A Tsunami of Truth and Justice

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from Psalm 31, and there are a couple of visions I will share as well.

First, Psalm 31 is one that I don't get very often, probably because most of us don't find ourselves in this type of situation very often, if at all.  It is one in which the psalmist is crying out in deep distress and anguish to the Lord, even feeling like he is wasting away physically and emotionally all because of a great unjust conspiracy against him, a conspiracy so powerful and pervasive that everyone is running away from him, so it seems to the psalmist.  It is a lament of helplessness and abandonment that arises from the extreme wickedness of his foes, and distancing of those who were allies but now have retreated in self-preservation mode.  So while in immense distress, the psalmist resigns himself, even his very fate, to God alone and puts all his trust in the Lord to save him.  Complete surrender, like fasting and repentance, is a sure way to get God's attention! 

"But you heard my cry for mercy and answered my call for help.  Love the Lord, all you godly ones!  For the Lord protects those who are loyal to Him, but He harshly punishes the arrogant.  So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!" Psalm 31:22-24

 Yes, this psalm has a happy ending, for the people of God, that is.  And as the psalmist experiences, sometimes the numbers of the righteous seem so few and far between, a small remnant of those who will trust God even when all positive outcomes appear impossible.  Yes, we are in a time of Red Sea miracles about to take place, and of serious judgements to come upon the wicked!  Amen and amen.  That is where my visions this week takes us.

First, as I was led to pray for Silicon Valley and Big Tech in general, the Holy Spirit said, "They have (Big Tech) paid a lot of money for lies and complicity, but they can't afford truth and justice!"  Then I saw a huge wave from the sea overtake the West coast, especially northern California.  It was a giant tsunami wave from the shock of a foundational earthquake.  The wave was so big that it swept countless people and buildings and debris far inland -- and the San Francisco harbor was extended way inland, so much that it changed the shape of the coastline.  

As I was pondering what I was seeing, I recalled a vision I had about Michigan back in 2006-2007 time period, where the state became a giant dry dandelion and the breath of God blew on it and scattered the fluffy ripe seeds all over the US.  That represented a drying out of the economy and a scattering of the states' inhabitants all over the US (which took place later).  It is interesting too, that the prophetic anointing is especially strong in the northeastern states, so it could be that God was scattering his prophetically gifted people across the land as well.  (God's actions are so multifaceted!)  Anyway, I saw a similar diaspora of people after a vision I had about Katrina on the southern coast of the US, but this too, was a tsunami in my vision.  So, I discern that while it may be a literal natural catastrophe to hit the West coast, it seems more like a wave of truth and justice to hit the area and scatter the money, talent and resources of those places eastward, breaking up the industry into smaller, more humble companies that will obey the laws of the land.  

In the next vision I again saw a map of the US, and the state of Maine looked like an arm raising a torch.  The light from this torch, however, was not bright white, but red, as if the arm was raising up an red alarm over the nation.  It was an emergency alarm that triggered a clarion call of concerned people to act.  And while I don't understand the fullness of this, I discerned that it arose from a "Quaker" heritage, maybe of a special distinct purity of thought, word, deed or theological outlook that I'm not familiar with.  Anyway, it seemed tied to a political event that holds a great societal impact for the US.

From the northeast, my attention moved southward to Florida, and I discerned it would be the "feet" of the country.  Over the feet were shoes of peace, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding that guards the heart (middle of the country) and mind (the north).  It seemed that an anointing of peace would flow out of Florida that came from experience and a deeper understanding of a situation at hand.

Lastly, I discerned a helmet of salvation over the north of the US, a helmet that guards the mind of Christ; the wisdom, authority, strategy, and clarity of God's plans and purposes in this season.  As I already shared in a previous blog, a giant sword also covers this same region of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that extends to Washington DC and ultimately will pierce and slice open the belly of the fat (corrupt) man, relinquishing all that he has stolen back to its rightful owners.  Amen and amen.

The Holy Spirit finished by saying, "We are getting ready to through a tight space.  A tsunami of truth and justice will roll across this land from west to east, washing and scattering as it goes.  We are on the cusp of judgments being rendered."  Amen!  Let it be done, on earth as it is in Heaven, just as you have spoken, O Lord.  We are in a time when God will be shutting doors that no man or demon can open, and opening doors that no man or demon can close.  This kind of prophecy can be difficult for some to hear, but the decisions have already been made in Heaven, so be it.  God is good, all the time.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      


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