God is Mightier Than the Mightiest Angel

Greetings in the Lord,

Recently, the Lord led me to read Psalm 89.  Upon initial read, the psalm is a declaration of the Lord's faithfulness to the promises, covenants even, that He makes.  The Lord will fulfill His word--period.  But then it goes on to talk about the fact that the promise, even the covenant, has not only not been fulfilled, but that those given the promise are being mocked and ruined by their enemies while it seems the Lord does nothing.  The psalmist makes a plea for the Lord to remember His promise and to fulfill it.  

In this case, the promise that was made was that David and his descendants would rule forever, and the promise was kept through the coming of Jesus Christ.  Yet, prophetically speaking, the Lord raises up other "David's" to rule on earth as well, those that have a heart for carrying out the will of God on earth.  They are not the Savior Jesus Christ, but still, they live to bring forth the plans and purposes of God as best they can under the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowingly or not.  Such was and is the presidency of D.J.T.

However, this psalm also mentions something rather interesting in verses 5-8, in that, they declare about how God is supreme over all angels and is faithful to His word because He is unequivocally Sovereign over all the "highest angelic powers"; for they "stand in awe of God.  He is far more awesome than all who surround His throne."

Hmmm...so it seems to infer that the enemies referred to in this psalm are evil angelic powers that are working to try and thwart the plans and purposes of God.  Ultimately, though, they will fail when the Lord decides to keep His promise, even covenants, to those He made it with.  The language and idea of all the angels, even the Accuser, satan, gathering in the heavenly court to present themselves before God sounds a lot like Job 1.  In that passage, God and satan have a conversation about the integrity and blamelessness of Job.  It is hard to imagine that conversation taking place as quite often we wouldn't think of satan even being allowed in the heavenly court.  However, God can call any being to present themself before Him, as God Almighty is Sovereign over all.  He is not intimidated, put off or subject to satan or any other fallen angel, for God "created the destroyer to wreak havoc."   

"For who in all of heaven can compare with the Lord?  What mightiest angel is anything like the Lord?"

Later in the psalm, the actions of the enemies mentioned take on more human qualities, so we can understand that these are adherents to the demonic agendas of the fallen angels.  Here on earth, that would be many of the top decision-makers within liberal politics, media, Big Tech, and other industries working with these demonic angels to try and thwart God's promises, even covenants, to those that He made them with.  We are in a season where those who have sold out and worship fallen angels in exchange for wealth, popularity, success and power in this lifetime, will realize the Sovereignty of God as the Lord thwarts their plans and agendas.         

So while we wait for God to fulfill His promises on earth, we can rest in the loving and faithful assurance that He will indeed keep His covenant, no matter the current circumstances or evil alliances that try to rise up against Him.  Ultimately, the Lord will have His way and humble His enemies.

We will praise the Lord and worship Him alone while we wait upon Him -- for He is faithful, all-powerful, and loves to keep His word to David and his descendants forever.  

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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