
No More Cannibals, By His Mercy

Greetings in the Lord! If you've read any of the words on this blog for even a minute one thing would be obvious--the Lord does not use me like the marshmallow, feel-good prophets common in the United States.  It's interesting too, that many of the Old Testament prophets in the Bible were also not typical of that crowd.  Why?  The prophet Jeremiah says its because feel-good words of peace can only be considered true if they come true, (paraphrase).  And that most of the prophets of old issued warnings and strong rebukes against sin, that is why God had called them in the first place--to get His people back on track.  However, in today's American Church, many "prophets" just share words of encouragement because they know that no one supports financially those who tell it like it is. Interestingly, much of this holds true for the secular arena as well.  The American culture is obsessed with all things feel-good, look-good, and sound-good, too.  Which...

The Year of the Sword of the Lord

Greetings in the Lord! Well, it is the new year on the Jewish calendar and the word for this year is "The Sword of the Lord," as taken from Jeremiah 25:15-38. This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, said to me: "Take from My hand this cup filled with the wine of My wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it.  When they drink it, they will stagger and go mad because of the sword I will send among them." So I took the cup from the Lord's hand and made all the nations to whom He sent me drink it: Jerusalem and the towns of Judah, its kings and officials, to make them a ruin and an object of horror and scorn and cursing...; Pharaoh king of Egypt , his attendants, his officials and all his people,...; all the kings of Uz; all the kings of the Philistines (Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and Ashdod); Edom, Moab and Ammon; all the kings of Tyre and Sidon; the kings of the coast lands across the sea; Dedan, Tema, Buz, and all who are in distant places; a...

Syria is a Sign and Wonder to the Nations

Greetings in the Lord! The word for this week is from Isaiah 16.  I know this passage well, as the Lord spoke it many times earlier about Syria--she is the "Moab" that is being overrun just like in chapter 16.  The passage recommends to the fleeing Moabites to "send lambs as tribute" to be better received in the lands where they are trying to flee to, even to Israel, the land that they have acted so arrogantly to over the centuries.  So it is with the Syrians.  In fact, it is and was their hatred--especially of Israel--that has opened the door for the gates of hell to prevail against them.  Even when I lived there, the Lord would often give me words of warning for them about their continual arrogant hatred of Israel.  Their prideful hostility was vile in the Lord's eyes.  "Your hatred only hurts you," I would say, but they would quickly begin to justify their hatred with rationales and handed-down logic.  Their behavior and justifications had be...

God's Presence in the Lightning

Greetings in the Lord! Well, this has been a very unusual week with the Lord.  On Monday, I came home from work exhausted not just from the start of the busy school year, but more because I felt the ramping up of vile wickedness in the spirit realm and cried out to God for strength to endure, "Have mercy, O God!"  As I rested in prayerful meditation, I heard a knock at my bedroom door, but upon answering, found that there was no one there.  Only one other time had that ever happened to me--right before Hurricane Katrina.  That morning the Lord woke me up very early with a knock at my bedroom door--three times until I finally mustered up enough courage to answer it as I was home alone and it was 4:30 AM!  This time, however, I was not afraid.  Rather, I recognized His presence and was alert the rest of the week expecting to discern more from the Lord about what is up. Sure enough, three days later I saw a young man I recognized from the year before, a st...

Open My Eyes That I Might See and Be Saved

Greetings in the Lord, Today's word comes from Psalm 73.  It is a "wisdom" psalm; a passage of godly counsel concerning the destinies of the righteous and of the wicked. Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.        A reminder that God blesses those who pursue His goodness in word, thought and deed! But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.  For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.  They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong.  They are free from the burdens of man; they are not plagued by human ills.        There are times in our faith walk when we go through such difficulties for our godly convictions, that we may actually think that living like the wicked would be better than serving God.  Their lives full of selfish gain/greed, cruelty, and undisciplined, godless behavior seems carefree and easy, even enjoyable, so ...

