone--it will not be changed!  Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover.  Ezekiel 7:12-13

Whoa--that last sentence kind of says it all--"Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover."  So while this judgment will affect everyone, restoration is found for those who put their trust in God.  If you (or companies & organizations) think it is OK to celebrate godless values, beliefs, and behaviors, then you will suffer with little remedy.  As they say, "Go woke, go broke;" this applies to the whole nation as well.

The rest of chapter 7 goes on to talk about the desolation of the land because of judgment for their sins: their armies won't mobilize at the trumpet call, conflict and violence erupts in the open places and diseases and famines strike within "protected" dwellings.  We've seen some of this already with the delayed response in Uvalde and too numerous random shootings; even the recent outbreaks of viruses on birds and livestock--quite simply, we must begin to recognize the signs of the times.  

It's interesting, the Lord has even put this prophetic word in the mouths of secular folks---from financial gurus and other "great" thinkers of our generation, all in the hopes of getting our attention.  And while these influential people may blow the warning sounds, they do not or cannot speak to the 'why this is happening' accurately, for they rely on their conventional wisdom and probably don't even recognize the voice of the Lord in their utterances.  Funny how that works.  Kind of like the story of false prophet Balaam and the talking donkey, but I digress...

Anyway, I've said this before but I'll say it again--the gulf between the godly and godless is growing ever apart and soon it will be an insurmountable chasm.  Though the wicked have pursued their greedy lusts and have appeared to be immune to the trials of life, even prospering in their defiance to God, the day of reckoning has arrived.  So choose your side wisely, for soon you will reap the benefits or consequences of your choice.  Get right with God and draw close to the Holy Spirit--for this next season will be especially difficult upon the U.S.  Some MAJOR struggles are coming down the pike for us soon, even now are here upon us.  

And for those corrupt globalists who think they can devise clever plans of destruction for their own personal benefit--think again!  "For what you concocted in secret to take from the masses will be taken from you!" says the Lord God Almighty.  "This time you will not harness or hijack My judgment for your own gain, but rather will be laid low, lower than I had even planned before because of your insolent pride and wickedness.  Even now, there are some within your ranks that are meeting in secret with Me, the Lord God Almighty, and they will betray you.  Your plans will not succeed before it is time," says the Lord of Hosts.   

So, people of God, let your faith in the Lord be a shield from anxiety and fear, and put your hope in Him to anchor you in these troubled and turbulent times.  For "Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?"  So in all of this, Job said nothing wrong.  Job 2:10b

When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes.  In fact, the Lord gave him twice as much as before!  Then all his brothers, sisters, and former friends came and feasted with him in his home.  And they consoled and comforted him because of all the trials the Lord had brought against him.  Job 42:10-11a     

After a night of sorrow, joy will come in the morning by the hand of God.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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