Short Waiting Time

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Ezekiel 12.  It is a passage that tells us Ezekiel was commanded by God to act as though he was going into exile, including eating his food in fear, climbing through a hole in the wall to get out, and carrying away only what he could carry in his hands.  The Lord was making him a sign to the Israelites who were watching him that they were indeed going to be overrun by their enemies and going into exile soon...very soon. 

Ezekiel had already told them this was going to happen and they refused to listen to  him, even saying things like: "Time passes, and prophecies come to nothing," and, "He is talking about the distant future; his visions won't come to pass for a long, long time!"  But to those comments the Lord gives His word: "The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled!"

"There will be no more false visions and flattering predictions in Israel.  For I am the Lord!  If I say it, it will happen.  There will be no more delays, you rebels...I will fulfill My threat of destruction in your own lifetime.  I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken"!  Ezekiel 12:24-25.

We are living in such a time as Ezekiel, where Christian prophets keep giving warnings of the downfall of Biden and others in leadership, the overturning of unjust laws and mandates, and the uprooting of all those who sow corruption for their ill gain, and they are doubted and mocked by that crowd.  I guess the more things change the more they stay the same!  Human rebellion has always acted the same towards God and His people...and God is unmoved.  He will remain firmly established long, long after our blink-of-an-eye lives are over, and that includes any kind of micro-chipped being that thinks they will last forever! ha (you know they are working hard to develop such nonsense somewhere.)  

Anyway, the time is getting short and the overturning of Roe v Wade was just the beginning. 

Lord, we show our trust in You by obeying Your laws, our heart's desire is to glorify Your name.  In the night I search for You, in the morning I earnestly seek You.  

For only when You come to judge the earth will people learn what is right.  Your kindness to the wicked does not make them do good.  Although others do right, the wicked keep doing wrong and take no notice of the Lord's majesty.  O Lord, they pay no attention to Your upraised fist.  Show them Your eagerness to defend Your people.  Then they will be ashamed.  Let Your fire consume Your enemies.  

Lord, You will grant us peace; all we accomplished is really from You.  O Lord, other have ruled over us, but You alone are the One we worship.  Isaiah 26:8-13

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      


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