Tell it Like It Is, Please

Greetings in the Lord, Friday I had the unfortunate circumstance of being in Munich when the shooting there took place.  Every one all throughout the city was told to get indoors and stay there for at least an hour while the police secured the site (s) as it was said then that there were 3 shooters.  We watched the local news and read updates online while we hunkered down.  We heard one witness at the scene say, "He said, 'Allhu Akbar!' as he shot."  Then we were told his Arabic name and nationality--Iranian/German and his age. Well, by Saturday morning the quote had changed in the newspaper to , "I am German!" as well as his name, now to an English name of David.  The police are quick to report no supposed ties to IS, but incredulously, to the shooting that had happened in Norway.  Their whole story is ludicrous at best.  They really want the world to believe this kid got a gun illegally online, 300 rounds of ammo from Lord knows where, played too...

Recall the Miracles of God, for He Wants to Part the Waters Again

Greetings in the Lord, In traveling around Europe this week I am noticing a LOT of young Saudi men traveling with young Saudi women, probably their wives.  No big deal, you say, but with one young couple I talked to, they left their four kids at home and have no travel agenda--supposedly just wandering around Europe.  And they weren't even going to a major city to tour, at that.  No way, not in a million years! First off, young Saudi men travel with their buddies so they can drink alcohol and 'party' without their wives around, period.  If they are traveling with their family, they take their family, and they never just wander around without hotels lined up and some sort of travel plan.  It just doesn't happen.  Keep in mind, too, that they weren't the only couple I saw.  Nope, I saw several, and coincidentally the fellas were all wearing just about the same outfit--dark, long sleeve sweaters with tan jean shorts;...

Selfie of Folly

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, by now I'm sure much of the world has not only heard about the shooting incident in Orlando, but has formed some sort of opinion on the topic.  I typically don't share or compare too much of my personal opinion, but just try to convey what the Lord wants me to share with others.  And in this particular case, there is both a happening and word to give. At about 11:30 pm Saturday night (WST), I saw a young man posing with his cell phone in the lobby area of a friend's building.  Normally, I wouldn't have given it a second thought, as college students are always posing for a selfie.  However, this young man wanted people's attention--he was posing for the people walking past, with an arrogant smirk on his face, hand confidently held to his chin and eyebrows raised.  I looked around the room again to see who he was showing off to but there was no one with him.  He was alone, and Arab students tended to always hang out in pairs/g...

Build that Wall, Mr. Trump!

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, much has been said about the wall that Mr. Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States--cheers, ridicule, scoffing, and everything in between.  But you know what?  That wall idea is a God-given, prophetic utterance!  My guess is, too, that Mr. Trump doesn't even realize that.  No, just like the Cyrus of the Bible, Cyrus decreed the re-building of the temple of Jerusalem and didn't know he was fulfilling prophecy by doing so until it was pointed out to him. Let's take a moment to discuss the Biblical implications of walls around cities, in general.  In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah was brought to tears when he was told that Jerusalem's walls had been torn down and its gates burnt up.  To people in those days, that meant that the city was defenseless against its enemies, that even wandering animals could enter and trample and devour its inhabitants.  But more than that, it was symbolic that God wa...

Mr. "Haman" Khan--Don't Tread on Us

Greetings in the Lord~ On Sunday I was led to read a passage from Esther chapter 3.  It's not one that I read very often, and given the story, it caught my attention right away--who was promoted to a position of authority and was desiring to kill off the people of God?  That is, in fact, the story of Haman.  In chapter three we read about King Xerxes elevating Haman and "giving him a seat of honor higher than that of all the other nobles."  But right away, he used his newly-gained position to try and launch an attack against not only his adversary, Mordecai, but against all of the Jews.  He deceived the king and got him to issue a decree that would allow him to destroy the Jews, once and for all.  However, we know that the story does not end there.  Rather, Haman was found out and hung on the gallows he meant for Mordecai, and the Jews protected themselves successfully and gained peace and security in the land. So it is with our modern-day Haman, M...

