
Athaliah Rising Up? But Restoration Promised

Greetings in the Lord~ In the summer of 2019, the Lord gave me a word from 2 Chronicles 22-23, a story about Queen Athaliah.  At the time I got the word, I did a vlog about it on Youtube [ ] and discussed what I felt the Lord was saying at that time, namely, that there was a rising up of an Athaliah spirit, a fierce female demonic spirit in our government that would cause much havoc as it pushed a socialist agenda that was not popular with most Americans.  Athaliah was the daughter of Queen Jezebel, but did not use seduction and deception like her mother.  Rather, she was brutal and direct in her attacks.  I saw this most clearly with the new Representative members of Congress, "The Five." The only issue was, and I did not elaborate on this at the time, was that I pondered if there was an actual "Athaliah" to rise up in our country, similar to the Biblical story.  If so, then that would mean that we would have a female...

Let the Showdown Begin

Greetings in the Lord, The day after the inauguration day of illegitimate president Biden, the Lord led me to read Exodus 7.  In this chapter, we read that Aaron was to be the spokesperson or "prophet" for Moses, and his first order of business was to demand that the Israelites leave Egypt.  Pharaoh then asks for a sign and Aaron was to throw down his staff and it would become a serpent.  Well, Pharaoh wasn't much impressed after he called in his own team of magicians to come and they could do the same.  However, the chapter goes on to say that Aaron's snake swallowed up the snakes of the magicians.  To me, that is the prophetic message of the whole Exodus from Egypt: Pharaoh and his armies would be swallowed up for their unrepentant rebellion towards God.  You know, sometimes it comes to that.  Some people have become so arrogant and evil that they will stop at nothing; they continue to lie, hurt and oppress others and only the hand of God will stop t...

The Watery Depths Will Not Give Up Its Prey

Greetings in the Lord~ The other day I had a dream that sheds a lot of light on what is going on in the spirit realm for the United States, for those in like major decision-making positions at the federal, state and local levels of government, and I discern it could also include those of other industries like media and Big Tech as well--all who had a hand in the fraud election this year and its suppression of truth.  Now I know, that the election seems done and over with, but I can tell you that God is not done with His plans and purposes yet.  In fact, many things just had to play out so the whole world could see true heart motives and know who is on whose side, so to speak.  And, like the saying goes---'give them enough rope to hang themselves with.'  You see, God uses people's obstinate unrepentance and rebellious actions as a weapon against themselves.  The Lord lets the devil overplay his hand, then, He lays the "Trump" card!  Gotta love that, but some...

Let Those Who Dig a Pit Fall Into It Themselves

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, as usual, there have been many things to go on in our country since I've last posted.  So today, I will comment on one of the things that the Lord has had me involved with that pertain to these recent events.  The first item that the Lord put it on my heart was to go out to DC for the January 6th Trump rally, so I did.     Almost as a last minute purchase, I reserved my hotels and bought a plane ticket to Baltimore and sketched out my itinerary based on the listed events for the day.  The only thing I felt compelled to do was to pray at the rally that day, and specifically, for the Capitol Building.  In fact, that was the only place I had on my mind to go to as I went out there.  However, on the night before, I changed my plans and decided to go the rally at the Ellipse first to hear the President speak, then, I would walk down with everyone else.  At least, that was my plan. Upon landing in Baltimore, I took the train...

Unshakable Lord, Have Your Way

Greetings in the Lord~ Today in prayer the Lord put on my heart that it would be a little while before I get a word for 2021, but He did show me a vision of a large scale.  So it appears that things are hanging in a balance, and we know politically speaking for the U.S., things are hanging in a balance (even though Biden supporters have jumped the gun to declare him president).  Nothing official is slated to happen until January 6th, when electoral votes are to be counted by Vice President Pence, and realistically, it may not even be decided that day because we know already there will be objections to the current electoral votes from contested states because of rampant fraud in their elections.  As a result of planned objections, alternate electoral votes have already been submitted, which means that Congress will have to break separately for 2 hours to discuss their objections and decide on which set of electoral votes will be counted.  Constitutionally, if there is...

A Tsunami of Truth and Justice

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Psalm 31, and there are a couple of visions I will share as well. First, Psalm 31 is one that I don't get very often, probably because most of us don't find ourselves in this type of situation very often, if at all.  It is one in which the psalmist is crying out in deep distress and anguish to the Lord, even feeling like he is wasting away physically and emotionally all because of a great unjust conspiracy against him, a conspiracy so powerful and pervasive that everyone is running away from him, so it seems to the psalmist.  It is a lament of helplessness and abandonment that arises from the extreme wickedness of his foes, and distancing of those who were allies but now have retreated in self-preservation mode.  So while in immense distress, the psalmist resigns himself, even his very fate, to God alone and puts all his trust in the Lord to save him.  Complete surrender, like fasting and repentance, is a sure way...

