We Will OverCome in Christ

Greetings in the Lord,

On September 3rd, I had a vision of myself praying for President Trump.  We were in the Oval Office and Melania was there to lay hands on him.  It seemed like a normal prayer time but then, all of the sudden, the Holy Spirit began to rise up in me with such power and I felt like I needed to anoint his head with oil.  I didn't think he'd go for it because it might mess up his hair, but to my amazement, he agreed.  Praying very loudly in tongues, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit pass through me to him with a "warrior anointing," he was being commissioned for battle!  With the Lord's guidance and strength, President Trump would be a great general, a true Commander-in-Chief for such a time as this.  Praise God!

A day later the Lord began to speak from Micah chapter 6 about how the rebellious in Israel were very corrupt and idolatrous--soon they would face severe difficulties as the Lord would reverse the inherited blessings in their lives.  They would "plant but not harvest," press oil and grapes but not be able to use or drink it themselves.  They have chosen the ways of Jezebel which included lying, bullying, taking things by force and violence, yet they put up a religious front and justified their sin.  Obviously, this mindset is rampant in the US right now with the "protests" going on. 

It was altogether opposite of what the Lord desired from His people.
"He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Next the Lord spoke from John 13, a reminder about being a servant leader, and that we would not be greater than the one who sent us (we will endure persecution).  Finally, Jesus gives us this commandment: "Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  

Then, from Psalm 128 and 112, "Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him."  The Holy Spirit said to me, "There is a blessing for those who fear the Lord.  In the coming days, you will see that divide between blessed and cursed become greater and greater.  Pray for peace and be a peacemaker--for violence will fill the city and blood flow in the streets.  A major showdown is about to take place, one that your country has not seen before, but the Lord will protect His people and He will be victorious."

At this I saw several visions of violent confrontations in Washington DC and elsewhere--the fury and rage of the anarchists was scary!  Fires burnt all over the city and bricks were being thrown at police.  I saw patriotic volunteers working side by side with the police, helping to shield them from projectiles, pulling them out of harm's way and to administer medical help to them.  I saw a map of the US and flights coming from all over America to Washington DC as patriotic volunteers came to help in whatever way they could.  It was a fierce, prolonged battle, but Trump was not afraid.  He held his ground and kept morale high, speaking just the right words at the right time, by the grace of God.  The prolonged conflict had a way of forcing people out of the middle--what was truly in their hearts would be revealed.

Lastly, the Lord spoke from Zechariah 13.  This is an interesting chapter as it talks about a "fountain" being raised in the land to cleanse and wash the people from all of the impurity and lies and idolatry of the false prophets and rebels.  While there are some prophetic voices that are pointing to false prophets in the church, I discern this has to be seen from a bigger perspective.  False prophets can be anyone teaching an idea or belief system that takes people away from faith in God Almighty; so, in that way we can see that would be not just worship of other gods, but also would include godless doctrines like socialism or communism and all of the P.C. details (no binaries, etc.) and "social justice" issues that are contrary to God's Law.  God does not play favorites; His word is for all people and everyone who follows it will be blessed.  It is that simple. 

However, we've reached a time in the USA where there are many false prophets pushing one godless idea after another, and the time to rid the land of the lies and corruption is upon us.  That is the prophetic word for today, and this passage says that in the end, even parents will not tolerate the lies of the "false prophets" in their own families.  The coming conflict will have a refining aspect to it, as mentioned in Zechariah 13, in that, even those that love the Lord will be tested and refined and purified in the days ahead.  Can they be holy in persecution? Will they love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them?  Certain people are being prepared for the front lines of this conflict and the Lord will give them the grace to be there and endure whatever He has destined for them.  Others of us will be called to prayer and intercession, and others still will be there to encourage, or tell the truth, or disciple those who will come to know the Lord through the coming ordeal.  There are many, many, many people who are captives to the spirit of antichrist and they will have their moment to lash out and rage, but alas, we will overcome and be victorious in Christ.  Be the best soldier for Christ that you can be; remember His commandments and carry them out with all diligence, even during persecution.  Encourage one another to do good, stand firm in Christ, and we will overcome.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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