White Stone With a New Name

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple of weeks, when I think of Donald Trump I immediately see a giant wall assembling in the spirit!  Yep, and the bricks are colored white and they represent people--American voters as they get behind him.  They are building a wall of defense, for our walls have been torn down, especially these past eight years. The wall is white, which stands for purity, truth, and goodness.  But there have been many things to tear down this wall--gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, open borders, and so on.  Enough is enough, already, and one by one, Americans are finding their voice, rising to their feet, gathering at the gate (in Biblical language) to contend for what is right and good and godly.  I'm not saying that the Donald is godly--but I do believe he is the Cyrus that the Lord in His mercy is giving us to get back on track, not prosperous, per say, but to fight the good fight and be champions of integrity in business, gov...

Clinton--the Ultimate Pollyanna

Greetings in the Lord! Yesterday in church our pastor gave a sermon based on the old movie, "Pollyanna."  Yes, he did.  He even showed a clip from the movie that was supposed to be a poignant message (eyebrow raised), "If you go looking for the bad in people, you will surely find it."  This is what we've been reduced to--modern conventional wisdom.  He did make a loose reference to Jesus by saying that Jesus promoted "good news" to people, i.e. any message other than a feel-good message need not apply.  Did I mention that he leaves our church in June--I wonder if he will torture us with movie "wisdom" and adages until he's gone? Anyway, that does explain the Scripture verse the Lord had me read in my devotional time before church.  It comes from Jeremiah 28, and it is a whopper.  It tells of Jeremiah confronting the false prophet Hananiah in the temple; Hananiah was telling the people of Judah what they wanted to ...

Here am I--Send Me!

Greetings in the Lord! This morning in prayer I saw a vision of a giant United States flag blowing in the wind.  It was waving proudly, shame was being removed; it was being blessed by the nations again and spoken of with kindness.  And Americans began to feel happy to wear its colors, proudly lifting their heads as their hearts welled up in thankfulness to God for His many blessings on this country.  I saw people from all walks of life, skin color, and language start praising God for the United States. The red in the flag is the blood of Jesus and those who sacrificed their lives for this nation; the white is the purity and truth that will come forth again, and the blue, well this is special.  I felt that this blue stood for "prophetic," as a prominent prophetic voice will rise up in our nation, and from all over our land.  Prophetically, people will decree the words and truth of Jesus Christ, and it will cut through all the lies of the wicked: no ...

Blow that Trumpet, Donald Trump!

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, the month of March proved to be quite a ride for Donald Trump.  For months as the frontrunner, it appeared that he got overly used to packed rallies of mostly adoring supporters, so this month was a bit of a kick in the teeth for him.  Not only that, but most news reporters and definitely 24-hour news sources like CNN were setting him up for ridiculous soundbite after soundbite, and it has quickly taken a toll on his campaign.  Only the Lord knows from here what His plans are. Having said all that, I would like to share some of my personal testimonies regarding Mr. Trump, and the things the Lord has said about him along the way.  My first glimpse of his candidacy was in September, 2015, in a dream of all places.  At the time the Lord was showing me that He had my back in an encounter with a radical Muslim where I teach.  In the dream, I wa...

Word for 2016

Greetings in the Lord! Well it's almost Christmas, joy to the world!  I enjoy the holidays and this year was no exception.  I truly am thankful to God for all His blessings in 2015, even as challenging as it was at times.  But this past year, in those trying times, I felt a breakthrough.  Yes, a deeper reliance on God and comfort in the storm that I had not felt before.  Praise God for that!  I imagine that many of you can relate to what I am saying: the winds haven't really dissipated much, but there is a sort of calm knowing to it all--that our God is indeed in control. 2016 will be much more of the same that we saw in 2015, I'm sorry to say.  Yet, for the righteous who have been spending time with their God, the rocking of the boat isn't quite as unsettling as it used to be.  People may criticize and say we are just becoming numb to the world's often chaotic and violent events, but I beg to differ,  I discern by the Holy Spirit that th...

