Let the Tables Be Turned

 Greetings in the Lord~

It is now after the New Year, but I actually began this word before Christmas.  However, it was a hectic time for me, as I was moving to S. Korea and wanted to be more settled before I wrote.  It has been a long time since I lived in Korea, over a decade, and of course, there have been many interesting changes.  However, before I came over I suspected that there would also be some not so pleasant changes, given that they are closely linked spiritually to the U.S.  And right after I got here, the frigid winds started blowing fiercely here and in the United States.  Yes, the weather was cold, but it was merely manifesting from the spirit realm, as spiritual winds and darkness, antichrist winds, were blowing with a vengeance.  Something was and is up. 

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, all the prophetic words I had been receiving were words of judgment for the US leadership and their globalist backers, those who shake their fist at God and propose ideas contrary to the word of God.  Around that same time, they also signed the non-"Marriage" Act, one that changes the traditional and Biblical definition of marriage, then, threw a drag party at the White House.  I really don't have to elaborate on this for true Christ followers; it was a disgrace.

Did you know, that in times of judgment, the Lord allows wicked leaders to come onto the scene?  Habakkuk 2 says that these wicked leaders take the people captive because they are greedy for gain--unjust gain, naturally.  They destroy nations and plunder the people and tear down the cities and pervert justice, all the while they build their own fortunes and mansions in high places thinking they are righteous untouchables.  Yes, this is what wicked leaders do; history and events testify to their deeds.  We have been seeing all of this wickedness in every industry and sector of society--from politicians, to big tech, to media and entertainment, to education and business, even sports has not been immune with the gluttony of greed and perverting of fairness and confusing of norms like gender.  Darkness has been in overdrive, that's for sure. 

Then the Lord replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.  For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.  Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."  Habakkuk 2:2-3.

The revelation is that the tables will be turned on the wicked!  We will begin to see very clearly what the media and political elites have been trying to keep from the mainstream outlets and common person---that the mandates of death, censorship, and spiritual and political corruption are real.  They have been and continue to be imposed on the populace for control and greed's sake.  Truth-tellers have been correct these past few years.  While they've been silenced, ostracized, slandered, falsely accused and brought to trial, and so on, the truths they tell have been correct...and honestly, there is probably much more they could have said!  But now, things have been and will continue to be laid out for all to see, and for godless corrupt elites and adherents alike to answer for their ways.  

December is the month for people in the entertainment industry to make sacrifices for prosperity in the New Year, and we saw that with tWitch, and probably others.  In sports, we saw an NFL  football player drop on the field from heart-related complications, while no one was aware that in the 2021 season, the soccer leagues all across Europe had to watch as their numerous top athletes dropped on the field similarly, from heart-related issues where they had been the prime of health before.  Some of these athletes could return to the field, some had to retire, and some passed away from their conditions.  Related to the 19-mandate, most likely.  It is the most logical conclusion and I do recall making that prophetic utterance a year ago.

2022 gave us the dismantling of CNN--praise God, and the removal of Pelosi from her position--double praise God.  Twitter was taken over by a more sane person with free speech on his agenda, thank the Lord, and other dubious politicians voted out of their office as well.  God is really on the move, but there is more in store.  I really feel like the hammer hasn't hit completely yet on things in the U.S, and we will see the ceasing of some major international conflicts soon as key leadership seats become vacant--while some more vocal rumblings to erupt other places as their arrogance blossoms in the spring again.  But overall, more has to be revealed and exposed and more momentum given to those who love truth, God and justice.  The winds are blowing and the shifting is happening, but there is more to be done, exposed and revealed in the coming months.  

In the meantime, we praise God for His will being done on earth as it is in heaven, and pray that 2023 we will continue to see God moving according to His good and prefect plan and providence.  Blessings for a wonderful 2023!

 ~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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