Take a Roll Call from THE LIST

Greetings in the Lord!

In the last post I declared there would be brighter days ahead, for the righteous and all things good, that it!  With ungodly judgments overturned, lies exposed, and the wicked to be held to account for their misdeeds--it will be brighter indeed!  We are in a season of judgment, where God is executing His judgments and His will being done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Praise God!

Having said that, I do wonder one more big item that falls in line with this -- "What about Epstein's List??"  When do we get to see the names of all the guilty clients he got young girls for?  Yes, he was guilty himself, but he had many participating clients.  Surely his blood does not get to pay for the sins of the many, many rich and famous and wickedly arrogant that joined him in the human trafficking!  No, there is only One righteous enough to pay for sins--Jesus Christ.

So, when do we get to see this List of famed guilty ones?  When do we get to see the strong hand of the Lord pulling them out of their lofty perches in which they've sought refuge?  Your money will not save you, nor your many elite associates.  And those worthless idols that you bend your knee to?  They cannot speak on your behalf, and their hands cannot pay off all the people needed to keep you from getting what you deserve.  

Yes, we are in a season of judgment when the wicked will reap what they've sown, hopefully this List included.  It is said that the wicked store up their ill-gotten riches for the righteous, and I fully expect to see large transactions being made to the abused to remain silent in this case.  Hopefully, some will go to jail for their misdeeds, but be sure of this, the guilty lot will pay out millions and slink away with their lying mouths silent.  It is time for the Lord's rebuke to the guilty ones, let every rock they are hiding under be overturned!  Let this and every other great misdeed and conspiracy be exposed!    

"Worship the Lord in all His holy splendor.  Let all the earth tremble before Him.  Tell all the nations "The Lord reigns!"  The world stands firm and cannot be shaken.  He will judge the peoples fairly....Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for He is coming!  He is coming to judge the earth.  He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with His truth."  Psalm 96:9-13.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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