Powerful Palisade Peaches!

Greetings in the Lord~

Last month I visited a town in western Colorado called Palisade.  It is located in a valley out on the desert highlands and is known for its farming of fruit, especially peaches.  I had never visited this town before, or really spent any time in the western part of Colorado at all.  There are few big cities out there, and most of the industry relates to its natural resources and the land itself--farming, mining, drilling, etc.  Overall it's quite beautiful, but since it's far from major urban areas, the population is fairly sparse.  Anyway, I just never had a reason to go out there, but in mid-July I spent a long weekend in Palisade and had a wonderful time.        

So why am I writing about this?  Well, as God does, He likes to give dreams and prophetic insight about people, places and events to His people.  And so, the Lord gave me a dream about this little valley in the outer reaches of Colorado.  It was a dream of the history of that area and of the transition it is in now, for the winds of change are blowing out there.  But I'll have to say, the imagery used in the dream was a little unexpected, except for maybe my years of living in deserts was being activated by being back in this desert region, who knows.  

Anyway, the dream goes like this.  I was dressed in a white thawb, typical of what men wear in the Gulf region of the Middle East, and walking around browsing in a small outdoor market in the center of town.  With me was my "wife," dressed in "her" black abaya (what women wear) complete with a niqab on "her" face.  Now I use quotes because I am a female dressed in the traditional thawb and my "wife" was really a very good-looking male dressed in a abaya.  But before you jump to conclusions, this dream has nothing to do with cross-dressing or gender really at all.  It is more about the power structure those garments represent.  My thawb was a sign of dominance--legally, socially, and economically over my "wife," and "she" belonged to me.  And I was proud of that, and of "her," too, for she was an extension of my identity, self-worth and place in society, both economically and socially.  All was well in my life and I felt very secure because of this traditional, albeit co-dependent and unequal relationship.  

Then, we decided to go across town to visit the new touristy place that had been built--a very nice, beach side boardwalk, complete with fancy stores and expensive luxuries.  While I was marveling at all of the nice things there, I noticed that my "wife" had changed her clothes and was now wearing a white robe, more like the plain thawb I was still wearing, but it had big red and blue stripes on it--like an American flag!  Also, he was not wearing his niqab or hijab (scarf) on his head, but had his head fully exposed letting his long, dark and curly mane of hair blow freely in the wind!  He looked so majestic!

Needless to say, I was shocked at his transformation.  At first, I was very proud to be seen with him and happy that he had found his new identity, emboldened by embracing the "freedom and liberty" of the flag he so boldly wore.  But then it hit me, an insecurity and fear that maybe he was no longer "mine"!  What would happen to me if my husband now drew the attention of another wife, or wanted to actually be equals with me?!  What would I lose?  Power, dominance, love, respect, finances? Yes, quite possibly and more!  That thought was so jarring it woke me up.

Well, obviously the meaning of the dream is clear--the traditional power structures of that region are changing and the deeply entrenched, dominant powers that be are worried.  The old farming families that had been the backbone of that valley for many generations are being and will continue to be challenged by this emboldening patriotism being embraced by those once considered submissive to them--their workers, both local and immigrant who came to find financial opportunity and stability within the traditional hierarchy of that region.  Also, the "beach resort" in the dream is the new influx of tourism and (desire of) affluence that has swept into their sleepy desert town, which currently has housing prices soaring!  Naturally, these prices are pushing out the local workers and cultivating an unhealthy desire to "keep up with the Jones," or many people trying to live above their means.  Such are the problems of many Colorado ski resort towns, it's simply too expensive for local workers to live there.  They become towns of the rich and famous, or those wanting to be rich and famous, that is.  

Anyway, long story short, why was God giving me this dream?  It seemed to me that it wasn't so much prophetic as it was a word of knowledge and insight about that area.  The only remarkable thing about all of this to me was finding out that this was the same general area where the fiery Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert was from.  I saw giant posters of her all over this region and realized, she was probably much of the catalyst for the propelling patriotism seen in my dream.  Interesting.  Also, there was no doubt in my mind that God was the One who gave her the national platform that she has now, for this region is entirely too unassuming for there to be a rational reason for her political ascension.  Truly, God is on the move in western Colorado! 

Now, about the gun-toting message she preaches.  I find that it is motivated less about guns and more about the issues of freedom and liberty, for that is what has really ignited the working class out there.  They simply are not interested in anything the Left has been offering them--transgender bathrooms and pronouns, the right to kill your baby, restrictive health mandates, and making the rich richer through taxing and burdening the poor with inflation.  Western Colorado pervasive mindset is completely opposite of liberal Denver, which is why Colorado is an unequivocal purple state politically.  

So, what can be deducted prophetically from all of this?  The Holy Spirit leads us to Exodus 3, the chapter where Moses is called by God from a burning bush to go to Egypt and lead His people out from slavery!  Just as it is happening in western Colorado, the Lord at this hour is calling more "Moses's " to take the position of leadership He is giving to them to lead people out from slavery--slavery to the many aspects of the Babylon system of this nation and world.  Though there is no doubt of the dark days we are in, God sees our captivity and is calling a diverse group of unassuming deliverers up to confront and tear down the many spiritual strongholds and demonic agendas of the antichrist adherents of this nation and world.  I also discern that the switching of traditional outfits in the dream means that there will be many strong female "Moses'" in that crowd.  In a time when the antichrist narratives are trying to change laws and seasons, God will flip the script unexpectedly back to His ways, His truth, from female leaders!  Praise God for that!  Stubborn Pharaohs will eventually relinquish their control as the hand of God compels them.  Amen and amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 



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