Master of Intrigue, Slippery Infiltration

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Daniel 11.  It is one that talks about events that many believe have already taken place - those wars and conflicts centering around the Seleucids of Syria and Ptolemies of Egypt.  These perspective mini-kingdoms arose after the premature death of Alexander the Great, whereby his conquered lands were divided four ways and given to his generals.  Seleucus acquired Syria while Ptolemy got Egypt.  And naturally, as both grew in strength and importance above the other two kingdoms, they looked to square off against each other, seeking to dominate each other as they had so effectively learned under Alexander.  

So on one hand, this chapter is a prophetic history lesson for Daniel.  However, midway to the end of the chapter a most vile character, classically named the Antichrist, begins to emerge on the scene and becomes the center of attention through the rest of the book of Daniel. 

Historically speaking, there is an actual person that begins to portray this role; his name was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the much younger brother of Seleucus IV.  He came to power in Syria not by legal succession, but rather by trickery, using flattery, lies and feigned peaceful actions that gave him favor with just the right people while he had the rightful heir (an older brother) escorted back to Rome.  In fact, Antiochus IV was a master trickster.  He loved to dress up as a commoner and walk among the people unnoticed, for he delighted in his deception and infiltration and spying abilities.  In addition to these "skills," he also was noted for his effective use of bribery and rewarding those who were loyal to him and his agendas.  In fact, he was so good at buying favor and positioning betrayers amongst his enemies that he hardly had to fight to obtain his first big victory over Ptolemy VI in Egypt.  Ptolemy's own guards locked them up and allowed Antiochus to come in unscathed! How's that for slippery?!!

However, it isn't just his scandalous, slippery and evil ways, nor his conquests over the "kings of the south" for that matter, that cause this ruler to stand out in the chapter and earn the infamous role of an Antichrist.  But rather, it is his violent animosity and fierce hatred that he directs at God's people and the utter blasphemy he spouts in the face of God.  His prideful contempt of God and for all things holy was a living prototype of what and who is predicted in the End Times.  He represents the manifestation of an antichrist spirit in governance. 

So, it is in that context that I write about Daniel 11 today, for I discern that while all of the wicked characteristics of this ruler have been and are being used all the time by many people, it is his specific disdain and desire to specifically destroy God's holy people, God's law, and God's supremacy over all things that I discern is on the major increase at this time.  This antichrist spirit has taken many people captive, and maybe more importantly, many prominent leaders, decision-makers and highly influential people, and prophetically speaking, they are working overtime to usher in another antichrist figure and world government system.  And in its early stages, it is being done most effectively through trickery, infiltration, bribery, and lies, many, many, many lies.  

Naturally, with that understanding being crystal clear, much of what is called "conspiracy theory" today is reality---still a somewhat cloaked and veiled reality, but reality none the less.  That is probably why "truth-tellers" are and have been popping up all over the place online and in the media and anywhere else God grants them an audience.  For the best weapon against this lying, bribing, infiltrating and unholy tricking spirit is the bold truth.  Additionally, I fully expect that even some early "truth-telling" people like Alex Jones will find his way back to prominence as the fight between truth and lies goes into overdrive this season.  There is a major showdown on the horizon, to be sure, and it is ramping up now.

Therefore, as a believer in God, it is important to recognize and reject fully all those things introduced in this ramp-up in antichrist deception this season.  For what has been subtly introducing wickedness and occult familiarity into mainstream culture (mostly through a barrage of demonic entertainment programming), we now have programming like the TV show "Little Demon" on FXX that is aggressively and blatantly demonic -- it is absolutely toxic for your soul!  Warning!!!  Do not watch this show for any reason!  And for any length of time!  Becoming a regular watcher of this show may cause spiritual possession.  Platforms like Netflix and others should be avoided as well; just cancel your subscription and protect your soul.   

I discern that is/will be also happening in the music industry as well.  In fact, there are some older pop/rap musicians right now that I discern will either fully succumb to/be consumed by this industry or will leave the industry altogether for good as their number has come up before the elites.  Look for the "threes" at the end of the year as they will pass the baton on to the younger generation.  Look out also for an infiltration into "Christian" music and the country music scene.  An example of this is the TV show, "Monarch," where they are seeking to re-write the narrative of the wholesome country music scene by filling it with "woke" antichrist agenda items.  However, it isn't just the script and plot line, but the show has demonic spiritual influences and symbology as well.  In fact, in my opinion, it is the negative spiritual influences and witchcraft embedded in all of these things that must be avoided and denounced by true Christians, especially in this season.  Most importantly, I discern that elites in the entertainment and media industry have determined that Nielsen ratings are irrelevant to them---they are going to just jam their demonic programming in our faces whether we like it or not.  I fully expect all mainstream programming to become filled with demonic programming like what we see on Netflix, etc.  They simply don't care about God anymore and are going all out this season.  For that reason, one must simply reject their demonic programming. 

In fact, I keep hearing in my spirit "Infiltration! Infiltration!"  

This season we will see aggressively bold attempts by the enemies of God to infiltrate, undermine, bribe, and otherwise blow past unsuspecting and undiscerning upright people to their places of gathering--whether politically, in churches, schools, online etc. to malign, influence or destroy their values from within.  These infiltrators will veil their true identities or affiliations to camouflage their demonic assignments, not just of sowing ungodly seeds among God's people to get them snared with demonic forces through lusts of the flesh, eyes, and lust for material things.  No, they seek to destroy from within!  Captivity and sustaining power over the masses is their objective.  Politically speaking, do your homework!  RINOs and many deceivers have been strategically placed in conservative strongholds to split and divide their ranks.  Others have been bought off and still more are being rewarded for their duplicitous political stances.  This coming election cycle will be filled with imposters and liars, who secretly have been funded, placed and coached by others to deceive the conservative vote.  Once in office their true colors will come out, but by then it will be too late.

This was the same tactic of Antiochus IV.  He bought off the guards of Ptolemy to defeat him without a battle; he hired apostate Jews to entice Jewish society into accepting and following the ways and worship of the Greeks, and to persecute those who steadfastly refused.  A majority of Israel fell captive to these enticements and left the faith.  It was a successful and insidious campaign of deception!

However, the strongest and most insidious part of these enticements come spiritually by way of witchcraft and luring into sin.  A lot of Christians are very naive into the workings and prevalence of witchcraft.  They just assume they can call themselves "Christian" and yet live like the world and embrace demonic entertainment and it will not affect them.  They take politicians at face value and do not research their backgrounds, voting history, or affiliations.  Big mistake--especially this season!  

So, today the prophetic word is "Infiltration!"  Be on your guard.  Actively close any spiritual openings the enemy can use to get at your soul.  Be purposeful in your life--choose those things that are wholesome, true, and pure.  The battle with your children over what they watch and listen to are worth the time and energy this season.  Be proactive and choose God and godly entertainment on purpose.  Choose truth in politics, news, business, etc.  It will be time for the Maccabees to arise soon enough!

 ~Be blessed and be a blessing.      




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