Swarms will come--take shelter in the Lord

Greetings in the Lord! This week I've had several dreams of significance, but will share with you the one from this morning and the passage of Scripture the Lord gave to help discern its meaning. In my dream, I was visiting a house situated on top of large, rolling hills.  The hills were quite large and it was surrounded by wonderful fields of mountain grass--just like in the Sound of Music (Europe).  However, in the vicinity of this house was beautiful, thick Kentucky blue grass--obviously, the owners of the house had planted their own stock of grass and took good care of it. At the next part of the dream I went outside and saw off in the distance a caravan of cars tearing up and down the rolling hillsides.  They were making quite a ruckus and intentionally not caring about whose lawns or fields they were destroying.  There was a giant red truck carrying many men and one silver Cherokee type of vehicle with more men in it; the other cars were regular passenger...

Bulls of Bashan

Greetings in the Lord, On Monday I awoke from a troubling dream.  In the dream I was in a house that was familiar to me, but it was filled with large animals, even the cats were enormous in size.  But the animal that caught my attention was a big, grey bull.  Its face was distorted and ugly, almost looking like a cross between a hippopotamus and bull, but the body was definitely that of a bull.  Unlike a regular bull, this one had little hair and its skin was a dead grey color.  "Strong death" is what I thought.  But instead of being afraid of this mutant animal the people in the house were stroking its face and saying how much they adored it.  Ugh!  They loved dearly this abnormal creature and were so happy to have it in the house. When I awoke from this dream I discerned that this bull-creature was some sort of idol, a flesh covered demon?  I searched out some resources but wasn't satisfied that I had the full meaning yet.  Then, ...

Wakey, Wakey, It's Time to Pray

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from John 16:1-3: "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.  They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.  They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." Jesus was giving his disciples warnings about the coming days, but it is the same for many Christians nowadays.  Persecution and outright violence towards Christians is happening worldwide at an alarming rate.  Even here in the United States there is growing contention and animosity towards God and His people at every turn--against our religious holidays, celebrations, and gatherings; even the secular media tries to taint godly viewpoints and opinions as if they were extreme and intolerant.  Kind of the pot calling the kettle black, if you ask me.  And where are Christians in all of this?  Mostly asleep at the wheel, it see...

Uncircumcised in Heart

Greetings in the Lord! Back in January while in prayer, the Lord showed me a vision of flames coming up from Mexico and all along the Southwest border of the United States.  This fire raged and burned hotly all across Arizona and began to glow hot with the heat of hatred.  The people were the bright embers and all who got involved got consumed with its rhetoric.  What were these fires, you ask?  The same fires that lit up in Europe over the prophet Muhammad cartoons.  At that time the Lord said, "May 26th," and I pondered the date in my heart.  It was Tuesday, what happened on Tuesday?  Was something approved and agreed to that confirmed the trouble to come?  Probably....but it's always hard to know those answers.  Instead we can know for sure that today is a sad day for Arizona--another prophet Muhammad cartoon expose is about to happen, and this outside of a mosque, no less.  On the surface it ...

Go to the Inner Rooms and Pray Until Disaster has Swept By

Greetings in the Lord~ Over the past couple of weeks I've received warnings from the Lord to pray that "watchmen would return to their post," meaning, those prayerful believers whose role it is to pray and see danger before it comes and release an alarm to the Body of Christ.  Specifically, I felt led to pray for the Western Coast of America and as I prayed for God's protection to our border and for watchmen to see the danger coming, I had a vision.  In this vision, it was the dark of night and from the black waves below I saw a lighthouse on a jagged shoreline shining a beam of light over the waters to warn ships, and search out activity in the darkness below.  There were men--invaders, silently approaching the land, trying carefully to enter the shoreline unseen.  I felt that it was the Pacific Northwest of the United States, Portland/Seattle areas and that these invaders had taken the northern route from Russia to get here, although I'm...