The Decree To Rebuild Resumes

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Ezra 3 and it is a mixed prophetic word, as a couple of themes are presented that paint a somewhat bittersweet picture.  First, the Israelites had been exiles in Babylon and elsewhere for quite some time up to this point, and finally saw the defeat of Babylon.  A large group of them headed back to Jerusalem to reclaim their homeland and were given permission by King Cyrus to rebuild the Temple of God.  So, a couple of very big victories at long last!  Ezra 3 begins with the rebuilding and consecrating of the altar, and worship of God according to His commands and festivals resumed, so the people rejoiced.    

Then, came the rebuilding of the Temple itself.  King Cyrus had given the decree for it to be rebuilt and even permission for great cedar logs and other materials and craftsmen from Lebanon to assist, so the Temple would be a grand structure once again.  However, as the construction went on, the older generation that remembered the glory of the Temple that Solomon built began to be grieved over the newer and less majestic structure being built.  It made them lament as they recalled the influence and wealth and dominance of the former days of the great King David and Solomon.  In their eyes, Jerusalem and this Temple was just a shadow of the former glory days of Israel and they were grieved over their losses and humble position.  So, while the air was loud with the songs of praise from the younger generation and builders as they rejoiced over their victories to be back in their homeland and rebuilding the Temple again, there were cries of lament and grief mixed together which added to the outpouring of emotion.

In the big picture, the grieving was not a help to the momentum of the rebuilding process.  Add to that, there were enemies of Israel that despised the whole rebuilding process period.  Later chapters in Ezra discuss the coming hurdles that impeded the rebuilding, first from the inside as enemies wanted to infiltrate the rebuilding process to hinder it, than from the outside as they sought the ears of both the next two kings of Persia, King Xerxes and Artaxerxes, to forbid the process by slandering the Israelites and the city as a hotbed of rebellion.  They had success for a time, and it took until the third king, King Darius, for the decree of King Cyrus to be honored once again and the building to resume.  

During this time, the Lord sent prophets to encourage Jerusalem's leadership and builders so that the Temple could be completed and the city fortified again.  It was a major uphill battle that finally saw its goals to fruition, with the city walls erected and gates guarded and Temple standing proudly in its place again.      

I believe this prophetic word has many applications, both corporately and individually.  As antichrist winds have been blowing against the US and other nations fiercely for quite some time, we have seen many freedoms we took for granted written into our Constitution and God's Word come under fire in recent years, even being violated and trampled on with demonic doctrine making its way into policy-making and legislation and mindsets, in general.  We have endured persecution both in the Church and in society, as people of integrity and godly character and conscience have been assaulted verbally and even physically at times by godless people who push arrogant and godless doctrine. But this prophetic word tells us that personal and national victories are just around the corner--praise God!

It is important to not despise the day of small beginnings either, for change that comes in small increments is not easily reversed.  Keep pushing forward doing the things that God has called you to do in this season, no matter how much resistance you encounter, as we will indeed see brighter days ahead.  I find it interesting too, that in this third chapter of Ezra, King Cyrus gives the decree for the rebuilding to begin.  Nationally and politically speaking, this can be none other than Trump; however, as we see later on in the book of Ezra, many other supporters and strong voices were raised up by God to see the rebuilding process through to completion.  Praise God for that, so no one person can try and take the credit for what God alone as done.  

So today, as always, we thank God for what He has been, is, and will do in our nation and the world. Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  We begin to thank you, Lord, for putting those into office this coming Tuesday that You want in office and for removing those whose careers and agendas did not line up with Your good and perfect will for our nation.  Let the rebuilding process continue with the people and agendas You want for us, O Lord.  We pray today that those states that have not embraced Your will for saving the lives of all babies will align with Your will this coming election day, and that support will be raised up for those mothers to take care of their babies.  We pray that the life, love, and liberty of Jesus Christ will overcome the dark forces warring against this nation, and that hearts will return to God in thanksgiving.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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