The Storm Clears the Land and Breaks up the Rocks

 Greetings in the Lord~

It has been a little while since I've written and some words have begun to be fulfilled.  For starters, the Hunter Biden scandal hit the fan and I think we've not seen the end of that.  But much more is to come.  However, today's word is not about that per se, but rather comes from Amos 3 -- it talks about trouble coming to the cities of Israel because "they have forgotten how to do right. Their fortresses are filled with wealth taken by theft and violence." Amos 3:10  The rest of the passage talks about how idols and "summer and winter homes" will be destroyed, ie, excessive wealthy areas and things that people worship or value more than God. 

In many ways, I discern this passage to be highlighting the mentality of the looters and violent protesters of the Antifa and BLM / liberal folks.  I prophesied about two months or more ago that there would be some trouble around the time of the elections and that the Lord was impressing upon me to "stock up your pantry" for a short period of time.  Of course, we prophesy in part and cannot know exactly most of the time how the Lord will fulfill His words, so I just did as He said and know that we'll get through this coming storm.  Nevertheless, "they have forgotten how to do right" needs to be examined and understood to better know what the Holy Spirit is saying to us today.

I recall living in Syria where they told me, "honest people are called donkeys here," and, "If you tell the truth, someone will take advantage of you."  Lying is a way of life there.  For example, you will never know who really used the chemical weapons during their civil war unless you were given the word to do it.  Even seeing with your own eyes wouldn't be enough to prove true in some cases because bribing witnesses is also standard practice.  In many ways, just like lying, they have forgotten how to do right.  There is a blurring that happens over time, where truth and goodness become dependent on personal perspective or ideological lies or man's logic and independent of God's word.  

I could give other examples from a great many other countries that have cultural, business and social norms that do not line up with God's word of living in integrity.  The notion of "saving face," or "honor killings," or denying/delaying people's salary, and so on; there are so many ways that we can learn to obstruct, defraud or deny justice to those that deserve it within our own societies and it happens so often and for so long that we just accept it as "normal."  But we know its not right--or do we?  Truth be told, we can "forget" how to do right if we believe enough lies and cultivate enough "justifications."  Consequently, evildoing is as normal as breathing for some people...but that doesn't mean they get a pass from God.  That is what today's scripture is talking about.

The looting and violence that we've seen happening with "protests" is sin.  Abortion is a sin.  Doing witchcraft is sin.  There are other social behaviors and ideologies prevalent in our societies that are sin in God's eyes and today's word is saying that the coming storm around the election time is a result of many people in our society "forgetting" how to do right.  It's the same with truth -- people make this out to be something difficult or elusive, but just ask yourself, "Does my truth line up with God's word?"  If it doesn't, then it is not truth.  A typical response to this is, "But I don't believe in God / Jesus / word of God," etc.  Therein lies the problem.  God's word isn't just truth, it is Spirit -- a living and creative power.  To "not believe" or believe in a different truth is to harness yourself to a different spirit.  The one we see running rampant in our society today is an antichrist spirit.  It tries to elevate the things/lusts/beliefs of the natural world above Jesus Christ; it has a form of godliness but denies the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as Lord and power of the Holy Spirit.  People who are harnessed to this antichrist spirit keep trying to make heaven on earth, but it is fruitless, temporary, powerless, deceptive, unsatisfying, and disqualifying for eternal life with Jesus Christ.  And yes, they act however they believe is "right." 

We are at a crucial time in the history of the United States with this being a very important election.  Very simply, Trump is in office to help guide us back to the values of God, to remember what is "right" in God's eyes and to do those things in business, politics, socially and legally.  There is a grace period now to reverse the ungodly edicts that have been made in our land, to help people return to knowing what is right and wrong in God's eyes.  Trump is not a savior, but just a person God has chosen to work through during these difficult times.  So, fast and pray and vote like your country depends on it, and we will get through this storm together and safely while God's strong hand accomplishes all that He has intended to accomplish during this time in our history.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     


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