The King of Babylon Has Fallen

Greetings in the Lord~ Normally there is some time between my posting of prophetic words, but lately I feel prompted to share more frequently what I'm getting.  So without further adieu, today's word is from 2 Samuel 2 and Isaiah 14. 2 Samuel 2 is interesting because it tells of the time in Israel's history of its civil war -- Saul (i.e. Obama) had been anointed king but because of his love of the world and self (i.e. disobedience to God, obedience to worldly desires), God rejected him as king and had David (i.e. Trump) anointed in secret to replace him -- because he had a heart after God.  But by the second chapter of 2 Samuel, Saul and his eldest son Jonathan had died in battle and his next son Ishbosheth, had taken over the kingdom.  However, this new head of state was not really calling the shots, and he did not have the same blessing of the Lord that David had, nor even the prominence of Saul from back in the day.  No, Ishbosheth was merely a weaker continuation...

Sword Forged From Refiner's Fire

Greetings in the Lord~ For the past couple of weeks, I've been able to watch and follow along with state Senate hearings and election oversight committees as they listen to witnesses give testimony about the various forms of election fraud they witnessed on Nov. 3rd and afterwards.  It's been quite interesting, to say the least, and even though it seems like not much is taking hold, nothing could be further from the truth in the spirit realm.  For starters, formal hearings and court hearings are important for they are heard also in heaven.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, that people should realize this before they get in there, as the Bible has much to say about corrupt judges, honest vs. lying testifiers, those receiving bribes and the like.  But maybe that is why these hearings are so necessary now, because we've reached a point where people think it is OK to lie, cheat and steal if you hate someone or are pursuing a cause.  In fact, this whole f...

Confession is Good for the Soul

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Jeremiah 11, which carries a pretty powerful and poignant punch to the gut of those who love and know the Lord, for it is a message of, "This is the last straw."   Jeremiah was told to preach to the people of Israel and Judah: "Remind the people of Judah and Jerusalem about the terms of My covenant with them.  Say to them, 'This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: Cursed is anyone who does not obey the terms of My covenant!  For I said to your ancestors when I brought them out of the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt, "If you obey Me and do whatever I command you, then you will be My people, and I will be your God."  I said this so I could keep My promise to your ancestors to give you a land flowing with milk and honey---the land you live in today."  Jeremiah 11:2- 5 However, the majority of the people of Israel and Judah at that time were not faithful to God, for they worshiped Baal and other false...

A Great Light Shines in the Darkness

  Greetings in the Lord~ In my travels around the world, I often would study the history of a nation as led by the Lord to see the how and why of the current spiritual condition of that country.  While that was always an interesting examination, none more perplexed me than when spiritual "darkness" came upon a land, and of the confusion, violence and judgments that came as a result.  The effects of the darkness could be seen in not just in the religious expression of a nation, but also in their political affairs and social attitudes upon the land.  For example, the country I was most intrigued with was Germany -- how did they not see through Hitler's propaganda and actions?  What exactly was that darkness that blinded them and caused the greater populace to stumble along willingly accepting his evil policies, complicit to his ways?    In Isaiah 8-9, we read about a great darkness coming upon the land.  One of the main characteristics of this darkn...

Shadow-banned By God

 Greetings in the Lord~ As some of you may recall, I spent 2019 researching and lecturing on electronic data technology of the internet / Silicon Valley "big tech" industry and its uses and possibilities in the future to change societies, starting with its primary use as a tool for surveillance and societal control.  Thus, I began my examination in China with their Social Credit System--a system of allocating scores to the general populace by factoring together their financial as well as sociopolitical behaviors.  So, in addition to the regular use of censorship and surveillance by the CCP, by assigning these scores, an individual would either be allowed or forbidden from certain daily activities, such as, the ability to travel, choice of education and jobs, cost of commercial goods, opportunities for discounts and the ability to get financial loans, bank accounts, credit cards, etc.  Additionally, having a low social credit score not only restricts a person's access...

Count on God, Not Foreign Alliances

 Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Isaiah chapters 6 and 20.  Chapter 6 will be a familiar one for many Christians because of Isaiah's response to the Lord, "Here I am, send me!"  He volunteers to go to Israel and preach and prophesy, and many Christians get encouraged to serve the Lord in like manner.  However, what Isaiah was told to preach is never really mentioned in sermons.  Basically, he was told to preach God's words that would have the effect of hardening the hearts of rebellious listeners; thus, making God's judgment against them certain and justified.  I affectionately like to call this type of ministry, "The Buck Stops Here;"--God is out of patience and has determined to bring His correction.  At this point in Israel's history they are two separate nations, Israel in the north and Judah in the south.  Most of the northern Israelites did not go to Jerusalem to pray in the temple anymore, but they erected their own idols in...

Injustice Avenged and the Upright Rejoice

 Greetings in the Lord! Well, it is almost 2 weeks after the 2020 election in the US and still no winner can be declared.  Strange?  Not half as much as the election itself.  When I went to bed that night at 1:30am, Trump had a substantial lead in nearly all of the what would come to be the "contested" states.  Over 80% of the day's ballots had already been counted, and nearly all of Michigan and Wisconsin was red, in fact, most counties were finished counting the day's ballots at that time.  That's when things got fishy and incredulous.  At four in the morning, a Michigan voter counter live-streamed her testimony on Facebook: "three cars full of mail-in ballots just appeared, about 3:30 in the morning, at the Detroit TCF stadium, where the counting is taking place---all Biden ballots" she tells the viewers.  One county up in northern Michigan was reporting irregularities in voting already that night.  That country, were 'everyone knows every...

The Storm Clears the Land and Breaks up the Rocks

 Greetings in the Lord~ It has been a little while since I've written and some words have begun to be fulfilled.  For starters, the Hunter Biden scandal hit the fan and I think we've not seen the end of that.  But much more is to come.  However, today's word is not about that per se, but rather comes from Amos 3 -- it talks about trouble coming to the cities of Israel because "they have forgotten how to do right. Their fortresses are filled with wealth taken by theft and violence." Amos 3:10   The rest of the passage talks about how idols and "summer and winter homes" will be destroyed, ie, excessive wealthy areas and things that people worship or value more than God.  In many ways, I discern this passage to be highlighting the mentality of the looters and violent protesters of the Antifa and BLM / liberal folks.  I prophesied about two months or more ago that there would be some trouble around the time of the elections and that the Lord was impressing...

Shaken From Their Lofty Places

Greetings in the Lord~ Today during my worship and prayer time with the Lord, I began to have a vision.  I was with Jesus and we were in an arid place, walking down a long, outdoor hallway of a stone structure or building of sorts.  As we got closer to the building, I saw a darkened entrance at the end of the walkway and felt a bit unsure about going inside.  It seemed to me that this was a hostile place full of enemies, and I grabbed Jesus' hand.  As we got inside the darkened corridor He said to me, "Don't worry, they can't see you; but just listen to them."  I nodded my head sheepishly and followed Him closely, hiding myself behind Him as we crept closer to hear. We made our way into a large room that reminded me of a sports press box, as it had two wide viewing areas that looked out high above the surrounding lands; we were in the upper room of a fortress that was carved into a mountainside.  It was obvious that the men in the room felt they were presti...

We Will OverCome in Christ

Greetings in the Lord, On September 3rd, I had a vision of myself praying for President Trump.  We were in the Oval Office and Melania was there to lay hands on him.  It seemed like a normal prayer time but then, all of the sudden, the Holy Spirit began to rise up in me with such power and I felt like I needed to anoint his head with oil.  I didn't think he'd go for it because it might mess up his hair, but to my amazement, he agreed.  Praying very loudly in tongues, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit pass through me to him with a "warrior anointing," he was being commissioned for battle!  With the Lord's guidance and strength, President Trump would be a great general, a true Commander-in-Chief for such a time as this.  Praise God! A day later the Lord began to speak from Micah chapter 6 about how the rebellious in Israel were very corrupt and idolatrous--soon they would face severe difficulties as the Lord would reverse the inherited blessings in the...

True Prophets Rise UP

Greetings in the Lord~ One of the things the Lord has put on my heart to do in the past couple of years is to be more visible online.  Some people would love that, but I myself could take it or leave it.  I've been in the spotlight for almost all of my life for one thing or another, whether competing fiercely against sport rivals or just living in a country where the average height is 5'7" for men.  Even in writing this blog, I've never sought for a large following, though I've been writing on it for 14 years.  Frankly, I knew that my blogs were probably being monitored and censored anyway because I put on here whatever the Holy Spirit says to say, and that's been quite controversial at times.  Like in 2013 when the Holy Spirit said, "2014 was going to be the Year of the Terrorist," and proceeded to give me many prophetic words about the rise of Islamic extremism.  Muslims got all mad and complained to Google...then ISIS hit the scene in 2014!  Jus...